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Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.31 (search)
y phrase required by veracity. Religion inspires the moral training requisite to crush these noxious fungi of civilised life. The savage is licensed to kill, to defend his misdeed by simple lying, to steal, in order to supply his daily wants. The white child kills character with his tongue, he robs wholesale where the savage robs by grains. On Sir Edwin Arnold's light of the world After reading a few hundred lines of Edwin Arnold's new poem, Extract from the Journal, dated February 14, 1891. The light of the world, I perceived that he had not hit the right chord. It is The light of Asia, in a feeble, vapid style; or, to put it more correctly, it is a Buddhist trying to sing the glories of the Christian's Lord. His soul is not in his song, though there are beautiful passages in it; but it is the tone of an unbeliever. Alas for this! What a poem he could have written, had he but believed in the Saviour of the world! Mind and soul My own mind, I know, has been deri
ting Lee; and he wrote his own strength upon every page of its history. It would have furnished an interesting study to have seen him at the head of the splendid force which started from the Rappahannock when he himself started from Chattanooga. For Sherman's work never taxed him beyond his powers. It is difficult to say what he still held in reserve.—Colonel T. A. Dodge in a bird's-eye view of our Civil war. the poem was written on the death of General Sherman in New York City, February 14, 1891. Glory and honor and fame and everlasting laudation For our captains who loved not war, but fought for the life of the nation; Who knew that, in all the land, one slave meant strife, not peace; Who fought for freedom, not glory; made war that war might cease. Glory and honor and fame; the beating of muffled drums; The wailing funeral dirge, as the flag-wrapped coffin comes; Fame and honor and glory; and joy for a noble soul, For a full and splendid life, and laurelled rest at the goal
headquarters to St. Louis where he remained until President Hayes invited him to return to Washington and inaugurate his cherished plans of army administration. This pleasing professional situation continued until Sherman's retirement, in 1884. During his later years, he spent most of his time in New York among old army associates, attending reunions, making speeches at soldier's celebrations, and putting his papers in order for the use of future historians. He died in New York on February 14, 1891, aged seventy-one years. He was buried, as he wished, in St. Louis, by the side of his wife and his little son, who had died nearly thirty years before. Inconspicuous among the many generals who went to New York to do honor to the dead leader was a quiet old gentleman in civilian dress— Sherman's ablest antagonist in war, Joseph E. Johnston, and by the side of the grave at St. Louis was one of his old Louisiana colleagues, proud of his unique experience, a professor under Sherman and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sherman, William Tecumseh 1820-1829 (search)
. The rear guard of the Confederates, under Wade Hampton, on retiring, set fire to cotton in the streets; and the high wind sent the burning fibre into the air, setting fire to the dwellings, and in the course of a few hours that beautiful city was in ruins (Columbia). Sherman, after destroying the arsenal at Columbia, left the ruined city and pressed on with his forces to Fayetteville, N. C., his cavalry, under Kilpatrick, fighting the Confederate cavalry led by Wheeler many times on the way. He left a black path of desolation through the Carolinas 40 miles in width. Arriving at Fayetteville, Sherman opened communications with the National troops at Wilmington. General Sherman was promoted major general, United States army, in August, 1864, and lieutenant-general in July, 1866. On March 4, 1869, he succeeded General Grant as general-in-chief of the armies of the United States. He was retired on his own request, Feb. 8, 1884, on full pay. He died in New York City, Feb. 14, 1891.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
..Jan. 27, 1891 Secretary of Treasury Windom, born 1827, dies suddenly of heart disease at a banquet at Delmonico's, New York City......Jan. 29, 1891 Act apportioning representatives in Congress, 356 after March 3, 1893, approved......Feb. 7, 1891 Strike involving 10,000 miners begins in Connellsville coke regions, Pa.......Feb. 9, 1891 Adm. David Dixon Porter, born 1814, dies at Washington, D. C.......Feb. 13, 1891 Gen. William T. Sherman, born 1820, dies at New York......Feb. 14, 1891 Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks placed upon the pension roll at the rate of $100 per month......Feb. 18, 1891 Senator Ingalls chosen president of the Senate pro tem., Feb. 25, 1886, and continued by successive elections until April 3, 1890. On March 12, 1890, he is unanimously designated to preside during the future absences of the Vice-President and at the pleasure of the Senate, a function never before exercised by any member of the Senate; he resigns this office......Feb. 19, 1891 P
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
enator from New York, receiving eightyone votes on joint ballot, to seventy-nine for Evarts......Jan. 21, 1891 Secretary of the Treasury, William Windom, born 1827, dies suddenly at a banquet at Delmonico's, New York......Jan. 29, 1891 Board of regents of the University adopt a plan for university extension under a university extension council of five representatives of colleges to be appointed annually......Feb. 11, 1891 Gen. William T. Sherman, born 1820, dies at New York......Feb. 14, 1891 Ex-Gov. Lucius Robinson dies at Elmira, aged eighty-one......March 23, 1891 Ground broken for Grant monument in New York......April 27, 1891 Charles Pratt, philanthropist, born 1830, dies at New York......May 4, 1891 School-children of the State choose the rose as State flower by a vote of: Rose, 294,816; golden-rod, 206,402; majority, 88,414......May 8, 1891 Benson John Lossing, historian, born 1813, dies at Chestnut Ridge, Dutchess county......June 3, 1891 Chauncey Vi
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 69: transferred to New York city (search)
rk, I frequently met Sherman, my old and beloved commander, at his home on Seventy-second Street, and also at public entertainments. He was very fond of having Slocum and myself (left and right wing commanders) with him, and when he could he secured us seats, the one on his right and the other on his left. He then seemed to be very hearty and strong, but during the winter of 1890 and 1891 he had a severe attack of erysipelas. Just before his death, which resulted from this illness, February 14, 1891, he expressed a strong desire that his two wing commanders, Howard and Slocum, should conduct his funeral services. Accordingly his brother, Hon. John Sherman, wrote and asked us to do so. We selected one of his division commanders, General Daniel Butterfield, for the immediate control and direction of the New York processions, which were very extensive. I myself went to St. Louis and was present at the final obsequies, participating in the work of the escort and all ceremonies, and