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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 31 3 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Abercrombie, James, 1706- (search)
Abercrombie, James, 1706- military officer; born at Glassaugh, Scotland, in 1706. In 1746 he became a colonel in the British army; was made major-general in 1756, lieutenant-general in 1759, and general in 1772. He came to America in 1756, where he held the chief military command until the arrival of Lord Loudoun. After the departure of that officer, Abercrombie resumed the command. In July, 1758, he attacked Ticonderoga (q. v.) with a large force, but was repulsed with a loss of about 2,000 men. He was succeeded by General Amherst in September following; returned to England in 1759, and became a member of Parliament, wherein he advocated the obnoxious measures that led to the War of the Revolution in 1775. He died April 28, 1781, while Governor of Stirling Castle. military officer; son of Gen. James Abercrombie. He had served on the staff of General Amherst, in America, and was commissioned a lieutenant in the British army in March, 1770. While leading the Britis
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Crown Point, (search)
wn Point was intrusted to Gen. John Winslow (a great-grandson of Edward Winslow, governor of Plymouth), who led the expedition against the Acadians in 1755. The Earl of Loudoun was commander-in-chief of the British forces in America, and Gen. James Abercrombie (q. v.) was his lieutenant. General Winslow had collected 7,000 men at Albany before Abercrombie's arrival, with several British regiments, in June. Difficulties immediately occurred respecting military rank. These, unadjusted when LouAbercrombie's arrival, with several British regiments, in June. Difficulties immediately occurred respecting military rank. These, unadjusted when Loudoun arrived, were made worse by his arrogant assumption of supreme rank for the royal officers, and the troops were not ready to move until August. Vigorous measures were meanwhile taken to supply and reinforce the forts at Oswego. John Bradstreet, appointed commissary-general, employed for this purpose forty companies of boatmen, of fifty men each. Before this could be accomplished, the French, under Montcalm, captured the post at Oswego, which event so alarmed the inefficient Loudoun that
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), French and Indian War. (search)
George (August, 1757); and so ended the campaign and the leadership of the inefficient Lord Loudoun. William Pitt at this time took the chief control of public affairs in England, and prepared to prosecute the war in America with vigor. Gen. James Abercrombie was placed in chief command in America in 1758, and Admiral Boscawen was sent with a fleet to co-operate. Louisburg, Fort Ticonderoga, and Fort Duquesne were to be attacked. Louisburg was captured, but Abercrombie, who led the troops tAbercrombie, who led the troops towards Lake Chainplain, failed in his attack on Ticonderoga. Fort Frontenac, at the foot of Lake Ontario, was captured; so, also, was Fort Duquesne, and its name was changed to Fort Pitt, in compliment to the great prime minister. These suecesses so alarmed the Indians that, having assembled in council, they agreed not to fight the English any more. Pitt now resolved to conquer Canada. General Amherst was placed in chief command in America, in the spring of 1759, and a land and naval forc
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Frontenac, Fort (search)
Frontenac, Fort A fortification built by Frontenac in 1673 at the foot of Lake Ontario, at the present Kingston. After the repulse of the English at Ticonderoga (July 8, 1758), Col. John Bradstreet urged Abercrombie to send an expedition against this fort. He detached 3,000 men for the purpose, and gave Colonel Bradstreet command of the expedition. He went by the way of Oswego, and crossed the lake in bateaux, having with him 300 bateau-men. His troops were chiefly provincials, and were furnished with eight pieces of cannon and two mortars. They landed within a mile of the fort on the evening of Aug. 25, constructed batteries, and opened them upon the fort at short range two days afterwards Finding the works untenable, the garrison surrendered (Aug. 27) without much resistance. The Indians having previously deserted, there were only 110 prisoners. The spoils were sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, a large quantity of small arms, provisions and military stores, and nine armed v
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hartsuff, George Lucas 1830-1874 (search)
