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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
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Anasta'sia a noble Roman lady, who suffered martyrdom in the Diocletian persecution. (A. D. 303.) Two letters written by her in prison are extant in Suidas, s. v. xruso/gonos. [P.S]
Anti'ochus 3. The other was born at Sebaste in Armenia, and was put to death during the persecution under Diocletian, A. D. 303-311. He is said to have been tortured, and thrown to the wild beasts, and, when these refused to touch him, at last beheaded; it is added that milk, instead of blood, issued from his neck, upon which the executioner immediately professed himself to be a Christian, and accordingly suffered martyrdom with him. His memory is celebrated by the Greek and Romish churches on the 15th of July. (Marlyrologium Romanum ; Bzovius, Nomenclator Sanctorum Professione Medicorum; Acta Sanctorum, Jul. 15, vol. iv. p. 25; Clementis, Menologium Graecorum, vol. iii. p. 168; Fabricius, Biblioth. Graeca, vol. xiii. p. 64, ed. vet.) [W.A.G]
mitted to baptism until he had proved his sincerity as a Christian. Works Libri septem adversus Gentes To remove all doubts as to the reality of his conversion, he wrote, while yet a catechumen, his celebrated work against the Pagans, in seven books (Libri septem adversus Gentes), which we still possess. The time when he wrote it, is not quite certain : some assign its composition to the years A. D. 297 and 298, but it is more probable that it was written in or shortly after the year A. D. 303, since it contains some allusions (as 4.36) to the persecution of the Christians by Diocletian, which commenced in that year. The work is a vindication of Christianity, and the author first refutes the charges of the Pagans against the Christian religion, especially the one which was then frequently brought against it, that the sufferings and calamities of the times were only the fruits of Christianity. He then proceeds to prove, with great learning, acuteness, and eloquence, that polythei
He is said to have been the brother of St. Cosmas, with whose name and life his own is commonly associated, and whose joint history appears to have been as follows. They were born in Arabia: their father's name is not known, their mother's was Theodora, and both are said to have been Christians. After receiving an excellent education, they chose the medical profession, as being that in which they thought they could most benefit their fellow men; and accordingly they constantly practised it gratuitously, thus earning for themselves the title of *)Ana/rguroi, by which they are constantly distinguished. They were at last put to death with the most cruel tortures, in company with several other Christians, during the persecution by Diocletian, A. D. 303-311. Justinian, in the sixth century, built a church in their honour at Constantinople, and another in Pamphylia, in consequence of his having been (as he supposed) cured of a dangerous illness through their intercession. [COSMAS.] [W.A.G]
Doro'theus 8. Of TYRE. Confusion with other figures named Dorotheus He has been frequently confounded with Dorotheus, a presbyter of Antioch in the reign of Diocletian, who is spoken of by Eusebius. (H. E. 7.32.) He must further be distinguished from another Dorotheus, who was likewise a contemporary of Diocletian. (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 8.1, 6.) Life Our Dorotheus is said to have flourished about A. D. 303, to have suffered much from the persecutions of Diocletian, and to have been sent into exile. When this persecution ceased, he returned to his see, in which he seems to have remained till the time of the emperor Julian, by whose emissaries he was seized and put to death, at the age of 107 years. This account, however, is not found in any of his contemporaries, and occurs only in an anonymous writer who lived after the sixth century of our era, and from whom it was incorporated in the Martyrologia. Works Dorotheus is further said to have written several theological works.
