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The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman) 6 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Abbot, Ezra, 1819-1884 (search)
Abbot, Ezra, 1819-1884 Theologian; born in Jackson, Me., April 28, 1819. He was graduated at Bowdoin College in 1840, became associate librarian at Harvard College in 1856, and from 1872 till his death was Professor of New Testament Literature and Interpretation at the Cambridge Divinity School. He was a member of the American Committee of New Testament Revisers, was one of the editors of the American edition of Smith's Bible dictionary, and published numerous works in Biblical criticism. He was especially distinguished in the line of Greek scholarship. He died in Cambridge, Mass., March 21, 1884.
l here when his choice was made. Others there have been who found their home here naturally by reason of the convenience of historic printing-houses, and who might easily have worn paths to and from their houses, as they carried forward their scholarly pursuits. For a long time the great lexicographer, Joseph E. Worcester, lived his retired life where now live the family of the late Chauncy Smith. Many still youthful will recall the figure, alert, nervous, and almost furtively shy, of Ezra Abbot, skimming along the walk, his eyes bent on his book, which he read as he walked; the deadly foe of error on the printed page; his own work in construction as faultlessly accurate as his handwriting was unmistakably legible. It requires a somewhat older memory to recall the courtly presence of Charles Folsom, who well deserved the English title of corrector of the press, but whose chastening for the time seemed scarcely joyous to the printer as he waited impatiently for the proof-sheets w
sight of the Washington Elm, under which Washington is said to have drawn his sword when he took command of the American army. Upon this favored town have descended in especial force inspiring influences from the patriot Washington, the gentle and sweet-spirited Longfellow, the genial Holmes, and the broad-minded Lowell. Thus an atmosphere is created which is calculated to sustain the studious spirit. Fitting School for boys and girls. In 1879, Miss K. V. Smith was encouraged by Ezra Abbot, John Fiske, Charles Eliot Norton, and Francis J. Child to open a private school for boys and girls at 16 Ash Street. It was removed the next year to 5 Phillips Place, and again changed to 54 Garden Street, and in 1887 to its present high and sunny locality at 13 Buckingham Street. The school aimed to give an education broader than usual, by methods tending toward intellectual independence, anticipating thereby a large number of the suggestions of the recent educational committees and c
General Index. Abbot, Ezra, 68. Agassiz, Louis, excites the spirit of research, 74; his school for young ladies, 74, 209-211; his personality, 74. Agassiz, Mrs. Louis, plans her husband's school, 200; president of Radcliffe College, 180. Aldermen, 401. Allston, Washington, 41. Allston Street, fort at foot of, 27. Almshouses, 17, 32, 276. American Lodge, K. of P., 292. Amicable Lodge of Masons, 280-283. Amity Rebekah Lodge, 286. Andover, college library and apparatus moved to, 26. Anniversary committees, 406-408. Appleton, Rev. Nathaniel, 236; the Revolution the great event in his ministry, 237; church lands sold in his time, 237; gifts to, 237; salary, 237. Arlington, 9. Assessors, 402. Assets and liabilities, comparative statement of, 319. Assistants, Council of, 5, 23. Associated Charities, its beginning, 259; its aim, 259; organization, 259; registrar appointed, 259; visiting, 259; conferences, 259; the society incorporated,
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
h Gospel, and particularly Edward H. Hall's Papias and his contemporaries (1899), which connects the Gospel of John with the Gnostic movement of the second century. The majority of our scholars took a moderately progressive stand. As the pregnant debate approached the New Testament, American scholarship maintained largely a dignified silence but refused to move the previous question. The most substantial contribution of our scholars in the whole field of Biblical literature is probably Ezra Abbot's Authorship of the fourth Gospel (1880), which, while it defends the widely disputed apostolic authorship of the book, admits the cogency of opposing opinion and the discrepancies between the fourth Gospel and the other three. George P. Fisher, Professor of Church History in the Yale Divinity School and author of a very usable History of the Christian Church, sensed the vital import of the criticism of the gospels and devoted the greater part of his careful and well-poised works on The su
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises, X. Charles Eliot Norton (search)
in the Harvard Library. The youth who entered upon literature anonymously, at the age of twenty-five, as a compiler of hymns under the title of Five Christmas hymns in 1852, and followed this by A book of hymns for young persons in 1854, did not even flinch from printing the tragically Calvinistic verse which closes Addison's famous hymn, beginning The Lord my pasture shall prepare, with a conclusion so formidable as death's gloomy horrors and dreadful shade. In 1855 he edited, with Dr. Ezra Abbot, his father's translations of the Gospels with notes (2 vols.), and his Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels (3 vols.). Charles Norton made further visits to Europe in 1855-57, and again resided there from 1868 until 1873; during which time his rapidly expanding literary acquaintanceships quite weaned his mind from the early atmosphere of theology. Although one of the writers in the very first number of the Atlantic Monthly, he had no direct part in its planning. He wrote to me