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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 194 194 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 18 18 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 11 11 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 9 9 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 8 8 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 6 6 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 4 4 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 4 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 4 4 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 3 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War. You can also browse the collection for May 19th, 1864 AD or search for May 19th, 1864 AD in all documents.

Your search returned 6 results in 4 document sections:

Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Preface. (search)
Preface. The work of preparing the records of the war for public use was begun under the resolution of Congress of May 19, 1864, by Adjt. Gen. E. D. Townsend, U. S. Army, who caused copies to be made of reports of battles on file in his office and steps to be taken to collect missing records. Under the provisions of joint resolution No. 91, of 1866, Hon. Peter H. Watson was appointed to supervise the preparation and formulate a plan for the publication of the records, but he did no work and drew no pay under this appointment, which expired July 27, 1868, by limitation of the resolution. This resolution also repealed the former one and work ceased. The first decisive step taken in this work was the act of June 23, 1874, providing the necessary means to enable the Secretary of War to begin the publication of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, both of the Union and Confederate Armies, and directing him to have copied for the Public Printer all reports, letters,
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Authorities. (search)
94, 1 Miller, Jacob: Price's Missouri Expedition, Aug. 29-Dec. 2, 1864 66, 1 Mitchell, L. H.: Chancellorsville Campaign, April 27-May 6, 1863 39, 3 Morell, George W.: Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862 21, 10 Morgan, George W.: Cumberland Gap Campaign, March 28-June 18, 1862 118, 2 Morgan, James D.: Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11-21, 1864 90, 8 Morris, Robert, jr.: Mulberry Point, Va., May 7-8, 1862 19, 4, 5 Morris, Walter J.: Cassville, Ga., May 19-20, 1864 62, 7 Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19-20, 1863 47, 2, 3, 7 Marietta, Ga., June 10-July 3, 1864 96, 5 New Hope Church. Ga., 1864 90, 7 Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862 24, 4 Stone's River, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863 32, 1 Morrison, E. C.: Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863 95, 1 Morton, J. St. Clair: Rosecrans, Fortress, Tenn. 112, 3 Mower, Joseph A.: Harrisburg, Miss., July 14-15, 1864 63, 2 Muller, John B.: Marches of Sher
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
Greenbrier River, W. Va.: Engagement, Oct. 3, 1861 5, 229 Greenwood, Miss.: Vicinity 24 i, 389 Griswoldville, Ga.: Position, Fifteenth Corps and cavalry 44 i, 511 Gulley's, N. C.: Skirmish, March 31, 1865 47 i, 972 Hard Times Landing, La.: Expedition, April 25-29, 1863 25 i, 188 Harper's Ferry, W. Va.: Fortifications, 1863 25 II, 425-427 Harrisburg, Miss.: Engagement, July 14-15, 1864 39 i, 334 Harris Farm, Va.: Combat, May 19, 1864 36 i, 549 Fort Harrison, Va.: Position of troops near, January, 1865 46 II, 1169 Harrison's Ferry, Tennessee River: Vicinity 30 III, 120a Hatcher's Run, Va.: Battle, Feb. 5-7, 1865 46 i, 262 Engagement, Oct. 27-28, 1864 42 i, 233, 435, 436 Skirmishes, March 30, 1865 46 i, 810; 46 III, 293 Hawk's Nest, W. Va.: Skirmish, Sept. 2, 1861 5, 125 Helena, Ark.: Attack, July 4, 1863 22 i, 394 Henderson's Hill, La.: Affair, March 21,
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
11, 101, 12, 101, 13, 101, 14, 101, 15, 101, 16, 101, 17, 101, 18 Army of the Tennessee 57, 3 Browning's Court-House, July, 1864 45, 4 Cassville, May 19-20, 1864 62, 7 Chattanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga 57, 1 Chattahoochee River, July 5-17, 1864 45, 5; 49, 3, 49, 5; 56, 4; 59, 8; 62, 2, 62, 5; 63,135-A; 150, G8 Caruthersville, Mo. 153, F10 Caseyville, Ky. 9, 2; 118, 1; 150, B2, 150, C11; 151, H3 Cassville, Ga. 62, 7; 135-A Combats, May 19-20, 1864 62, 7 Cassville, Mo. 10, 4; 66, 1; 119, 1; 135-A; 160, D12 Route from Bentonville, Ark., March 4-7, 1862 10, 4 Cassville, W. Va. 141,32, 4; 36, 1, 36, 2; 37, 1, 37, 4, 37, 6, 37, 7; 67, 2; 132, 8 Wilson's Raid, March 22-April 24, 1865 76, 1 Mississippi, Army of (C) Position of, May 19, 1864 62, 7 Mississippi, Department of (U): Boundaries 165; 170; 171 Mississippi, military Division of the (U): Boundaries 168-171 Mississ