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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 8 8 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 4 4 Browse Search
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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CARCER (search)
.C. on similar grounds; and the vault of the lower chamber, as we have seen, to a slightly later date. A new facade of travertine was added by C. Vibius Rufinus and M. Cocceius Nerva, consules suffecti, perhaps in 22 A.D. (CILvi. 1539=31674; cf. 9005; Pros. i. p. 428, No. 972; iii. p. 424, No. 395), but, it may be, a good deal later (Mommsen, Westdeutsch. Zeitschr., Korrespondenz- blatt, 1888, 58, puts it a little before 45 A.D. ; cf. ILS iii. p. 342). It was still used as a prison in 368 A.D. (Amm. Marc. xxviii. 1, 57), so that the tradition that it was converted into an oratory in the fourth century is without foundation; and the fons S. Petri, ubi est carcer eius of Eins. (7. 2), cannot have been here (Mon. L. i. 481 ; HCh 421-422). The name Mamertinus is post-classical. The building near the Regia, mis-called Carcer by Boni, is a series of cellars, They might well be slaves' bedrooms, like those in the large Republican house near the arch of Titus (CR 1900, 239; 1905, 7
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PANTHEON (search)
o the weight of the later rotunda, is doubtful. but a marble pavement of an intermediate period (perhaps that of Domitian) was also found actually above this earlier structure, but below the marble pavement of the pronaos. The restoration of Severus and Caracalla has been already mentioned; but after it, except for the account by Ammianus Marcellinus, already cited, of Constantius' visit to it, we hear nothing There is a mention of it in Cod. Theod. xiiii. 3. 10, lecta in Pantheo non. Nov. (368 or 370 A.D.). Cf. BC 1926, 64, 65. of its history until in 609 Boniface IV dedicated the building as the church of S. Maria ad Martyres (LP lxviii. 2). Constantius II removed the bronze tiles in 663 (ib. lxxviii. 3; cf. Paul Diac. Hist. Langob. 5. II; AJA 1899, 40); and it was only Gregory III who placed a lead roof over it (ib. xcii. 12). That the pine-cone of the Vatican came from the Pantheon is a mediaeval fable; it was a fountain perhaps connected with the SERAPEUM (q.v.). The descript
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SECUNDENSES (search)
SECUNDENSES those who dwelt in a certain locality (cf. PARIANENSES, CICINENSES), probably on the Esquiline in Region III near the Sicinium (S. Maria Maggiore). The name occurs in a fragmentary inscription containing an edict of Tarracius Bassus, prefect of the city shortly after 368 A.D. (NS 1899, 335 ; Klio ii. 270; HJ 338; cf. BC 1891, 345).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SICININUM (search)
CININUM a local designation for the site on the Esquiline now occupied by S. Maria Maggiore. Whether it was the name of a street, square, or complex of buildings, is uncertain, as well as its derivation and meaning. It is possible that CICINENSES (q.v.) may be connected with it (CIL vi. 9103=31895; BC 891, 347; BCr 1864, 59; HJ 336). Sicininum occurs in an inscription found in the forum in 1899, which contains a copy of an edict issued by Tarracius Bassus, praefectus urbi, shortly after 368 A.D. (NS 1899, 335; BC 1899, 230-233; Klio ii. 270), twice in the LP (D. i. 171, vit. Silvest. 3: in Sicinini regione, cf. p. 188, n. II; i. 233, vit. Xysti 3: domum Claudi in Sicininum), and in other ecclesiastical writers of the period in slightly variant forms (Rufin. hist. eccl. ii. 10; Socrates hist. eccl. iv. 49; Hieron. ad a. Abr. 2382). The sepulchral inscription of a Jewish grammateu\s sekh/nwn may also contain the name in a corrupt form (NS 1920, 148; BC 1922, 214). There is some dou
Diophantus (*Dio/fantos). 1. A native of Arabia, who however lived at Athens, where he was at the head of the sophistical school. He was a contemporary of Proaeresius, whom he survived, and whose funeral oration he delivered in A. D. 368. (Eunapius, Diophant. p. 127, &c., Proaeres. p. 109
