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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gordon's assault on Fort Stedman, [from the New Orleans Picayune, October 25, 1903.] (search)
re from infantry and artillery, but the concentrated fire from the artillery of at least three forts. In the rear of this first line, on the hills beyond Harrison's creek, the Federals had a second line, very much like the first, and so constructed that the forts in this line commanded the forts and breastworks composing the first line. This was the original line of the Confederates, east of Petersburg, that captured by the Eighteenth Corps under General W. F. Smith on the evening of June 15, 1864. Among the forts on this line was Battery 4, formerly Confederate Battery 5, and Fort Friend, the latter about three-quarters of a mile northeast of Fort Stedman. The second line was not occupied by infantry all the while, but the troops were encamped behind these lines, and near enough to be thrown into them in a very short time if occasion required. The Federal troops in the front line were relieved by fresh troops every few days, so that they were not subjected to the wear and
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903, Somerville Soldiers in the Rebellion. (search)
long as we could, and that our cavalry should charge with sabre, and not use revolvers or carbines until the enemy turned in flight. I believe that he was correct, under then existing conditions, and knew that he had the intrepidity to exemplify his opinion. He died in New Jersey several years ago. Charles M. Miller, a descendant of James Miller, who was killed on the slope of Prospect hill April 19, 1775, by the British, on their retreat from Concord, died from disease in Virginia June 15, 1864, while a member of the Eleventh Massachusetts Battery. James Millen, an uncle of the Galletly brothers, was an excellent soldier and an intelligent man. We were the only Somerville men in Company G, of the Twenty-second. He was killed by a cannon ball at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. Fletcher Nelson, a nephew of Captain Thomas Cunningham, was in Company I, of the Fifth M. V. M., and subsequently in the Twenty-third Massachusetts. He was inordinately fond of reading, and of
f encouragement to our people, that, by an order recently promulgated, General Lee has been assigned to the command of all the forces in Virginia and North Carolina, and all other commanders are directed to report to him. With such a master spirit controlling the movements of our armies, there need be no fear of the result of the campaign. The operations of Wednesday, below Richmond, are summed up in the following official dispatch from Gen. Lee: Headq'rs Army of Northern Va., June 15, 1864- 6 P. M. Secretary WarSir After the withdrawal of our cavalry yesterday evening, from the front of the enemy's works at Harrison's Landing, his cavalry again advanced on the Salem Church and, this morning, were reported in some force on that road and at Malvern Hill. Gen. Wm. H. F. Lee easily drove back the force at the latter point, which retreated down the river road, beyond Carter's Mill. A brigade of infantry was sent to support the cavalry on the road to Smith's st
The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1864., [Electronic resource], Resignation of Secretary Memminger--correspondence with the President. (search)
Resignation of Secretary Memminger--correspondence with the President. The following correspondence which passed between Secretary Memminger and President Davis, on the occasion of the resignation of Mr. M is published: Treasury Department, Richmond, June 15, 1864. His Excellency, the President: Sir: You have been aware for several months past of my desire to withdraw from my present official position, and of the reasons which restrained me from so doing.--With an earnest purpose to devote to the service of my country, during the perils which surround her, whatever facilities. I may possess, I had nevertheless perceived that the enormous burdens imposed on the Treasury by a war on so vast a scale, and the difficulty of sustaining them, had given rise to discontent and to distrust in the ability of the officer administering the financial department. To these elements of dissatisfaction was added another arising from essential differences in the plans submitted by t
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