Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for June, 9 AD or search for June, 9 AD in all documents.

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, at 20a24 for inferior and ordinary and 26a27 for prime fermenting and reboiled, city refinery reboiled commanding higher rates, and sugar-house syrup, 30 Received since the 31st ult., 321 bbls. Experted, none. Memphis markets. Memphis, Sept. 6. --Wheat--There was little or no demand for the article yesterday, and we did not hear of a sale worth reporting. Flour--The market continues dull with more irregularity in prices. Sales of 100 barrels extra family at $7.50; 80 do. $7ited sales of clear sides at 22 Coffee--172 and 115 bags sold for Confederate bonds at — and 20 bags at 35 Sugar--Sales of 17 hhds. at 7 ½a10 ½c. Whiskey--The market is firm at 37 ½c., in lots. Nashville markets. Nashville, Sept. 6. --There has been considerable activity for some days past in groceries, dry goods, and breadstuffs and provisions, on account of Southern buyers. We noticed packages being shipped yesterday for Newbern, N. C. Flour is firmly held at $5a $