Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 10, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 7 AD or search for 7 AD in all documents.

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Attack on Roanoke Island.the enemy attempt to land.Terrific battle on shore.Loos of the steamer Curlew.illness of General Wise.&c., &c., &c. [special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.] Norfolk, Va., Feb. 8. --A messenger just up from Roanoke Island reports that fifty-three Federal vessels opened a tremendous cannonade on the Island yesterday morning, the 7th inst., at 10 o'clock. The firing was continued with great violence till night. Our batteries returned the fire in splendid style, with vigor and execution. One steamer was set on fire. Several houses on the island were set on fire by the enemy's hot shot. The assailing force attempted to land under cover of their guns. They had not succeeded in this attempt when the messenger left. No killed of our side were reported up to two o'clock yesterday. It was supposed that the fight would be renewed this morning. The bombarding vessels were stationed about two miles from the island. Gen. Wise is very ill. He
The Daily Dispatch: February 10, 1862., [Electronic resource], The North Carolina coast and its points of interest and defence. (search)
and two Captains, and sixty privates were made prisoners. Halleck's dispatch from St. Louis, to McClellan, dated the 7th says: "Fort Henry is ours. The flag of the Union has been re-established on the soil of Tennessee, never to be removed"authorizing an additional issue of ten millions of demand notes has also passed. A dispatch from Louisville dated the 7th, says Fort Donelson will be attacked tomorrow. The Confederates from Fort Henry retreated to Paris, leaving part of their guns. The Federal cavalry were in pursuit. A dispatch from Pittsburg, dated the 7th, says the Confederates evacuated Romney last night. A dispatch to the War Department, dated the 7th, says that Gen. Lander occupies Romney, and that there in pursuit. A dispatch from Pittsburg, dated the 7th, says the Confederates evacuated Romney last night. A dispatch to the War Department, dated the 7th, says that Gen. Lander occupies Romney, and that the Confederates had withdrawn.