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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 20 20 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Olynthiac 2, section 29 (search)
never you turn your attention to your reverses, sit in judgement on your officers, but acquit them whenever in defence they plead their necessities. Hence the outcome is strife and contention among yourselves, some taking this side and some that, while the interests of the state suffer. You conduct your party-politics, Athenians as you used to conduct your taxpaying—by syndicates.Since the year 378 for the payment of the war-tax (e)isfora/), and since 357 for the trierarchy also, the citizens had been divided into a number of summori/ai, such that each comprised an equal fraction of the private wealth of the community. They were also divided into four classes according to property, the first class consisting of the wealthiest citizens, w<
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AVIANUS VINDICIANUS, DOMUS (search)
AVIANUS VINDICIANUS, DOMUS on the Quirinal (?) (see NS 1891, 250; CIL vi. 31005). He also had property, near the Tiber, to the south-west of the Mausoleum of Augustus (?), known only from several inscriptions on a large lead pipe found near the Ripetta (CIL xv. 7399). He was consularis Campaniae, and vicarius urbis Romae in 378 A.D. (BC 1894, 49).
Aca'cius 2. A Syrian by birth, lived in a monastery near Antioch, and, for his active defence of the Church against Arianism, was made Bishop of Berrhoea, A. D. 378, by St. Eusebius of Samosata. While a priest, he (with Paul, another priest) wrote to St. Epiphanius a letter, in consequence of which the latter composed his Panarium. (A. D. 374-6). This letter is prefixed to the work. In A. D. 377-8, he was sent to Rome to confute Apollinaris before Pope St. Damasus. He was present at the Oecumenical Council of Constantinople A. D. 381, and on the death of St. Meletius took part in Flavian's ordination to the See of Antioch, by whom he was afterwards sent to the Pope in order to heal the schism between the churches of the West and Antioch. Afterwards, he took part in the persecution against St. Chrysostom (Socrates, Hist. Eccl. 6.18), and again compromised himself by ordaining as successor to Flavian, Porphyrius, a man unworthy of the episcopate. He defended the heretic Nestorius again
Alathe'us called ODOTHAEUS by Claudian, became with Saphrax, in A. D. 376, on the death of Vithimir, the guardian of Vithericus, the young king of the Greuthungi, the chief tribe of the Ostrogoths. Alatheus and Saphrax led their people across the Danube in this year, and uniting their forces with those of the Visigoths under Fritigern, took part against the Romans in the battle of Hadrianople, A. D. 378, in which the emperor Valens was defeated and killed. After plundering the surrounding country, Alatheus and Saphrax eventually recrossed the Danube, but appeared again on its banks in 386, with the intention of invading the Roman provinces again. They were, however, repulsed, and Alatheus was slain. (Amm. Marc. 31.3, &c.; Jornand. de Reb. Get. 26, 27; Claudian, de IV Cons. Honor. 626; Zosimus, 4.39.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
portions publicly, which were received with great applause. (Liban. Epist. DCCCCLXXXIII. p. 60, ed. Wolf.) The precise date of his death is not recorded, but it must have happened later than 390, since a reference occurs to the consulship of Neoterius, which belongs to that year. Works Rerum gestarum libri The work of Ammianus extended from the accession of Nerva, A. D. 96, the point at which the histories of Tacitus and the biographies of Suetonius terminated, to the death of Valens, A. D. 378, comprising a period of 282 years. It was divided into thirty-one books, of which the first thirteen are lost. The remaining eighteen embrace the acts of Constantius from A. D. 353, the seventeenth year of his reign, together with the whole career of Gallus, Julianus, Jovianus, Valentinianus, and Valens. The portion preserved includes the transactions of twenty-five years only, which proves that the earlier books must have presented a very condensed abridgment of the events contained in th
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
