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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 12 12 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 7 7 Browse Search
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae 1 1 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 17, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, Book Two , Metrum 6: (search)
Metrum 6: A famous example of wickedness unimproved by attaining supreme power. Meter: Sapphic hendecasyllable (- u - x - u u - u - -). The great fire at Rome of A.D. 64; rumors of an imperial arsonist were spread by well-placed citizens. quantas dederit ruinas: indirect question; the subject is the relative clause (lines 3-7). urbe . . . caesis: ablative absolute. patribus: "senators." fratre interempto: Tiberius Claudius Caesar, son of Claudius, murdered by his adoptive brother in A.D. 55. matris effuso . . . cruore: ablative of means with maduit. Refers to the murder of Agrippina in 59 A.D.: the rumor that the murderous son cast a coolly appraising eye over his mother's corpse is repeated by Tacitus ( Ann. 14.3ff), but neither endorsed nor scotched by him.
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Nero (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 38 (search)
elter. Meanwhile, a vast number of stately buildings, the houses of generals celebrated in former times, and even then still decorated with the spoils of war, were laid in ashes; as well as the temples of the gods, which had been vowed and dedicated by the kings of Rome, and afterwards in the Punic and Gallic wars: in short, everything that was remarkable and worthy to be seen which time had spared.This destructive fire occurred in the end of July, or the beginning of August, A. U. C. 816, A. D. 64. It was imputed to the Christians, and drew on them the persecutions mentioned in c. xvi., and the note. This fire he beheld from a tower in the house of Maecenas, and, "being greatly delighted," as he said, "with the beautiful effects of the conflagration," he sung a poem on the ruin of Troy, in the tragic dress he used on the stage. To turn this calamity to his own advantage by plunder and rapine, he promised to remove the bodies of those who had perished in the fire, and clear the rubbis
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AMPHITHEATRUM STATILII TAURI (search)
AMPHITHEATRUM STATILII TAURI an amphitheatre built of stone by L. Statilius Taurus in 29 B.C., probably in the southern part of the campus Martius (Cass. Dio li. 23; Suet. Aug. 29; Cal. 18; Caligula is said to have looked upon it with scorn (Cass. Dio lix. 10), perhaps on account of its small size. Tac. Ann. iii. 72; Strabo, v. 3. 8, p. 236; CIL vi. 6226-6228). It was burned in 64 A.D. (Cass. Dio lxii. 18), and Nero built another (q.v.) on the same site (HJ 496; cf. 595, HCh 197 for the church of S. Angeli de domo Egidii a Poco, not de Rota, as Lanciani (Forma 14) and Armellini 2 363 believed).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AQUA MARCIA (search)
ARTIALIS). The water was brought to the Capitol by Marcius himself in 140, Liv. Epit. Oxyrhync. 188-190: aqua Anio aqua [Marcia in Capi]tolium contra Sibyllae carmina [perductae]. It was probably a small supply, brought by a syphon; it certainly did not cross the depression between the Capitol and the Quirinal (see FORUM TRAIANI, p. 238) on arches, or something would have been said (or found) of them. and where it issued forth must have stood his statue mentioned in the diploma of Nero of 64 A.D. (descrip. et. recognit. ex tabula aenea quae fixa est Romae in Capitolio post aedem Iovis O.M. in basi Q. Marci Regis pr(aetoris) CIL iii. p. 846; cf. Bull. d. Inst. 1845, 119; the last word makes it unlikely that CIL vi. 3825=31613 =i See p. 23. n. 1.. 660, Q. Marcius Q. f. Rex Cos. is the base in question). The rivus Herculaneus (not to be confused with the stream of the same name, cf. ANIO NOVUS) diverged from the aqua Marcia (Pliny (NH xxxi. 42) is entirely wrong in associating it wit
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASIS Q. MARCI REGIS (search)
BASIS Q. MARCI REGIS the pedestal of a statue of Q. Marcius Rex, erected on the Capitoline behind the temple of Juppiter, on which a diploma honestae missionis was fastened in 64 A.D. (CIL iii. p. 846, No. III).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CIRCUS MAXIMUS (search)