friendship for Pamphilus, bishop of Caesareia. He was born in Palestine about A. D. 264, towards the end of the reign of the Emperor Gallienus. He spent his youth in incessant study, and probably held some offices in the church of Caesareia. In A. D. 303, Diocletian's edict was issued, and the persecution of the Christians began. Pamphilus was imprisoned in 307, and was most affectionately attended on by Eusebius for two years, at the end of which time he suffered martyrdom and Eusebius fled totori volgarizzati, Venice, 1547; and into French by Cosin, Paris, 1675. 5. De Martyribus Palaestinae De Martyribus Palaestinae (peri\ tw=n e)n *Palaistii/nh marturhsa/ntwn), being an account of the persecutions of Diocletian and Maximin from A. D. 303 to 310. It is in one book, and generally found as an appendix to the eighth of the Ecclesiastical History. 6. Against Hierocles Against Hierocles (pro\s ta\ u(p\ *Filostra/tou ei)s *)Apollw/nion to)n *Tuane/a dia\ th\n *(Ieroklei= paralhfqe
Orestes (*)Ore/sths), a Christian physician of Tyana in Cappadocia, called also Arestes, who suffered martyrdom during the persecution under Diocletian, A. D. 303, 304. An interesting account of his tortures and death is given by Simeon Metaphrastes, ap. Surium, De Probat. Sanctor. Histor., vol. vi. p. 231, where he is named Arestes. See also Menolog. Graec. vol. i. p. 178, ed. Urbin. 1727. He has been canonized by the Greek and Roman churches, and his memory is celebrated on Nov. 9. (See Bzovius, Nomenclator Sanctor. Profess. Mledicor.) [W.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
whom he was confirmed in his attachment to the Christian faith, and shortly after baptized. He then endeavoured to convert his father from paganism, in which attempt he at last succeeded. He made himself an object of dislike and envy to the other physicians by the number of cures he effected, and was at last denounced to the emperor as a Christian. After being in vain tempted to embrace paganism, and suffering many tortures (from some of which he is said to have been miraculously delivered), he was at last beheaded, probably A. D. 303. The name of Panteleemon was given him on account of his praying for his murderers. His memory is celebrated in the Romish church on July 27. A very interesting account of his life and martyrdom is given in the "Acta Sanctorum" (Jul. 27. vol. vi. p. 397), taken chiefly from Simeon Metaphrastes. (See Bzovius, Nomenclator Sanctor. Professione Medicor. ; C. B. Carpzovlus, De Medicis ab Eccles. pro Sanctis habitis, and the authors there referred to.) [W.A.G]
the world. After four years passed in retirement he resolved to withdraw himself entirely from the society of tis friends, to apply his wealth to religious purposes, and to delicate, the remainder of his life to works of piety. This determination, while it called forth the earnest remonstrances of his kindred, excited the most lively admiration among all classes of the devout, and the dignity of Presbyter was almost forced upon his acceptance by the enthusiasm of the populace at Barcelona (A. D. 303). He did not, however, remain to exercise his clerical functions in this province, but crossed the Alps into Italy. Passing through Florence, where he was greeted with much cordiality by Ambrose, he proceeded to Rome, and, after meeting with a cold reception from Pope Siricius, who probably looked with suspicion on the hasty irregularity of his ordination, reached Nola, in Campania, where he possessed some property, soon after Easter A. D. 304. In the immediate vicinity of this city were t
Bahram Iii. 6. BAHRAM or VARANES III., the elder son and successor of the preceding, died after a reign of eight months only, A. D. 294, and was succeeded by his younger brother. Narses 7. NARSI or NARSES (*Na/rshs), who reigned from A. D. 294-303. He carried on a formidable war against the emperor Diocletian, which arose out of the state of Armenian affairs. As early as 286, in the reign of Bahram II., Diocletian Lad put Tiridates, the fugitive son of King Chosroes, of Armenia, on the thrarses, who, notwithstanding his defeats and the inglorious peace of 297, was a man of no common means and character, died soon after his abdication in the same year, 303. Hormuz Ii. 8. HORMUZ or HORMISDAS II., the son of Narses, reigned from A. D. 303-310. During his reign nothing of importance happened regarding Rome. His successor was his son Shapur Ii. 9. SHAPUR or SAPOR II. POSTUMUS, who reigned from A. D. 310-381, and was crowned in his mother's womb. His father dying without issue,
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