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The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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on. To the navigator it is a token of peace. According to its position, it indicates the hours of the night. We had long wished for this consteliation as a guide to the other hemisp here. We therefore felt inexpressible pleasure when we perceived it in the resplendent firmament." Humboldt, also, refers to his first view of this constellation with peculiar feeling. "We saw distinctly," says the great traveller, "for the first time the 'Cross of the South,' on the night of the 4th and 5th of July in the 16th degree of latitude — it was strongly inclined, and appeared from time to time between the clouds, the centre of which forrowed by uncondensed lightning, reflected a silver light. The pleasure felt in discovering the Southern Cross, was warmly shared by such of the crew as had lived in the celonies. In the solitude of the seas, we hail a star as a friend, from whom we have been long separated. The two great stars which mark the summit and foot of the cross, have nearly t