Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2. You can also browse the collection for January 1st, 1864 AD or search for January 1st, 1864 AD in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
sign.Sagamore; Saginaw.E. Gulf; Pacific.Nov. 22, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Bartlett, Ezra,N. H.Mass.Mass.Jan. 23. 1862.Actg. Master's Mate.Kearsarge.Special Service.Mar. 21, 1866.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Nov. 23, 1864.Actg. Ensign. Bartol, John, Jr., Credit, Lawrence.Mass.Mass.Mass.Jan. 24. 1862.Actg. Master's MateKatahdin; Kineo.West Gulf; NorthOct. 12, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Aug. 11, 1863Actg. Ensign.Pontoosuc; Bat.Atlantic. Bassett, Ezra,Mass.Mass.Mass.Jan. 1, 1864.Actg. Ensign.Mississippi.Oct. 28. 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Bassett, Orville,Mass.Mass.-Dec. 15, 1862.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.Sacramento; Ticonderoga.Special Service; So. Atlantic.Aug. 9, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg 3d Asst. Engr. Officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy—Continued. name.Where Born.State of which a Citizen.State from which Appointed.appointment.Vessels on which Served.Squadron.Termination of service. Date.RankDate.Discharged or Otherwise.Rank. Batche
d out, Jan. 1, 1868. Frankle, Jones. Born in Prussia. Major, 17th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 1, 1861. Served in North Carolina, on the staff of General Foster as inspector of the department. Provost Marshal on the Tarboroa and Goldsboroa expeditions, and engaged in the construction of several of the New Berne forts. Commissioned Colonel, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, May 13, 1863; mustered, Dec. 28, 1863. For a time in command of Fort Norfolk, Va. In command of the defences of New Berne, Jan. 1, 1864; in command of the district of New Berne during the yellow fever epidemic of the autumn of 1864. Military Governor of Plymouth, N. C., Oct., 1864; and in command of the expeditions to Colerain and Hamilton, N. C., and of the defences of Cape Fear River. Brevet Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Sept. 3, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 3, 1865. Frazar, Douglas. Born in Massachusetts. Major, 13th N. Y. Cavalry, Aug. 7, 1863. Mustered out, Mar. 13, 1865. Colonel, 104th U. S. Colored Infant
fantry, Aug. 21, 1861. Major, Feb. 28, 1862. Lieut. Colonel, May 16, 1862. Killed at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. Rice, Lewis Frederick. First Lieutenant, 31st Mass. Infantry, Feb. 20, 1862. Promoted Captain, Oct 10, 1863; mustered, Jan. 1, 1864. Brevet Major, U S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Commissioned Major, June 7, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, Sept. 9, 1865. Richardson, Charles T. Captain, 29th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 16, 1861. Major, Aug. 9, 1864. Discharged, May 15, . Brevet Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Mustered out, July 13, 1865, as Lieut. Colonel. Tucker, Julius M. Second Lieutenant, 36th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 8, 1862. Resigned, July 29, 1863. First Lieutenant, 57th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain, Jan. 6, 1864. Major, June 14, 1864. Lieut. Colonel, June 15, 1864. Brevet Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Mustered out, July 30, 1865. Tucker, Louis Nathaniel. Captain, 18th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 20, 1861. Mustered
. Cavalry, Nov. 21, 1862. First Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain, Oct. 23, 1864. Major, June 16, . First Lieutenant, 59th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain, Apr. 19, 1864. Died, June 22, 1ieutenant, Dec. 11, 1862. First Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1864. Died of wounds received in action at Spot, Samuel. Sergeant, 57th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 1, 1864; mustered, Feb. 9, 1864. First Lieutenant, , 1862. Captain, 2d U. S. Colored Cavalry, Jan. 1, 1864. See U. S. Colored Troops. Hart, James 4th Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 3, 1863. Captain, Jan. 1, 1864. Discharged, Jan. 20, 1864. Kimball, Fr, July 1, 1863. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain, Assistant Adjutant-General, U. Scond Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, Jan. 1, 1864. Discharged (disability), Oct. 4, 1864. Infantry, Feb. 25, 1863. First Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 2, 1864. Smith, H.. First Lieutenant, Feb. 9, 1862. Captain, Jan. 1, 1864. Died at Nye River, Va., May 20, 1864, of [12 more...]
