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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 5 (search)
and constituted authorities of our Government, fidelity to our trusts, and good feeling among each other, each trying to excel the other in the practice of those high qualities-and it will then require no prophet to foretell that our country will in time emerge from this war, purified by the fires of war and worthy its great founder-Washington. By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman: L. M. Dayton, Aide-de-Camp. General orders, no. 3 War Dept., Adjt. General's office, Washington, January 14, 1865. The following resolution of the Senate and liouse of Representatives is published to the Army: public resolution No. 4.-Joint resolution tendering the thanks of the people and of Congress to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman and the officers and soldiers of his command for their gallant conduct in their late brilliant movement through Georgia. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of the pe
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Operations in east Tennessee and south-west Virginia. (search)
ched the railroad at Dublin, in Pulaski County. An inferior force, commanded by General Albert G. Jenkins, engaged the advancing Federals on the 9th of May at Cloyd's Mountain, and Jenkins was mortally wounded and his force defeated. General Crook destroyed the depot at Dublin and the large bridge over New River. On the 10th of May a large cavalry Brigadier-General Jacob Ammen, U. S. V. From a photograph. General Ammen commanded the District of east Tennessee, April 10, 1864, to January 14, 1865. force, under General Averell, made an advance on Wytheville, but was met at Crockett's Cove by General John H. Morgan and defeated, leaving forty dead on the field. In June, 1864, Colonel E. F. Clay, of the 1st Kentucky Mounted Rifles, in command of a small brigade of Confederate cavalry, was sent into Kentucky Map of operations against the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, Lynchburg, Va., to Knoxville, Tenn. from the Department of South-western Virginia to secure forage and cov
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 18: capture of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Goldsboroa.--Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--Stoneman's last raid. (search)
ng Terry. Behind these Hoke had about six thousand men. Fort Anderson was an extensive earth-work, with a large number of guns, which commanded the approaches by land and water. Immediately under cover of its guns was. a large wharf; also various obstructions in the channel. Re-enforcements were not long delayed. General Grant, as we have seen, had ordered General Schofield from Tennessee to the coast of North Carolina, with the Twenty-third Corps. Schofield received the command January 14, 1865. while preparing to obey General Thomas's order to go into winter-quarters at Eastport, Mississippi. See page 429. He started the following day, in steamers, down the Tennessee River, and up the Ohio to Cincinnati, with his whole corps, artillery and horses, leaving his wagons behind, and thence by railroad to Washington City January 23, 1865. and Alexandria. There he was detained awhile by the frozen Potomac, but finally went in steamers to the coast of North Carolina, where he la
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 50: Second attack on Fort Fisher. (search)
re Assistant Surgeon B. H. Kidder took charge of the wounded who were conveyed there, and attended to their wants as well as circumstances would permit. Second attack upon Fort Fisher by the U. S. Navy under Rear Admiral D. D. Porter. Jan. 13-14, 1865. showing the position of vessels and line of fire. As near as I could estimate, there were about sixty-five killed and two hundred wounded. Lieutenant-Commander W. B. Cushing, in the extreme front, finding nothing could be done, left wite Army and Navy. Gideon Welles. To complete the narrative of the events described in this chapter, the following reports are added: Report of Commodore H. K. Thatcher. United States Steam-Frigate Colorado, off Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 14, 1865. Admiral — I have the honor to report the following as the result of the operations of this ship on the 13th instant: At 4 A. M., in obedience to signal, got underway from our anchorage, near Wilmington, and steamed towards the forts in li
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
nd Flag. 656 88 535 67 121 21 New York   Roanoke, Flag.   Turpentine, 11 barrels 1,119 30 127 11 992 19 Key West June 1, 1864 Sagamore. Schooner Thomas C. Worrell Waiting for prize list of the Jacob Bell. 514 40 137 93 376 47 Washington   Wyandank, Jacob Bell.   Tobacco, 2 hogsheads 708 66 156 44 552 22 Springfield Feb. 17, 1865 Key West. Steamer Tristram Shandy 418,873 81 6,801 26 412,072 55 Boston Oct. 10, 1864 Kansas. Steamer Thistle 163,392 90 2,539 07 160,853 83 do Jan. 14, 1865 Fort Jackson. Schooner Three Brothers 1,638 87 193 59 1,445 28 Key West Mar. 22, 1865 Nita. Schooner Terrapin 697 58 183 23 514 35 do Aug. 25, 1865 Roebuck. Schooner Two Brothers 75 75 75 75   do No proceeds. Roebuck. Sloop Theodora 140 00 94 83 45 20 do   Hibiscus. (Waiting for prize list.) Sloop Telemaco 3,435 64 857 19 2,578 45 New Orleans Aug. 21, 1865 Quaker City. Steamer Union 98,838 45 7,2<*>8 84 91,539 61 Key West Feb. 17, 1863 J. S. Chambers. Schooner Uncle<
