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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dahlgren, Ulric, 1842- (search)
Dahlgren, Ulric, 1842- Artillery officer; born in Bucks county, Pa., in 1842; son of Rear-Admiral Dahlgren. At the outbreak of the Civil War he became aide first to his father and later to General Sigel, and was Sigel's chief of artillery at the second battle of Bull Run. He distinguished himself in an attack on Fredericksburg and at the battle of Chancellorsville, and on the retreat of the Confederates from Gettysburg he led the charge into Hagerstown. He lost his life in a raid undertaken for the purpose of releasing Daiquiri, where the American army of invasion disembarked. National prisoners at Libby prison and Belle Isle, near King and Queen's Court-house, Va., March 4, 1864.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
s, under the control of National troops, were permitted to elect delegates to Congress, and Benjamin F. Flanders and Michael Hahn were chosen and took their seats. Local courts were organized under military rule, and in November, 1862, a provisional court for the State was organized by the President. In April, 1863, he appointed judges of the Supreme Court. Late in 1863 an election of State officers was held in a portion of Louisiana. Michael Hahn was elected governor and inaugurated March 4, 1864, and on the 15th was made military governor likewise. In April a convention adopted a constitution abolishing slavery and providing for the education of both races, which was ratified in September, when five Congressmen (Unionists) were chosen. The State seal of Louisiana. legislature ratified the Thirteenth Amendment to the national Constitution, but the Senators and Representatives of Louisiana were not admitted to seats in Congress, and the State was placed under military rule in
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
Ga.......Feb. 22-25, 1864 Congress votes to every Union master whose slave enlists in the Federal army a compensation not exceeding $300, the volunteer to be free......Feb. 24, 1864 Congress revives grade of lieutenantgeneral in the army......Feb. 29, 1864 Secretary of the Treasury authorized to borrow $200,000,000 upon 5.40 bonds ......March 3, 1864 Kilpatrick attempts in vain to release Union prisoners at Libby prison, Feb. 28. Colonel Dahlgren loses his life in a raid......March 4, 1864 Ulysses S. Grant commissioned lieutenant-general, March 9; takes chief command......March 10, 1864 Draft for 200,000 men for the navy and the reserve ordered for April 15 by the President......March 14, 1864 Governor Michael Hahn appointed military governor of Louisiana......March 15, 1864 Enabling act for admission of Nevada and Colorado......March 21, 1864 New York Sanitary Commission fair (receipts $1,200,000) opened. April 4, 1864 Battles of Sabine Cross-roads, P