First Sergeant, 7th Squadron, R. I. Cavalry, June 24, 1862. Mustered out, Oct. 2, 1862. Second Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Cavalry, Nov. 21, 1862. First Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain, Oct. 23, 1864. Major, June 16, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out as Captain, Aug. 1, 1865. First Lieutenant, 10th U. S. Cavalry, July 28, 1866. Regat Springfield, Mass., Aug. 14, 1839. Sergeant, 40th N. Y. Infantry, June 27, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Nov. 4, 1861. First Lieutenant, July 8, 1862. Captain, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain and Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Feb. 29, 1864. Major and Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers (for gallant services in the capture, Charles Mason. Born in New York. Sergeant Major, 2d Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 10, 1862. Second Lieutenant, July 1, 1863. First Lieutenant, Regimental Adjutant, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain, Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Feb. 1, 1865. Mustered out, July 11, 1865. Kinsman, John Henry. Born in Massachusetts. Acting Assis
ral, Brackett's Battalion, Minn. Cavalry, Nov. 1, 1861. Sergeant, re-enlisted in Brackett's Battalion, Minn. Cavalry, Jan. 1, 1864. First Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, Jan. 30, 1864; mustered, Sept. 9, 1864. Discharged, June 1, 1866. Cook, Henry rgeant, 40th N. Y. Infantry, June 27, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Nov. 4, 1861. First Lieutenant, July 8, 1862. Captain, Jan. 1, 1864. Captain, Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Feb. 29, 1864. See U. S. Army. Green, David B. Born in MasSept. 20, 1861. Fifth Sergeant, July 30, 1863. Discharged, Dec. 31, 1863. Re-enlisted, Veteran, 97th Penn. Infantry, Jan. 1, 1864. Second Sergeant, Sept. 6, 1864. First Sergeant, Sept. 19, 1864. Second Lieutenant, Dec. 5, 1864. First Lieutenant, Fement. Chaplain, 7th Conn. Infantry, Sept. 18, 1861. Resigned, Nov. 25, 1862. Reappointed, Dec. 24, 1862. Resigned, Jan. 1, 1864. Webster, Joseph Dana. See General Officers. Wells, Charles Brown. Born in Massachusetts. First Lieutenant
. 7, 1863. First Lieutenant, Jan. 29, 1864. Captain, July 17, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1866. Hart, Isaac C. Second Lieutenant, 23d Mass. Infantry, June 25, 1862. First Lieutenant, Dec. 30, 1862. Captain, 2d U. S. Colored Cavalry, Jan. 1, 1864. Brevet Major, U. S. Volunteers, Dec. 2, 1865. Mustered out, Feb. 12, 1866. Hart, John A. Born in Massachusetts. Captain, 1st Iowa Infantry, afterward 60th U. S. Colored Infantry, Oct. 19, 1863. Mustered out, Oct. 15, 1865. Hart, W863. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. Major, Surgeon, 35th U. S. Colored Infantry, Nov. 26, 1863. Discharged, June 3, 1865. Marks, Arthur. Born at Durham, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1838. Sergeant, 34th Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1862. Mustered out, Jan. 1, 1864, by order of War Department. Captain, 22d U. S. Colored Infantry, Jan. 11, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 28, 1865. Maynard, George H. Private, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 20, 1861. Mustered out, Feb. 17, 1863, for promotion. Captain, 82d U.
. 2, col. 3; Dec. 23, p. 2, col. 2; Dec. 24, p. 2, col. 1, Dec. 28, p. 3, col. 7; Dec. 29, p. 2, col. 1, p. 4, col. 1; Dec. 30, p. 4, col. 2; Dec. 31, p. 4, col. 1. — – Despatches and news from Halifax and St. John. Boston Evening Journal, Jan. 1, 1864, p. 2, col. 1; Jan. 12, p. 4, col. 7; Jan. 19, p. 4, col. 3. — Treatment of crew in British Provinces. Boston Evening Journal, Jan. 1, 1864, p. 2, col. 1, p. 4, col. 1. Chester Station, Va. Engagement of May 6, 7, 1864. See Port WaltJan. 1, 1864, p. 2, col. 1, p. 4, col. 1. Chester Station, Va. Engagement of May 6, 7, 1864. See Port Walthal, Va. Chicopee, Otsego and Monticello, U. S. steamers, volunteers from, praised in Lieut. W. B. Cushing's report of the destruction of the Albemarle, Oct. 27, 1864. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 171. Child, F. J. Overtures from Richmond. Atlantic, vol. 11, p. 134. Childs, Geo. H. Record of Boston soldiers; rev. of, with some data from book. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 302. Childs, Geo. T. 1862. Prisoners of Bull Run returned; experiences; graphic account. Bo<