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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate cruisers. (search)
ere ordered to be sold under penalty of seizure. Of the four corvettes, two were bought by Prussia and two by Peru. One of the rams was sold to Prussia and the other, known as the Sphinx, to Denmark. Before her arrival in Copenhagen the Schleswig-Holstein war was over, and the Danes, having no use for her, were well satisfied to have her taken off their hands without inquiring too closely into the character of the purchaser. In this way Bulloch got possession of her, and on the 30th of January, 1865, she was commissioned in the English Channel as the Stonewall, and started on a cruise under Captain T. J. Page. The Stonewall had not gone far before she sprang a leak and put into Ferrol for repairs. Here she was found by the Niagara and Sacramento, under Commodore T. T. Craven, who took up a position in the adjoining port of Coruña. On the 24th of March the Stonewall steamed out of Ferrol and lay for several hours off the entrance of Corufia; Craven, however, declined to join b
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
, General Meade wrote to General Peck, saying: That with the united force under your command, you should have held in check and defeated the designs of such superior numbers, is a fact of which you may well be proud, as the most practical proof of your own skill and the gallantry of your troops. On the 1st of January, 1865, General Slocum wrote: I think the gratitude of the nation is due to you and your gallant little army for the important services performed at Suffolk. On the 30th of January, 1865, General Stoneman wrote: I have always looked upon it as a most fortunate thing for us that you were enabled to hold Longstreet at Suffolk. It has been asserted that Longstreet joined Lee at the battle of Chancellorsville. Lee, in his report of that battle, page. 5, says: General Longstreet, with two divisions of his corps, was detailed for service south <*> James River in February, and did not rejoin the army until after the battle of Chancellorsville. But when we consider the
e on Military Affairs, reported back the joint resolution, with a recommendation that the amendment tendering the thanks of Congress to Captain Lee be not concurred in; and the amendment was not agreed to. The Senate, on motion of Mr. Brown, receded from its amendment, and the joint resolution was passed, and was approved by the President on the third of March, 1865. No. Lxxxvi.--The Bill for the Better Organization of the Pay Department of the Army. In the Senate, on the thirtieth of January, 1865, Mr. Wilson introduced a bill for the better organization of the pay department of the army, which was read twice, and referred to the Military Committee. On the ninth of February, Mr. Wilson reported it back without amendment. It provided that the Paymaster-General should have the rank, pay, and emoluments of brigadier-general. That there should be added to the pay department two assistant paymaster-generals, who should be ex-officio inspector-generals of the department, with t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee's report of the Tennessee campaign, beginning September 29th, 1864. (search)
nessee campaign, beginning September 29th, 1864. [Pursuing our policy of giving the preference to reports from original Mss., we publish the following from an autograph Ms. of the accomplished soldier who prepared it. So far as we are aware, it has never before been published in any form, and it will be, therefore, an important addition to the material of military students, as well as of deep interest to all desiring to see some account of that campaign.] Columbus, Mississippi, January 30th, 1865. Colonel — I have the honor to offer the following as my official Report of the operations of my corps during the offensive movement commencing at Palmetto station, Georgia, September 29th, 1864. It is impracticable now, in consequence of the movement of troops and my temporary absence from the army, to obtain detailed reports from my division commanders. As a corps commander, I regarded the morale of the army greatly impaired after the fall of Atlanta, and in fact before its fa
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Melville, George Wallace 1841- (search)
Melville, George Wallace 1841- Naval engineer; born in New York, Jan. 10, 1841; was educated in the public schools and at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute; entered the U. S. N. as third assistant engineer on July 29, 1861; was promoted second assistant engineer, Dec. 18, 1862; first assistant engineer, Jan. 30, 1865; passed assistant engineer, Feb. 24, 1874; and chief engineer, March 4, 1881. On Jan. 16, 1888, Captain Melville was appointed chief of the bureau of steam engineering in the navy, with the relative rank of commodore, a post he has since retained. On the abolition of the grade of commodore by the Navy Personnel act in 1899 he was given the rank of rear-admiral during his occupancy of the office of chief engineer. In 1879 he joined the Jeannette polar expedition under the command of Lieut. George W. De Long, and sailed from San Francisco July 8. The vessel was crushed by the ice and sunk June 12, 1881. Melville and De Long succeeded in reaching land 150 miles apar
