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s Curio, the third known of that name. He was the first Roman general who advanced as far as the Danube. Like his son of the same name, he was a violent opponent of Julius Cæsar. He was eloquent as an orator, but ignorant and uncultivated. His orations were published, as also an invective against Cæsar, in form of a dialogue, in which his son was introduced as one of the interlocutors. He died B.C. 53. the Elder, CæliusL. Cælius Antipater. See end of B. ii., ArruntiusL. Arruntius, Consul, A.D. 6. Augustus declared in his last illness that he was worthy of the empire. This, with his riches and talents, rendered him an object of suspicion to Tiberius. Being charged as an accomplice in the crimes of Albucilla, he put himself to death by opening his veins. It appears not to be certain whether it was this person or his father who wrote a history of the first Punic war, in which he imitated the style of Sallust., SebosusStatius Sebosus. See end of B. ii., Licinius MucianusLicinius Crassus M
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CASTOR, AEDES, TEMPLUM (search)
t appears as to\ tw=v *dioskourwn i(ero/n(Dionys. vi. 13), to\ *diosko/reion (Cass. Dio xxxviii. 6; lv. 27. 4; lix. 28. 5; Plut. Sulla 33), vew\s tw=n *dioskou/rwn (Cass. Dio lx. 6. 8; App. BC i. 25; Plut. Sulla 8; Pomp. 2; Cato Min. 27). This temple was restored in 117 B.C. by L. Caecilius Metellus (Cic. pro Scauro 46, and Ascon. ad loc.; in Verr. i. 154; Plut. Pomp. 2). Some repairs were made by Verres (Cie. in Verr. i. 129-154), and the temple was completely rebuilt by Tiberius in 6 A.D., and dedicated in his own name and that of his brother Drusus (Suet. Tib. 20; Cass. Dio lv. 27. 4; Ov. Fast. i. 707-708). Caligula incorporated the temple in his palace, making it the vestibule (Suet. Cal. 22; Cass. Dio lix. 28. 5; cf. DIVUS AUGUSTUS, TEMPLUM, DOMUS TIBERIANA), but this condition was changed by Claudius. Another restoration is attributed to Domitian (Chron. 146), and in this source the temple is called templum Castoris et Minervae, a name also found in the No
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SEP. ARRUNTIORUM (search)
SEP. ARRUNTIORUM the tomb of the family, freedmen and slaves, of L. Arruntius, consul in 6 A.D., consisting of three columbaria which were found in the eighteenth century on the south side of the present Viale della Principessa Margherita, a little more than 100 metres from the Porta Maggiore (CIL vi. 5931-5960; for a description of the monument, Cf. also Piranesi, Antichita di Roma, ii. 7-15; Mem. Am. Acad. iv. 36, 37. see Ghezzi, cod. Ottob. 3108 ff., 185-198; BC 1882, 209; HJ 362).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SEP. L. NONII ASPRENATIS (search)
SEP. L. NONII ASPRENATIS the tomb of L. Nonius Asprenas, either the consul of 6 A.D., or, more probably, his son who was consul in 29 A.D. (Pros. ii. 409-411). A few fragments probably of the marble frieze, with an inscription, were found when the east bastion on the outer side of the PORTA FLAMINIA (q.v.) was demolished in 1876-1877 (NS. 1877, 270; BC 1877, 247, ps. xx., xxxi.; 1881, 176; 1911, 190; CIL vi. 31689; HJ 463; Town Planning Review xi. (1924), 78).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
s of Tiber banks, 537. 5Augustus rebuilds arch of aqueducts over Via Tiburtina, 417. 2Temple of Mars Ultor dedicated, 220. Forum of Augustus dedicated (unfinished), 220. Water brought to Circus Flaminius, 112. Naumachia Augusti, 357. Inscriptions on Basilica Aemilia to Augustus and his grandsons, 74. A.D. 2Tiberius resides in Gardens of Maecenas, 269. Arch of Lentulus and Crispinus, 40. 3Temple of the Magna Mater restored, 324. Horti Lamiani, 267. House of Augustus burnt, 157. 6Tiberius rebuilds Temple of Castor, 103. 7Altar of Ceres Mater and Ops Augusta, 110. Temple of Isis destroyed (?), 284. 10(before). Livia restores Temple of Bona Dea Subsaxana, 85. Arch of Dolabella and Silanus, 38. Temple of Concord completed, 139. 12Basilica Julia rebuilt after a fire, 79. 14Augustus restores Aqua Julia, 24. 14-37Reign of Tiberius: Tiberius builds Temple of Augustus, 62; and its library, 63, 84; Domus Tiberiana, 199. 14-16Schola Xanthi, 468. 15Cura riparum Tiber
