Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April, 6 AD or search for April, 6 AD in all documents.

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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.spirit of '76 in old Halifax. Richmond, June 13, 1861. Having a son in the Black Walnut Dragoons, from Halifax county, stationed at Yorktown, I went down on the 4th of June to see him and other friends. I found the troops without tents or baggage wagons. On the fifth, I left for the purpose of procuring these articles and other supplies for them. On application to the Quartermaster for tent cloth, I was told it could not be furnished, as the employees of Government could make up their supplies as fast as obtained. I then went on to Halifax, reaching Black Walnut midday on Saturday. Of a few persons met with at the P. O. that afternoon, donations of some $400 to $500 were obtained. Rev. Mr. Harding, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in the neighborhood, kindly invited me to be present at his church next day, the only place in the neighborhood at which preaching was to be had on that day. Friends went to work among those assembled.