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Your search returned 67 results in 48 document sections:
Vices-President Stephens. Augusta, July 3.
--Vice-President A. H. Stephens was in our city to-day.
He is enjoying his usual health.
He speaks at Waynesboro' (30 miles below this city) to-morrow, on the cotton loan, and a liberal subscription is expected from the wealthy and patriotic cotton planters of "Old Burke."
The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The British National debt. (search)
Hon. Howell Cobb. Augusta, July 3.
--The Hon. Howell Cobb reached our city to-day.
He has returned to Georgia to organize his regiment, and in a short time he will lead a gallant body of men to aid and sustain the independence and protect the firesides and homes of the people of be Confederate States.
The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Serious accident. (search)
--A Railroad Car and Contents Destroyed — Loss $1,000--Yesterday foremost about half-past 9 o'clock, a freight car the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, the old depot in Edgefield, was discovered be on fire, and as it contained fifty barrels of turpentine, the whole was soon enveloped in flames.
The train consisted of fifteen twenty cars, heavily loaded with rice, tobacco, turpentine and other valuable products and it was with the greatest difficulty cars, except the one in which the fire originated, could be saved.
At first the fire was supposed to be the work of an incendiary, after careful investigation, the agent of the road here is satisfied that it was accidental.
He thinks it originated from a spark from the locomotive of the Edgefield and Kentucky Railroad, which passed a short time before the fire was discovered.
The loss is estimated at $1,000.--Nashville (Tenn.) Union July 3.
The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Extraordinary shooting. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Won't fight. (search)
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The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Army balloons (search)
Arrival of the California Express. Fort Kearney, July 3.
--The California Pony Express, with San Francisco dates to the 22d ult., has arrived.
The steamer Sonora sailed on the 20th with $1,240,000 in specie for New York.
The Republican State ticket has been completed.
Most of the candidates are natives of New York.
Gen. Johnston is reported to have resigned his commission, and was about starting overland for Texas, with fifty Californians, to aid the Confederates.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. female Collegiate Institute, Murfreesboro', N. C. Murfreesboro', July 4.
The commencement exercises of this Institution recurred on Wednesday evening, July 3. The following essays were read:
"The thorn is Often Picked for the Rose," Miss Lydia A. Barnes, Hertford county; "Life a Journey." Miss Helena, I. Spiers, Murfreesboro'; "The Golden Key Unlocks Every Door," Miss Rosa D. Stargell, Northampton county; "The Contemplation of Nature Favorable to the Virtues," Miss Mattie E. Long, Hertford, Perqm's county; "Hamiray of True Greatness,"Miss Alice R. Parker, Sussex county, Va.; "The True Pastric," Miss Anne Thompson, Murfreesboro', " A Lave for the Heaudtut, " Miss Alice P. Stancell, Northasapton; " I slept and Dreamed that Life was Beauty, I Woke and Found that it was Duty, " Miss Zenie Lassiter, Murfreesboro'; "Be if Ever so Humble, There's so Flae Like Home, " Miss Mary E. Powell, Perris county, " Suffering the Source and Theatre
Blockade of Tampa Bay. Cedar Keys, July 3.
--The steamer R. R. Cuyler is blockading Tampa Bay. Four sailing vessels appeared off here for several days.
To-day the steamer Madison, fully armed and manned by two companies stationed here, went out to reconnoiter, and up to 7 o'clock had succeeded in capturing two schooners.--The schooners are now coming in. The steamer has gone in pursuit of the others.
A letter from "H," dated Martinsburg, July 3, is omitted, simply because all the facts communicated in regard to the engagement near Hainesville had been anticipated.