Browsing named entities in Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. You can also browse the collection for 7 AD or search for 7 AD in all documents.

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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CERES MATER ET OPS AUGUSTA, ARA (search)
CERES MATER ET OPS AUGUSTA, ARA an altar erected by Augustus in 7 A.D. in vico Iugario, probably in honour of Livia, and dedicated on 10th August (Hemerol. Amit. Vail. Ant. ad IV id. Aug.; CIL i 2. pp. 240, 324; Jord. i. 2. 365, 468; RE iii. 1977).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
arch of aqueducts over Via Tiburtina, 417. 2Temple of Mars Ultor dedicated, 220. Forum of Augustus dedicated (unfinished), 220. Water brought to Circus Flaminius, 112. Naumachia Augusti, 357. Inscriptions on Basilica Aemilia to Augustus and his grandsons, 74. A.D. 2Tiberius resides in Gardens of Maecenas, 269. Arch of Lentulus and Crispinus, 40. 3Temple of the Magna Mater restored, 324. Horti Lamiani, 267. House of Augustus burnt, 157. 6Tiberius rebuilds Temple of Castor, 103. 7Altar of Ceres Mater and Ops Augusta, 110. Temple of Isis destroyed (?), 284. 10(before). Livia restores Temple of Bona Dea Subsaxana, 85. Arch of Dolabella and Silanus, 38. Temple of Concord completed, 139. 12Basilica Julia rebuilt after a fire, 79. 14Augustus restores Aqua Julia, 24. 14-37Reign of Tiberius: Tiberius builds Temple of Augustus, 62; and its library, 63, 84; Domus Tiberiana, 199. 14-16Schola Xanthi, 468. 15Cura riparum Tiberis instituted after inundation, 537. 16Arc