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erations. The Sultan of Turkey was also to receive a money consideration. Spain has ordered six screw war frigates of the first class, in order that she may be superior on the sea to the American flag. Count Teleki had committed suicide. It is positively asserted that Mr. Gladstone will announce in the House of Commons tonight that the mail contract with the Galway steamship line has terminated. It is stated authoritatively that negotiations for the withdrawal of the French forces from Rome are approaching a conclusion. The first steamer from Liverpool for New Orleans is advertised to sail on the 7th of August. The steamship Niagara, from Boston, via Halifax, arrived at Liverpool on the 13th instant. The steamship Columbia from New York, via St. Johns, N. F., arrived at Galway on the 14th The steamship Jura, from Quebec, arrived at Londonderry on the 14th. The steamship City of Washington, from New York, arrived at Queenstown on the 15th.
of this sort would greatly relieve the Surgeon-in-chief, whose labors (to judge from those of our indefatigable head Surgeon here) are multiplied and oppressive to the last degree. That these duties could not be better met and discharged, as far as the possibilities of human endurance goes, than they are by Surgeon Cabell, will be cheerfully testified to by all who know. T. D. M. list of wounded at the General Hospital at Charlottesville additional to that published in the Dispatch of Aug. 7th: Burger Jas M, 4th Va Regiment, Company A--in arm. Brooke J R, 8th Ga, Oglethorpe Infantry--in leg. Bailey Jacob H, 5th Va. F — in hip, slight. Bolt L M, 4th So Car, K — in knee. Bonner W H, 27th Va. E — bruised in back. Berry Randell, 4th Ala, Governor's Guard — in hand. Bearden W M, 8th Ga, C — flesh wound in arm. Brooke W W, 8th Ala, F — fractured thigh. Crail A W, 4th Ala, Governor's Guard — in knee. Conant Wm, 7th Ga, D — slight. Cook John, 2d Miss,
on correspondent of the New York Herald, of August 7th: A gentleman who has been recently comng in New York. A letter from New York, August 7th, says: Recruiting still goes on in thiuri — Abolition dispatches. St. Louis, August 7. --A battle occurred on Monday at Dug S Movements of Federal troops. Washington, Aug. 7 --The movements of troops are now conduc quarter. Washington items. Washington, Aug. 7. --Hon. A. W. Randall has been appointedConfederate war vessel sunk. Philadelphia, August 7. --The U. S. Steam gunboat Flag arrived From "away down East." Augusta, Me., August 7. --The Republican State Convention, whiease. The Bogus Convention. Wheeling, August 7. --The State (!) Convention reassembledxcitement in New Mexico. Independence, Mo., Aug. 7. --The Santa Fe Mail of the 22d has arris. The Kentucky election. Louisville, August 7. --Nearly the full vote from forty coun[1 more...]
News from Texas. Independence, Mo., Aug. 7 --The Santa Fe mail has arrived. There is considerable excitement in New Mexico and Texas, and the security of public property is threatened — About one thousand troops, who were returning to the States, had been recalled. Two Federal officers had deserted and joined the Texans. The Texan forces at Fort Bliss were 700, with pickets within ten miles of Fort Fillmore, which was defended by thirteen companies of regulars.
The Democrats of Ohio against Lincoln. Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 7 --The Democratic Convention have nominated H. J. Jewett for Governor, and John Scott Harrison for Lieut. Governor. Several resolutions were adopted, the third of which recommends the State to call a National Convention, and the sixth condemns President's Lincoln's suspension of the habeas corpus.
Spain taking possession of St. Domingo. New York, Aug. 8 --Dates from Havana to the 3d instant have been received. The Captain General was absent. He was absence for the purpose of taking formal possession of St. Domingo.
The bogus Government in Missouri. The New York Times, one of the leading Abolition journals of the North, is greatly chagrined at the proclamation of 'Governor' Gamble, of Missouri. We copy from that paper of August 7th: We felt much cheered, a few days ago, in announcing that the Missouri State Convention had deposed the traitor Governor, Jackson, and the seditions General Assembly of that State. The offence of the Legislature was that I had passed an unconstitutional military bill, putting the militia of the State in the hands of the traitor Governor, and compelling them to swear realty to that Governor, instead of to the Constitution of the United States. The offence of the Governor was that he had openly conspired with armed enemies of the United States, and was using the militia and the treasure of the State in trying to withdraw Missouri from the Union. And further, that in the violent effort accomplish this revolution, he had been driven from the State and compel
The British press on the battle of Manassas.Lord Palmerstons Views on the blockade. [From the London Times August 7th] "The dissensions which arose some months ago in the United States of North America have unfortunately assumed the character of open war" Such is the tranquil comment of the royal speech upon the events in the New World which have fallen so unexpectedly upon the ear of Europe. Our Queen has reflected with an excellent fidelity the feelings of her people. After the first surprise was over, and when the "God bless me! you don't say so?" had been said, we think we never heard of a battle in which 75,000 men seem to have been engaged on each side, and which fell so blank upon the public ear, and engaged so little European interest. The fact is, that we do not like to laugh, and the sense of the ridiculous comes too strong over us when we would be serious. It is a great battle without the dignity of danger or the painful interest of great carnage. There are
Latest war movements.Northern accounts. From late Northern papers received at this office we make up the following summary of news: Official information relative to the Privateer Sumter. Washington, August 23. --The State Department has received a letter from the United States Consul at Curacoa, dated August 7th, in which he says that, according to the statement of the runaway seaman, an Englishman named Old, from the Privateer Sumter, she was not allowed to enter the port of Ciennuegos de Cuba, but was ordered to anchor below the fort. Her prizes, however, six in number, went into the port. The Sumter, after coaling, proceeded to see immediately, supposing some of our men-of-war were in pursuit of her. She subsequently captured two American vessels, both loaded with provisions. One of them, named Jos. Maxwell, off Puerto Cabello. She was seen on the 21 instant in the vicinity of Mattanani, on the coast of Venezuela, proceeding to the windward, and it was sup
soon acknowledge us. Morris Seligman. As we have said before, the very important question arises whether the allegations of this letter are true; because, if they are, no doubt whatever remains that Lord Lyons and Mr. Russell are both with the South and against the North in this war. The letter is dated August 3. Muir was arrested in Jersey City, August 14, and Mr. Seligman's letter was at that time in his possession. Mr. Russell's letter was published in the London Times of August 7, and did not reach this city until the 19th--five days after Mr. Seligman's letter was seized. It answers fully and emphatically to Mr. Seligman's description, when he says that "it disposes of the Yankees." But this is a general commentary, and easily complied with. There is a much more important and, at the same time, minute particular in which it verifies the statement of Mr. Seligman. In that letter, speaking of Mr. Jefferson Davis. Mr. Russell says: "He has already proved that he ha
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