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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 2 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nebraska, (search)
lican......November, 1882 Amendment to the constitution extending suffrage to women rejected; 25,756 for and 50,693 against......November, 1882 Nebraska Central College, at Central City, chartered and opened......1885 Soldiers' and sailors home at Grand Island opened......July, 1888 First Monday in September made a legal holiday (Labor Day)......1889 Industrial home for women and girls at Milford opened......May 1, 1889 Asylum for incurable insane at Hastings opened......Aug. 1, 1889 Convention of 250 delegates representing Kansas, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska, meets at Omaha to unite in a central prohibition organization......Dec. 18, 1889 At State election the vote for governor stands as follows: James E. Boyd, Democrat, 71,331; John H. Powers, People's Independent, 70,187; Lucius D. Richards, Republican, 68,878; B. L. Paine, Prohibition, 3,676. A separate vote on adding a prohibitory liquor clause to the constitution stood: For the amendmen
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rhode Island, (search)
ctors, proclaimed by governor......November, 1888 State agricultural school established by act of legislature......1888 Vote at April election for governor: John W. Davis, Democrat, 21,289; H. W. Ladd, Republican, 16,870; James H. Chace, Law Enforcement party, 3,597; H. H. Richardson, Prohibition, 1,346. There being no choice, the legislature chose H. W. Ladd......May 28, 1889 Prohibitory amendment rescinded at a special election, June 20, 1889, and a highlicense law passed......Aug. 1, 1889 Australian ballot-reform law passed......1889 First State convention of the Union Reform party held, and Arnold B. Chace nominated for governor......Feb. 25, 1889 Australian ballot system introduced at State election......April 2, 1889 John W. Davis elected governor by the legislature, there being no choice by the people......May, 1890 Celebration of the centennial of the introduction of cotton-spinning into America begins at Providence......Sept. 29, 1890 Monument to