on this duty. Geo. Wm. Brent, Col., and A. A. G. The same despatch sent to Governor Charles Clark, of Mississippi. Telegram. Macon, Miss., Jan. 30th, 1865. Col. G. W. Brent: Am corresponding with General Taylor as to the means of carrying out the recommendations of General Beauregard about militia. Chas. Clark, Gov. of Miss. Telegram. Opelika, Ala., Jan. 30th, 1865. To Brig.-Genl. Mackall, Macon, Ga.: Hold Palmer's battalion in readiness to move on General D. H. Hill's order. General Beauregard desires that you will procure one hundred and fifty horses for the artillery now en route. If they cannot be had from Majorsp at Macon, they must be impressed. General Beauregard will reach Macon to-morrow. Geo. Wm. Brent, Col., and A. A. G. Telegram. Meridian, Miss., Jan. 30th, 1865. Genl. G. T. Beauregard: Sherman's movements render a victory necessary to us at once, and it will require all our means to insure it. I can resist a raid
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Louisiana, 1865 (search)
4: Exp. from Plaquemine to the ParkMASSACHUSETTS--31st Mounted Infantry (Detachment). Feb. 4: Skirmish, The ParkMASSACHUSETTS--31st Mounted Infantry (Detachment). Jan. 29-Feb. 7: Scouts from Bayou Goula to Grand RiverRHODE ISLAND--3d Cavalry. Jan. 30: Skirmish, Richland PlantationRHODE ISLAND--3d Cavalry. Jan. 30-31: Exp. from Thibodeaux to Lake Verret and Bayou PlantonLOUISIANA--1st Cavalry (Co. "K"). RHODE ISLAND--3d Cavalry (Co. "H"). Jan. 30: Skirmish, Lake VerretLOUISIANA--1st CavalryJan. 30: Skirmish, Lake VerretLOUISIANA--1st Cavalry (Co. "K"). RHODE ISLAND--3d Cavalry (Co. "H"). Jan. 31: Exp. from Morganza to New RoadsNEW YORK--2d Veteran Cavalry. Jan. 31-Feb. 1: Exp. from Fort Pike to Bayou BonfoncaUNITED STATES--74th Colored Infantry (Detachment). Jan. 31: Skirmish, Bayou VincentUNITED STATES--74th Colored Infantry (Detachment). Feb. 7-10: Scouts from Morganza to Fausse RiverNEW YORK--2d Veteran Cavalry (Detachment). Feb. 7-10: Scouts from Morganza to Grosse Tete BayouNEW YORK--2d Veteran Cavalry (Detachment). Feb
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Missouri, 1865 (search)
an. 12-15: Scout from Camp Grover to Texas PrairieMISSOURI--1st and 7th State Militia Cavalry (Detachments). Jan. 12-17: Scout from Warrensburg to MiamiMISSOURI--7th State Militia Cavalry (Co. "I"). Jan. 16-22: Operations about WaynesvilleMISSOURI--5th State Militia Cavalry. Jan. 18-22: Scout from Warrensburg to Snibar HillsMISSOURI--1st and 7th State Militia Cavalry (Detachments). Jan. 24-Feb. 22: Exp. from Cape Girardeau to Eleven Points River, Ark.MISSOURI--2d State Militia Cavalry. Jan. 30: Skirmish, LaFayette County(No Reports.) Feb. 1-5: Scout from Warrensburg to Wagon Knob, etc.MISSOURI--1st State Militia Cavalry (Detachment). Feb. 1-5: Scout from Warrensburg to Tabo Creek, etc.MISSOURI--7th State Militia Cavalry (Detachment). Feb. 3-8: Scout in LaFayette CountyMISSOURI--7th State Militia Cavalry. Feb. 6-8: Operations in Ozark CountyMISSOURI--46th Infantry (Co. "H"). Feb. 12: Skirmish near ColumbiaMISSOURI--9th State Militia Cavalry (Co. "F"). Union loss, 1 killed, 1
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, South Carolina, 1865 (search)
1st and 32d Infy. PENNSYLVANIA--9th Cavalry; Indpt. Battery "E," Light Arty.; 28th, 29th, 46th, 73d, 79th, 109th, 111th and 147th Infantry. WISCONSIN--5th, 10th and 12th Batteries Light Arty.; 3d, 12th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 22d, 25th, 26th, 31st and 32d Infantry. UNITED STATES--110th Colored Infantry. Union loss, 450 killed, 2,043 wounded, 1,301 missing. Total, 3,794. Jan. 29: Skirmish, RobertsvilleNEW YORK--Battery "M," 1st Light Arty.; 107th and 143d Infantry. WISCONSIN--3d Infantry. Jan. 30: Skirmish, Lawtonville(No Reports.) Feb. 1: Skirmish, Hickory HillILLINOIS--7th Mounted Infantry. IOWA--26th Infantry. MISSOURI--27th, 29th and 31st and 32d Infantry. Feb. 1: Skirmish, Whippy Swamp CreekILLINOIS--9th Mounted Infantry. Feb. 2: Skirmish, LawtonvilleCONNECTICUT--20th Infantry. ILLINOIS--102d, 105th and 129th Infantry. INDIANA--33d, 70th and 85th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--33d Infantry. MICHIGAN--19th Infantry. NEW YORK--Battery "I," 1st Light Arty.; 136th Infantry. OHIO--53d,
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1865 (search)
Infantry. UNITED STATES--Battery "E" 3d Arty.; 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 27th, 30th, 37th and 39th Colored Infantry. Jan. 9: Skirmish, Disputanta StationPENNSYLVANIA--16th Cavalry. Union loss, 2 killed, 3 wounded. Total, 5. Jan. 18: Affair near LovettsvilleNEW YORK--6th Cavalry. Jan. 23-24: Actions, Fort BradyCONNECTICUT--1st Heavy Arty. Union loss, 4 killed, 10 wounded. Total, 14. Jan. 25: Skirmish near PowhatanUNITED STATES--1st Colored Cavalry. Union loss, 3 killed, 16 wounded. Total, 19. Jan. 30: Scout to Long and Bottom's BridgeNEW YORK--7th Cavalry (1st M. R.). MARYLAND--1st Cavalry. Feb. 4-6: Expedition from Winchester to Moorfield, W. Va.CONNECTICUT--1st Cavalry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--1st Cavalry. NEW YORK--8th and 22d Cavalry. OHIO--2d Cavalry (Detachment). Feb. 5-7: Battle of Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, Armstrong's Mills, Rowanty Creek and Vaughan RoadCONNECTICUT--2d Heavy Arty.; 14th Infantry. DELAWARE--1st, 3d and 4th Infantry. INDIANA--20th Infantry. MAINE--1st Cavalry; 1st