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Later from Europearrival of the Arago. Cape Race. Nov. 25. --The steamship Arago, from Southampton on the 14th, has passed date. Her general news is unimportant. The Bank of England had again advanced in rates to 5 per cent. The Bank of France had advanced to 4 ½ per cent. The settlement of the Chinese question had been delayed for want of money. The allied army was marching on Pekin, followed by Lord Elgin. The army reached Yang-tain on the 10th of September. Official dispatches, however, to the British Government, state that peace had been concluded. The Prince of Wales' fleet had not reached England. Commercial. Liverpool. Nov. 10. --Cotton — Sales Monday and Tuesday reached 12,000 bales, including 1,600 for speculation and export. Friday's quotations are rarely maintained, Flour dull and 61, lower. Wheat quiet, and lower qualities easier, but quotations unchanged. Corn slightly declined. Beef heavy, Pork quiet, Bacon steady. Lard f
S. Commissioner Hoyne, he made a confession as to a portion of the offence charged against him. He is now in jail. He gives his name and has passed as William H. Hudson, about eighteen years old. He has filled the position as train-boy on this train in the capacities familiar to the traveling public in the sale of newspapers, fruit, etc., and supplying passengers with water, and it seems has thus enjoyed facilities which he has liberally improved for robbing the mails. On the night of September 10th the mail-bag sent from Chicago to Quincy arrived at its destination in due time, but with its entire contents abstracted. Every effort was made by the Department to discover the manner in which the robbery had been effected, but without success. Until this arrest of young Hudson it had been enveloped in mystery. Among the letters now found is a portion of that lost mail. Upon opening Hudson's trunks a large amount of mail matter was found, including letters containing valuable p
te Committee was not held here to day, as proposed, either in a public or private manner. A grand Union meeting has, however, been in session all day, attended by thousands from the city and the neighboring town. There have also been parades of the Home Guards, with music, &c. No disturbance occurred. Massachusetts Politics. Boston, August 15 --The Democratic State Committee met yesterday at Worcester, and agreed to call a Convention to nominate State officers, to be held September 10th, in Worcester. Court martial of Col. Miles. Alexandria, Aug. 15 --The trial by court martial of Colonel Miles, charged with unofficer-like conduct on Centreville Heights, on the day of the battle of Bull Bun, is still progressing, the court being held in the City Council Chamber. The witnesses on the part of the prosecution are not more than half through. The counsel for Colonel Richardson, the complainant, is Lieutenant Colonel Lardner, of Detroit, and for Col. Mile
Later from Europe.arrival of the Africa. St. Johns. Sept. 10. --The steamship Africa arrived yesterday, with Liverpool dates via Queenstown, by telegraph, to the 1st of September. The sales of cotton at Liverpool for the week were 70,000 bales. The market was calm, at a slight advance. [second Dispatch.] New York. Sept. 10. --The English newspapers, brought by the Africa, which has arrived at Halifax, contain some few points of interest. The London Globe saySept. 10. --The English newspapers, brought by the Africa, which has arrived at Halifax, contain some few points of interest. The London Globe says that the army in Canada will be increased 22,000 men during the month. The London Times calls editorially upon the Government to strain every nerve to develop the cotton culture elsewhere than in the Southern Confederate States. Late advices from the West Indies have been received in England, which announce that the privateer Sumter had taken and sunk forty vessels. Commercial. The Liverpool broker's circular reports the sales of cotton for the week at 120,000 bales, of whi
From Missouri. Cairo, Sept. 10. --It is reported that Polk's force at Columbus has been increased to thirteen regiments, six field batteries, a siege battery, three batteries of cavalry, &c. He has a gun-boat and three steamers. The Jeff. Thompson is at Belmonte, opposite Columbus. The gun-boat Yankee came within three miles of Cairo and returned without a demonstration. Com. Rogers seized the steamers John Gault, John Bell, and Jefferson, of Paducah and Columbus.
Release of Mr. Serrill--cannonading near Washington. New York, Sept. 10. --Mr. Serrill has been released. The Washington correspondent of the Commercial says that heavy cannonading was heard yesterday in the vicfulty of the Federal lines. It was rumored that an active engagement had commenced. Nothing reliable is yet known.
From Kentucky. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 10. --A party representing the Government in telegraph matters was here yesterday, but no steps have been taken to interrupt free communication. It is understood that the agent will recommend the adoption of the censor system, and that a censor will be placed so far in the interior of Kentucky as is thought safe. There is nothing definite from Frankfort.
Move towards Gondscating property in Maryland. New York, Sept. 10. --The Washington correspondent of the Post says that the Government Attorney at Baltimore is under suspicion of disloyalty, as he has taken no steps to confiscate the property of Marylanders who are known to be in the Confederate Army, or who are warm sympathizers with the rebels.
Disaster to a Federal Troop train. Baltimore, Sept. 10. --A train of cars with a detachment of cavalry, ran off the track on yesterday. Four were instantly killed, three mortally, and many seriously wounded. The engineer has been arrested.
Stooks owned by Southerners at the North. New York, Sept. 10. --The Marshal has instructed the transfer agents to transfer no more stock owned by Southerners, nor to pay any more dividends on stock owned by Southerners.