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The Daily Dispatch: February 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Convention of States at Washington. (search)
New York, Feb. 1. --Cl'd. schr. T. J. Tull Petersburg. Arr'd, schr. Alice, Norfolk. Plymouth, Jan. 15. --Arr'd,schr. Europs, Wilmington,N. C., for London. Philadelphia, Feb. 1. --Arr'd, steamship City of Richmond, Richmond. Cl'd, schr. B. D. Pitts, Petersburg.Feb. 2-- Cl'd, schr. L. AndeFeb. 1. --Arr'd, steamship City of Richmond, Richmond. Cl'd, schr. B. D. Pitts, Petersburg.Feb. 2-- Cl'd, schr. L. Andendried, Richmond. Lewis, Del., Feb. 1. -- Schr.Geo. F. Brown, of Cape May, Capt. Joline, bound to Norfolk with a load of wood, was towed in by the Atlantic, having been struck by a heavy squall from N. W., which carried away fore gaff and split fore sail, and the schooner would probably have foundered but for the timeFeb. 1. -- Schr.Geo. F. Brown, of Cape May, Capt. Joline, bound to Norfolk with a load of wood, was towed in by the Atlantic, having been struck by a heavy squall from N. W., which carried away fore gaff and split fore sail, and the schooner would probably have foundered but for the timely aid of the Atlantic. Captain Jones, of the Forward, promptly offered assistance to repair damages.
Mr. Botts in favor of secession. --The Virginia Guard, published at Clarksburg, Harrison county, Va., contains the following in its issue of the 1st February: 7"In a private letter of the 28th ult., the Hon. John M. Botts says: "'When Eastern Virginia goes out of the Union, I intend to take up my residence in Western Virginia, provided it constitutes a part of the United States.'" It will be seen by the extract above, that Mr. Botts, though running to-day as a Union candidate, is in fact a Secession candidate in disguise. fe 4--1t
The abolitionists and the Mayor of Albany. Albany, Feb. 1. --One hundred citizens of Albany having petitioned Mayor Thatcher to prevent the meeting of abolitionists in this city next week for fear of a riot, he replies, stating that he has neither authority nor inclination to interrupt freedom of speech; that he has no fear of a riot in the orderly city of Albany, and that the best way to treat the abolitionists is to leave them alone, and give them no capital by creating an excitement about them.
Seizure of the Mint and Custom-House atNew Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 1. --The United States Mint and Custom-House were quietly taken possession of yesterday, by the State authorities. The officials continued in their positions, having taken the oath prescribed by the ordinance of secession to-day. The Convention has under consideration the report of the Committee on Citizenship.
Action of Massachusetts--Virginia not infavor. Boston, Feb. 1. --In the Senate, this afternoon, a motion to take up the resolves appointing Commissioners to Virginia and consider them immediately, was voted down--17 to 6. A motion to consider them to-morrow, was also voted down. The subject was then postponed until Monday.
Sudden death of an Army officer. Port Jervis. N. Y., Feb. 1. --Lieutenant B. D. Forsyth, of the United States Army, was found dead in his bed this morning, at the Delaware House, in this place. He belonged to the Third Infantry, and entered the service in 1848.
The Nova Scotia Legislature. Halifax, Feb. 1. --The Legislature convened yesterday. The Governor's speech was wholly local. There was a slight surplus of revenue, and the Governor proposes the extension of railway and steamboat communication along the coast. Mr. McDonald was elected Speaker.
Shocking accident. Boston, Feb. 1. --An accident of a shocking character occurred at Brookline, N. H., on Wednesday night, by the roof of the dwelling of a Mr. Gibson being crushed in by the weight of snow, killing Mr. Gibson, his wife and two daughters.
Fires. Alton, Ill., Jan. 31. --A fire this evening destroyed the building occupied by Wm. M. Hart, dry goods dealer, and the grain warehouse of L. J. Cawson & Co. Loss $25,000 Fully insured. Chicago, Feb. 1.--A fire last night in the hardware store of Rubel Brothers damaged the stock to the amount of $15,000. Fully insured.
Military. St. Louis, Feb. 1. --Major Bell, commander of the arsenal at this city, has been superceded by Captain Joyce, who enters upon his duties Monday next.