Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November, 4 AD or search for November, 4 AD in all documents.

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Secretary of War:-- Demand sent at twelve. Allowed till six o'clock for dinner. G. F. Beauregard Charleston, April 11 [No. 5] Gen Beauregard, Charleston:-- Telegraph what Major Anderson says to that. L. P.Walker, Secretary of War. Montgomery, April 11. [No. 6] L. P.Walker, Secretary of War:-- Major Anderson replies--"I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication demanding me to evacuate this fort, and to dine before six, without waitI will await the first shot, and then drink your good health in a brandy smash" G. F. Beauregard. Charleston, April 11. [No. 7] General Beauregard, Charleston:-- Fire away (but don't hurt anybody,) unless Major Anderson will Walker,Secretary of War:-- He won't consent. He's not such a fool as you think.G. F. Beauregard. Charleston, April 11 The bombardment then commenced, and after forty hours gallant resistance. Major Anderson, having nothing but his u