Grata 1. Daughter of the emperor Valentinian I. by his second wife, Justina, whom he married, according to Theophanes, A. D. 368. She remained all her life unmarried. She and her sister, Justa, were at Mediolanum or Milan while the remams of her murdered brother, Valentinian II., continued there unburied, and deeply lamented his loss. It is doubtful if they were at Vienna in Gaul, where he was killed, at the time of his death (A. D. 392), and accompanied his body to Milan, or whether they were at Milan. (Socrat. II E. 4.31; Ambros. de Obitu Valentiniani, § 40, &c., Epist. 53, ed. Benedict.; Tillemont, IIist. des Emp. vol. v.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
hen Basil was deposed by his bishop, Eusebius, Gregory again accompanied him to his retreat in Pontus, and was of great service in effecting his reconciliation with Eusebius, which took place in 365. He also assisted Basil most powerfully against the attacks of Valens and the Arian bishops of Cappadocia. For the next five years he seems to have been occupied with his duties at Nazianzus, in the midst of domestic troubles, the illness of his parents, and the death of his brother CAESARIUS, A. D. 368 or 369. His panegyric on Caesarius is esteemed one of his best discourses. (Orat. x.) A few years later, A. D. 374, he lost his sister Gorgonia, for whom also he composed a panegyric. (Orat. xi.) The election of Basil to the bishopric of Caesareia, in 370, was promoted by Gregory and his father with a zeal which passed the bounds of seemliness and prudence. One of Basil's first acts was to invite his friend to become a presbyter at Caesareia; but Gregory declined the invitation, on groun
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Hila'rius or Hila'rius Pictaviensis (search)
and the accused to appear before him, and to hold a conference upon the disputed points of faith in the presence of the high officers of state. Auxentius unexpectedly, and perhaps unwillingly, gave unexceptionable answers to all the questions proposed; upon which Hilarius, having indignantly denounced him as a hypocrite, was expelled from Milan as a disturber of the tranquillity of the church, and, retiring to his episcopal see, died in peace four years afterwards, on the 13th of January, A. D. 368. Works The extant works of this prelate, arranged in chronological order, are the following:-- 1. Ad Constantium Augustum Liber primus written it is believed in A. D. 355. It is a petition in which he implores the emperor to put an end to the persecutions by which the Arians sought to crush their opponents, produces several examples of their cruelty, and urges with great force, in respectful language, theright of the Catholics to enjoy toleration. 2. Commentarius (s. Tractatus) i
such as Basilius and Gregorius Nazianzenus, were among his pupils. The emperor Julian, who likewise heard him, probably during his visit at Athens in A. D. 355 and 356 (Eunap. Himer.; Liban. Orat. x. p. 267, ed. Morel.; Zosimus, Hist. Eccles. 3.2), conceived so great an admiration for Himerius, that soon after he invited him to his court at Antioch, A. D. 362, and made him his secretary. (Tzetz. Chil. 6.128.) Himerius did not return to Athens till after the death of his rival, Proaeresius (A. D. 368), although the emperor Julian had fallen five years before, A. D. 363. He there took his former position again, and distinguished himself both by his instruction and his oratory. He lived to an advanced age, but the latter years were not free from calamities, for he lost his only promising son, Rufinus, and was blind during the last period of his life. According to Suidas, he died in a fit of epilepsy (i(era\ no/sos). Himerius was a Pagan, and, like Libanius and other eminent men, remain
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
dern authors assert. He boasted of being a relation of his contemporary. the emperor Theodosius the Great, though the fact is that he had merely lived some years in the household of that emperor in a subordinate capacity. He was of obscure parentage; an uncle of his, however, is mentioned in history, and also a brother, Marcellinus, whose name will appear again in the course of this sketch. Maximus accompanied Theodosiua on several of his expeditions, was promoted, and, perhaps as early as A. D. 368, proceeded with his master to Britain, where he remained many years in the quality of a general, as it seems, but decidedly not as governor of that province, as some modern writers of eminence pretend. It is said that he married Helena, the daughter of Eudda, a rich noble of Caersegont (Caernarvon in Wales), but the authority is more than doubtful. (Comp. Gibbon, c. xxvii. p. 7, note k. ed. 1815, 8vo.) The predilection of the emperor Gratian for foreign barbarians excited discontent among