olonel, being among the killed. At Chickamauga, then in Beatty's (1st) Brigade, Negley's (2d) Division, Fourteenth Corps, the regiment lost 5 killed, 42 wounded, and 15 missing. In October, 1863, it was placed in Carlin's (1st) Brigade, Palmer's (1st) Division, Fourteenth Corps, in which command it fought at Missionary Ridge. During the Atlanta campaign, this division was known as Johnson's Division. After the fall of Atlanta, the regiment was assigned to garrison duty. Mustered out January 14, 1865. Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry. Beatty's Brigade — T. J. Wood's Division--Fourth Corps. (1) Col. James M. Shackleford. (2) Col. John H. Mchenry, Jr. (3) Col. Alexander M. Stout; Bvt. Brig.-Gen. companies. killed and died of wounds. died of disease, accidents, in Prison, &c. Total Enrollment. Officers. Men. Total. Officers. Men. Total. Field and Staff       1 1 2 15 Company A 2 14 16   9 9 119   B   11 11   5 5 111   C   9 9 1 12 13 133
hundred shot and shell. See Appendix No. 136. The following extract from a letter of Colonel Lamb will show the condition of the fort as regards its capabilities for defence on the, occasion of the first attack, December 24 and 25:-- To the Editor of the Globe:-- Among the papers which were saved and returned to me after the war, was my original Ms. report of the first battle of Fort Fisher, December 24 and 25, 1864, and my journal from October 24, 1864, to the afternoon of January 14, 1865, giving details of all important events, and I therefore have not to recall from memory the occurrences of a quarter of a century ago, but have contemporaneous entries made from personal observation and official reports. My New England friends must not, therefore, feel annoyed at my corrections, which I make in the interest of the truth of history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The hand to hand fight in the fort was a prolonged and terrible one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lastly, up
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 22 (search)
not be from want of zeal or love to the cause. From you I expect a full and frank criticism of my plans for the future, which may enable me to correct errors before it is too late. I do not wish to be rash, but want to give my rebel friends no chance to accuse us of want of enterprise or courage. Assuring you of my high personal respect, I remain, as ever, your friend, W. T. Sherman, Major-General. [General order no. 8.] War Department, Adjutant-General's office, Washington, January 14, 1865. The following resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives is published to the army: [public resolution-no. 4.] Joint resolution tendering the thanks of the people and of Congress to Major-General William T. Sherman, and the officers and soldiers of his command, for their gallant conduct in their late brilliant movement through Georgia. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the than
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), General officers of the Confederate Army: a full roster compiled from the official records (search)
ns, W. H., Aug. 28, 1864. Terry, William, May 19, 1864. Brigadier-generals, provisional army (with temporary rank) Anderson, R. H., July 26, 1864. Barry, John D., Aug. 3, 1864. Brantly, Wm. F., July 26, 1864. Browne, Wm. M., Nov. 11, 1864. Bullock, Robert, Nov. 29, 1864. Carter, John C., July 7, 1864. Cox, William R., May 31, 1864. Dubose, D. M., Nov. 16, 1864. Dunnovant, John, Aug. 22, 1864. Girardey, V. J. B., July 30, 1864. Gordon, Geo. W., Aug. 15, 1864 Harrison, T., Jan. 14, 1865. Hill, Benjamin J., Nov. 30, 1864. Holtzclaw, J. T., July 7, 1864. Johnson, B. T., June 28, 1864. Johnson, G. D., July 26, 1864. Kennedy, J. D., Dec. 22, 1864. Lewis, Wm. G., May 31, 1864. Lilley, Robt. D., May 31, 1864. Miller, William, Aug. 2, 1864. Palmer, Joseph B., Nov. 15, 1864. Robertson, F. H., July 26, 1864. Sanders, J. C. C., May 31, 1864. Sharp, Jacob H., July 26, 1864. Shelley, Chas. M., Sept. 17, 1864. Smith, T. B., July 29, 1864. Sorrell, G. Moxley, Oct. 27,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence and fall of Fort Fisher. (search)
d it, and all had been reported to General Bragg. The only favorable report sent on Sunday was concerning the undiminished courage and endurance of the troops. General Bragg says: During Sunday I was greatly disturbed by the tone and phraseology of General Whiting's dispatches and by reports of others received from him in town. Here is the dispatch which disturbed but could not arouse the apathetic Bragg: Headquarters, Third military district, Fort Fisher, 1.30 P. M., January 14, 1865. General Bragg, Commanding, etc.: General — I send this boat (Cape Fear) to town for coal and wood, with the request that she return at once. She is necessary here for our communication. The game of the enemy is very plain to me. They are now furiously bombarding my land front. They will continue to do that, in order, if possible, to silence my guns, until they are satisfied that their land force has securely established itself across the neck and rests on the river. Then Porter