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., 1859153,749 56 Dec. 31--To receipts in Dec., 1859.1,639,128 48 $1,954,301 32 1860. Jan. 2--To balance brought down109 257 99 Jan. 8--To receipts in January, 1860.419 058 62 Feb. 29--To receipts in February, 1860385 735 32 Mar. 31--To receipts in March, 1860107 749 35 $1 021 812 28 April 2--To balance brought down183,7 April 30--To receipts in April, 186047,070 91 May 31--To receipts in May, 1860292,145 10 June 30--To receipts in June, 1860441,608 97 $964,525 79 July 2--To balance brought down.42,395 64 July 31--To receipts in July, 1860413,212 13 Aug. 31--To receipts in August, 186091,883 92 Sept. 29--To receipts in Sept. 1860.133,756 98 $681,248 67 1860. Oct. 1--To balance this day against the Treasurer, exclusive of the funds under the direction of the Second Auditor.$139,305 18 By amount warrants paid in Oct., 1859.98,618 24 By amount warrants paid in Nov. 1859138,114.34 By amount warrants paid in Dec. 1859.1,608,300.77 Balance 31st
the affair, when Capt. Prince, with a strong body of troops, attacked and routed the State forces, capturing thirty horses and a large lot of baggage. There are now 2,500 U. S. troops and volunteers at Kansas City. Gen. McClellan is expected here to-morrow. Brigadier-General Sweeney, of the Home Guards, is making a thorough investigation of the firing upon the citizens by the volunteers on Monday. The examination of J. W. Tucker, editor of the Journal, was postponed till the 2d of July. Booneville, June 20.--The official report of the battle States that the Federal loss was four killed and nine wounded. Only four of the Secessionists are known to have been killed, and about twenty wounded, though it is generally believed that the number killed is much larger. Sixty or seventy prisoners were taken and released on their parole. Action of the Maryland Legislature. Frederick, Md., June 21. --Resolutions declaring that the debt the United States Governmen
izens which had been long urged in vain, are referred for adjustment to a board of commissioners. I submit a copy of the convention to Congress, and recommend the legislation necessary to carry it into effect. Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Persevering efforts have been made for the adjustment of the claims of American citizens against the government of Costa Rica, and I am happy to inform you that these have finally prevailed. A convention was signed at the city of San Jose, on the 2nd of July last, between the minister resident of the United States in Costa Rica and the plenipotentiaries of that republic, referring these claims to a board of commissioners, and providing for the payment of their awards. This convention will be submitted immediately to the Senate for their constitutional action. The claims of our citizens upon the republic of Nicaragua have not yet been provided for by treaty, although diligent efforts for this purpose have been made by our minister reside
Fish. --It is said that there is a scarcely of fish in the markets at this time. Those that are brought here command a very good price. The Mayor yesterday admonished and discharge Jas. R. Beadey, who has been arderly conduct on the street. H. had been once before effected for passing himself off as one of the city watch.--Wash. slave of Geo. W. Tries, was ordered 30 lashes for trespassing on the Petersburg Depot, and being insolent to one of the officers.--Jacob, slave of Merritt Todd, was remanded for trial before the Hustings Court on the 2nd Monday in July, for stealing $300 from Michael E. Price, at Mrs. Baber's boarding-house, on Main street, a few nights since.
ell, Geo. Lott, Mike Winters, Jas. Ryan, and Jno. Ryan, arrested for various drunks and acts consequent thereon, were admonished and delivered to their officers, being soldiers.--Jas. D. Founkhold, arrested for chasing people out of Palmore's drinking saloon with a drawn sabre, was detained for want of surety of the peace.--Patrick H. Connell was committed for a breach of the peace.--Charles, slave of Mrs. Jas. Ellett, was ordered 30 lashes for breaking into Philip Bergheimer's store and stealing $40. Edward Fitzgerald, charged with robbing a slave of $7, was committed to jail until the 2d of July.--Blackstone, slave of Henry Thweatt, was ordered 30 lashes for assaulting Wm. Maxwell in the street with a brick.--Eleven negroes, arrested for vagrancy, non payment of taxes, &c., were sent to jail, where, as the prospects opens for their being put to work, they will doubtless purge themselves of the charge of vagrancy by paying their taxes, and thus escape work. "Sensible to the last."