en in A. D. 377 he sent a synodical letter (extant, ap. Mansi's Concilia. vol. iii. p. 505) to certain bishops, probably of Lycia, infected with, or in danger of, Macedonianism. The Arian persecution of the church ceased on the death of Valens (A. D. 378), and in 381, Amphilochius was present at the Oecumenical Council of Constantinople. While there, he signed, as a witness, St. Gregory Nazianzen's will (Opp. S. Greg. p. 204a., B.), and he was nominated with Optimus of Antioch in Pisidia as theses (in reference to the Trinity) addressed to Seleucus, nephew of St. Olympias (who had herself been brought up by Theodosia, sister to St. Amphilochius) and grandson of the general Trajan, who perished with his master, Valens, at Hadrianople, A. D. 378. Gallandi adds the testimony of Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th cent.) to that of John Damascene, Zonaras, and Balsamon, in favour of the authenticity of this poem. Fragments Editions Combefis has collected his fragments (l.c. pp. 138-154), and
in him a naturally irascible temper, and illustrates it by a pleasing anecdote, amusing from its quaint simplicity. At the conclusion of a long fast, Ephraem's servant let fall the dish in which he was bringing him some food. His alarm at having thus spoiled his master's dinner was removed by hearing him say, " Never mind, since the food has not come to us, we will go to it." Whereupon Ephraem sat down on the floor and ate the scraps left in the fragments of the broken dish. He died about A. D. 378, and in his last illness forbad the recitation of any funeral oration over his remains, and desired that his obsequies should be conducted in the simplest manner. Works Ephraem knew no language but his native Syrian, though nearly all his works are translated into Greek, and were formerly held in such high esteem, that portions of them were sometimes read in churches after the gospel for the day. Treatises, epistles, homilies etc. Editions Most of his writings were collected by Ger
irst expulsion, which was soon after his election, induced Flavian and others to withdraw from the communion of the church, over which Euzoius, an Arian, had been appointed. The seceders still recognised the deposed prelate; and the church formed by them was, during the third and longest banishment of Meletius, under the care of Flavian and Diodorus, both now in the priesthood. Flavian himself did not preach, but he supplied materials to Diodorus and others who did. On the death of Valens, A. D. 378, and the consequent downfall of Arianism, Meletius was restored, and the orthodox party recovered possession of the churches, the Arians, or the more staunch of them, becoming in turn seceders. But the orthodox were divided among themselves; for the older seceders at the deposition of Eustathius had remained separate under their own bishop, and had not united with the second secession under Meletius. Paulinus was, at the death of Valens, the Eustathian bishop, and contested with Meletius
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Germa'nus AUTISSIODORENSIS (search)
Germa'nus AUTISSIODORENSIS 6. AUTISSIODORENSIS, or St. Germain of Auxerre, one of the most eminent of the early saints of the Gallic church, lived a little before the overthrow of the western empire. He was born at Auxerre, about A. D. 378, of a good family, and at first followed the profession of the bar. Having embraced the Christian religion, and entered the church, he was ordained deacon by Amator, bishop of Auxerre, and on his death shortly after was unanimously chosen his successor, and held the see from A. D. 418 to 449. He was eminent for his zeal against heresy, his success as a preacher, his holiness, and the miracles which he is said to have wrought. Among the remarkable incidents of his life were his two visits to Britain, the first in or about A. D. 429 and 430; the second in A. D. 446 or 447, shortly before his death, which, according to Bede, took place at Ravenna, in Italy, apparently in A. D. 448. His transactions in Britain were among the most important of his life,
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ssist his uncle Valens against the Goths, but was detained in the West by an incursion of the Lentienses, who formed part of the great confederation of the Alamanni. The invading host, to the Number of 40,000 (some accounts, probably exaggerated, make them 70,000), was encountered and cut to pieces by the army of Gratian, under his generals Nannienus and Mellobaudes the Frank, who held the office of Comes Domesticorum at Argentovaria or Argentaria (at or near Colmar, in Alsace), about May, A. D. 378 or according to some authorities in 377. Whether Gratian was present at the battle does not appear; but he conducted his army in person across the Rhine, and compelled the Lentienses to submit. He afterwards advanced towards or into the eastern empire, where the Goths, who had defeated and killed Valens near Adrianople (Aug. 378), were committing great devastation. By the death of his uncle, Valens, the eastern empire had devolved upon him; but his consciousness of his inadequacy to this i