s flowed streams of water from the mouths of the dolphins (Tert. de spect. 8: delphines Neptuno vomunt; Cassiod. Var. iii. 51. 8: euripus maris vitrei reddit imaginem unde illuc delphini aequorei aquas influunt; cf. the mosaics of Barcelona and Lyons, DS i. figs. 1520, 1523; for euripus used of the whole spina, Tert. loc. cit. ea (i.e. Magna mater) praesidet euripo; adv. Hermog. 31 : statua super euripum; Anth. Lat. 3. 5-6; Sid. Apoll. Carm. 23. 360; RE vi. 1284; Lydus, de mens. i. 12). In 64 A.D. the great fire of Nero broke out in the tabernae on the Palatine side of the circus (Tac. Ann. xv. 38), and must have destroyed a considerable part of this side at least. It is probable that in this, as in other fires, it was only the upper structure of wood that was burned. Nero evidently rebuilt the circus, for it was in use in 68 when he returned from Greece and passed through it in triumphal procession (Suet. Nero 25; Cass. Dio lxii. 20. 4, 21. 1). Of the circus during the reign of Vesp
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AUREA, DOMUS (search)
AUREA, DOMUS * a huge palace built by Nero after the fire of 64 A.D. It took the place of the DOMUS TRANSITORIA (q.v.), and its grounds extended from the Palatine to the Esquiline, the central point being an artificial lake (stagnum) in the valley later occupied by the Colosseum (Suet. Nero, 31, whose description of it is worth quoting in full: Vestibulum eius fuit, in quo colossus cxx pedum staret ipsius effigie; tanta laxitas, ut porticus triplices miliarias haberet; item stagnum maris ie pavement of the Augustan Sacra via has been found under the steps of the temple of Venus and Rome, we have no knowledge of the buildings which occupied the site of the vestibule), and this road must have been closed for ordinary traffic after 64 A.D. We may notice that the route of Nero's triumph in 68 A.D. did not include it ; and the arch of Titus was erected at the only possible point on the Velia. That the vestibule lay in ruins until the construction of the temple of Venus and Rome by H
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, TRANSITORIA, DOMUS (search)
SITORIA, DOMUS * a palace erected by Nero qua Palatium et Maecenatis hortos continuaverat (Tac. Ann. xv. 39; cf. Suet. Nero 3 : domum a Palatio Esquilias usque fecit quam primo transitoriam, mox incendio absumptam restitutamque auream nominavit). Its object was to connect with the Palatine, not merely the HORTI MAECENATIS (q.v.) but other estates (HORTI LAMIANI, LOLLIANI, etc.) which in one way or another had come into the possession of the imperial house. It was destroyed by the fire of 64 A.D. and replaced by the domus Aurea. No remains of it were believed to exist, until the excavations made by Boni under the southern portion of the state apartments of the domus Augustana (Flavia) led to the rediscovery of the remains of a sumptuous and beautifully decorated palace in two stories. By some it is attributed to the DOMUS Q. LUTATII CATULI (q.v.), but this will not agree with the date of the construction. Others assign it to Claudius, owing to the existence of a quarry mark bearing
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, HORTI TORQUATIANI (search)
the aqua Appia and the aqua Augusta is said to be ' ad spem veterem ' on the boundary between them and other gardens, the name of which cannot be made out. The supplement [Epaphroditia]norum is due to Lanciani, and is accepted by Bennett in the Loeb edition. See HORTI EPAPHRODITIANI. Carcopino (Basilique Pythagoricienne, 67-72) proposes to read Tauria]norum, placing the BASILICA (q.v.) within the limits of these gardens, and pointing out that neither the Horti Epaphroditiani nor the Horti Pallantiani need have come into existence until after the death of Statilius Taurus (53 A.D.), so that the Horti Tauriani may have included the area which they afterwards occupied. He attributes the Horti Torquatiani to D. Iunius Silanus Torquatus, a great- grandson of Augustus, who was forced to commit suicide in 64 A.D. This place is also called AD GEMELLOS (q.v.), and the horti Torquatiani, therefore, were south of the via Praenestina and west of Spes vetus (BC 1874, 53-4; LA 248-249; HJ 364).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, THERMAE NERONIANAE (search)
THERMAE NERONIANAE the second public bathing establishment in Rome, built by Nero near the Pantheon (Suet. Nero 12; Aur. Vict. Ep. 5; Eutrop. vii. 15). According to the Chronica (Hier. a. Abr. 2079; Cassiod. Chron. min. ii. 138) they were erected in 64 A.D., but if they are to be identified with Nero's GYMNASIUM (q.v.), which was built in 62, their construction also must be assigned to that year (HJ 590). They were among the notable monuments of the city (Mart. ii. 48. 8; iii. 25. 4; vii. 34. 5, 9; Philostr. vit. Apoll. iv. 42; Stat. Silv. i. 5. 62), and evidently became a very popular resort (for incidental references, Mart. ii. 14. 13; xii. 83. 5; CIL vi. 8676, 9797, 5 =AL 29. 5). A hypocaust was found in the courtyard of Palazzo Madama in 1871 with the brick-stamps CIL xv. 481 (123 A.D.) ; and in 1907 in another hypocaust were found ib. 164 (Severus), 364 (Hadrian), 371 b (Severus), 404 (Severus) on the site of S. Salvatore in Thermis. Pipes were found in the walls of the time