Aca'cius 2. A Syrian by birth, lived in a monastery near Antioch, and, for his active defence of the Church against Arianism, was made Bishop of Berrhoea, A. D. 378, by St. Eusebius of Samosata. While a priest, he (with Paul, another priest) wrote to St. Epiphanius a letter, in consequence of which the latter composed his Panarium. (A. D. 374-6). This letter is prefixed to the work. In A. D. 377-8, he was sent to Rome to confute Apollinaris before Pope St. Damasus. He was present at the Oecumenical Council of Constantinople A. D. 381, and on the death of St. Meletius took part in Flavian's ordination to the See of Antioch, by whom he was afterwards sent to the Pope in order to heal the schism between the churches of the West and Antioch. Afterwards, he took part in the persecution against St. Chrysostom (Socrates, Hist. Eccl. 6.18), and again compromised himself by ordaining as successor to Flavian, Porphyrius, a man unworthy of the episcopate. He defended the heretic Nestorius again
Ae'rius (*)Ae/rios), Heretic, the intimate friend of Eustathius of Sebaste in Armenia, A. D. 360, was living when St. Epiphanius wrote his Book against Heresies, A. D. 374-6. After living together an ascetic life, Eustathius was raised to the episcopate, and by him Aerius was ordained priest and set over the Hospital (ptwxotrofei=on) of Pontus. (St. Epiph. ad v. Haer. 75.1.) But nothing could allay the envy of Aerius at the elevation of his companion. Caresses and threats were in vain, and at last he left Eustathius, and publicly accused him of covetousness. He assembled a troop of men and women, who with him professed the renunciation of all worldly goods (a)potaci/a). Denied entrance into the towns, they roamed about the fields, and lodged in the open air or in caves, exposed to the inclemency of the seasons. Aerius superadded to the irreligion of Arius the following errors : 1. The denial of a difference of order between a bishop and a priest. 2. The rejection of prayer and alms f
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
dii Biblioth. Patr. vol. vi. Prolegom.; Epist. S. Greg. Naz. 9 [159]. Paris. 1840.) He lived in retirement with his father at Ozizalis in Cappadocia, till he was summoned to preside over the see of Iconium in Lycaonia, or Pisidia, A. D. 373-4. St. Basil's Congratulatory Epistle on the occasion is extant. (Ep. 393, al. 161, vol. iii. p. 251, ed. Bened.) He soon after paid St. Basil a visit, and persuaded him to undertake his work "On the Holy Ghost" (vol. iii. p. 1), which he finished A. D. 375-6. St. Basil's Canonical Epistles are addressed to St. Amphilochius (l.c. pp. 268, 290, 324, written A. D. 374, 375). The latter had received St. Basil's promised book on the Divinity of the Holy Ghost, when in A. D. 377 he sent a synodical letter (extant, ap. Mansi's Concilia. vol. iii. p. 505) to certain bishops, probably of Lycia, infected with, or in danger of, Macedonianism. The Arian persecution of the church ceased on the death of Valens (A. D. 378), and in 381, Amphilochius was present a
Arru'ntius 3. L. Arruntius, son of the preceding, consul A. D. 6. Augustus was said to have declared in his last illness, that Arruntius was not unworthy of the empire, and would have boldness enough to seize it, if an opportunity presented. This, as well as his riches, talents, and reputation, rendered him an object of suspicion to Tiberius. In A. D. 15, when the Tiber had flooded a great part of the city, he was appointed to take measures to restrain it within its bed, and he consulted the senate on the subject. The province of Spain had been assigned to him, but Tiberius, through jealousy, kept him at Rome ten years after his appointment, and obliged him to govern the province by his legates. He was accused on one occasion by Aruseius and Sanquinius, but was acquitted, and his accusers punished. He was subsequently charged in A. D. 37, as an accomplice in the crimes of Albucilla; and though his friends wished him to delay his death, as Tiberius was in his last illness, and could n
Aspre'nas 2. L. Asprenas, a legate under his maternal uncle, Varus, A. D. 10, preserved the Roman army from total destruction after the death of Varus. (D. C. 56.22; Vell. 2.120.) He is probably the same as the L. Nonius Asprenas who was consul A. D. 6, and as the L. Asprenas mentioned by Tacitus, who was proconsul of Africa at the death of Augustus, A. D. 14, and who, according to some accounts, sent soldiers, at the command of Tiberius, to kill Sempronius Gracchus. (Tac. Ann. 1.53.) He is mentioned again by Tacitus, under A. D. 20. (Ann. 3.18.)