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. Narrow escape of a vidette. Suffolk, Va., July 2. Yesterday evening, about 8 o'clock, Mr. J. A Goodwyn, of the Petersburg Cavalry, stationed at this place, while on vidette duty hear Chuck-a-luck, was fired upon by some one lying in ambush, the ball passing through the sides of his cap. Mr. G. returned the fire twice, and then passed on, thinking it imprudent to expose his person to a second fire from a concealed enemy. The object of the attack is supposed to have been robbery, as the vidette at the time was dressed in citizens' clothes. It is a matter of congratulation that so accomplished a gentleman and brave a soldier should save escaped the assassin's bullet M quite young, being about 23 years of age, has the advantage of a good person and cultivated mind. Our village is unusually quiet, and were it not for an occasional walk to the neighboring camps. I should die of sheer ennui. We who are out of the army from necessit
From Washington. Washington, July 1. --(via New Orleans, July 2)--Captain Craven now commands the Potomac Flotilla, vice Captain Ward. The Freeborn has been so badly crippled that she will probably be condemned. Fourteen of the scouts of the Confederate forces attacked the Federal pickets at Shuter's Hill, and killed one and wounded one of the Federal forces. Skirmishing continues at Grafton, but the details are suppressed.
The Star chamber in America!! the city in possession of the Military forces. [From the Baltimore Exchange, July 2d.] Events succeed each other at present, with such startling rapidity, that it is scarcely worth while to do more than chronicle them. Each day it is thought that the minions of the Black Abolition Republican party have perpetrated the crowning outrage of the age; but the succeeding one witnesses some other act of military usurpation and tyranny, more infamous and outrageous than any that have preceded it. Yesterday, at an early hour, the greatest excitement prevailed. Men hurried to and fro; crowds gathered on the streets, and business was almost wholly suspended. A large military force had marched into the city, in the night, and arrested the Board of Police. Rumors floated about as to the arrest of several other leading gentlemen. Troops and batteries were stationed in all the important positions of the city. The facts, as near as we can learn, are
. Garrett, arrested with Robinson, is still in prison. From old Point. The steamer Adelaide, Capt. Cannon, arrived yesterday morning from Old Point Comfort, but brought no news of special interest. General Butler was withdrawing his troops from Newport News Point and posting them near Hampton. An early attack on the first named point was anticipated. The following letter will give the details of the news received: [Correspondence of the Associated Press.] Fortress Monroe, July 2, P. M. --The 3d Massachusetts regiment and the Naval Brigade occupy the deserted dwellings of Hampton — perhaps thirty inhabitants remain. Col. Wardlop's headquarters are at the house of Hon. Joseph Segar. The quaint old church which was occupied as a slaughter-house in the late war He now used as a guard-house.--Two companies are stationed in the yard, which is surrounded by a high wall. The tombstones date from the 17th century. Four companies of Col. Packard's regiment, just
ion of Federal telegraphic directors to the Northern press, should be read with a great deal of caution: The battle on the upper Potomac. Williamsport, Md., July 2. --A messenger from Hock's river, (on the other side of the Potomac,) has just arrived here, bringing news of a considerable battle at that point, between Gebest troops now in the service. Washington,July 3.--The following dispatch was received at 2.15 this morning by telegraph: Hock River, near Martinsburg, July 2. To Col. E D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General: We left Williamsport at 6 o'clock A. M. today, for this place. We drove and routed the rebels, about 10,0 Rockets were frequently sent up by the Secession pickets during last night, but there are no present indications of an advance. Southern News. Louisville, July 2. --The Governor of Tennessee has stationed an agent at Mitchellville, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, near the Northern Tennessee line, to prevent
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