Lucas 1830-1874 Military officer; born in Tyre, N. Y., May 28, 1830; graduated at West Point in 1852, and served first in Texas and Florida. In 1856 he was assistant instructor in artillery and infantry tactics at West Point. He was made assistant adjutantgeneral, with the rank of captain, in March, 1861; served at Fort Pickens from April till July, 1861, and then in western Virginia, under General Rosecrans. In April, 1862, he was made brigadier-general of volunteers, and commanded Abercrombie's brigade in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Manassas, and Antietam, receiving a severe wound in the latter engagement. In November he was promoted to major-general; and in the spring of 1863 was sent to Kentucky, where he commanded the 23d Corps. He was in command of the works at Bermuda Hundred in the siege of Petersburg, 1864-65. In March, 1865, he was brevetted major-general in the United States army; in 1867-71 was adjutant-general of the 5th Military Division and of the Division o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Haviland, William 1718- (search)
Haviland, William 1718- Military officer; born in Ireland in 1718; served in the British army at Carthagena and Porto Bello; and was aide to General Blakeney in suppressing the rebellion of 1745. He was lieutenant-colonel under Loudon in America (1757) ; served with Abercrombie at Ticonderoga (1758), and under Amherst (1759-60), entering Montreal with the latter officer in September, 1760. He was senior brigadier-general and second in command at the reduction of Martinique in 1762, and at the siege of Havana. He was made lieutenant-general in 1772, and general in 1783, and died Sept. 16, 1784.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Howe, George Augustus, Viscount 1724- (search)
er's title when he was eleven years of age. In 1757 he was commissioned colonel of the 60th (Royal American) Regiment. Later in the year he was made colonel of the 55th Foot, and soon afterwards brigadier-general, and sent to America with General Abercrombie in the spring of 1758. He led the right wing of the army in the expedition against Ticonderoga. At the head of an advanced party, he met a detachment of French troops in the forest between the foot of Lake George and Ticonderoga, and in n from the vault his hair, which had been cut short as an example for his soldiers, had grown to long, flowing and beautiful locks. The province of Massachusetts erected a monument to his memory in Westminster Abbey. Lord Howe was elder brother of Richard and William Howe. His fall was regarded as an ill omen in the army, and produced almost universal consternation and languor. Mante says: With him the soul of the expedition seemed to expire. Abercrombie returned with his troops to Albany.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lyman, Phineas 1716- (search)
gaged in mercantile pursuits, but finally became a lawyer in Suffield. There he was a magistrate for some years, and took a conspicuous part in the disputes between Massachusetts and Connecticut concerning the town of Suffield. At the breaking out of the French and Indian War he was commander-in-chief of the Connecticut forces; he built Fort Lyman (afterwards Fort Edward), on the upper Hudson, and fought and won the battle at the head of Lake George in 1755. In 1758 he served under General Abercrombie, and was with Lord Howe when he was killed. He was also at the capture of Crown Point and Montreal, and, in 1762, led provincial troops against Havana. In 1763 General Lyman went to England to get prizemoney for himself and fellow-officers and to solicit a grant of land on the Mississippi for a company called Military adventurers. He returned to America in 1774, at which time a tract near Natchez was granted to the petitioners; and thither he went with his eldest son, and died soon
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nixon, John 1725-1815 (search)
Nixon, John 1725-1815 Military officer; born in Framingham, Mass., March 4, 1725; was a soldier at the capture of Louisburg in 1745; served in the army and navy seven years; fought at Ticonderoga under Abercrombie, leading a company as captain. He led a company of minute-men at Lexington, and commanded a regiment at Bunker Hill, receiving a wound from which he never fully recovered. He was made a brigadier-general in 1776, and commanded a brigade in the battle of Stillwater, in which engagement a cannonball passed so near his head that it permanently impaired the sight of one eye and the hearing of one ear. Resigned Sept. 12, 1780. He died in Middlebury, Vt., March 24, 1815.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Putnam, Israel 1718- (search)
Putnam, Israel 1718- Military officer; born in Salem (the part now Danvers), Mass., Jan. 7, 1718; he settled in Pomfret, Conn., in 1739, where he acquired a good estate; raised a company, and served in the French and Indian War with so much efficiency that in 1757 he was promoted to the rank of major. While Abercrombie was resting Israel Putnam in 1776. securely in his intrenchments at Lake George after his repulse at Ticonderoga, two or three of his convoys had been cut off by French scouting-parties, and he sent out Majors Rogers and Putnam to intercept them. Apprised of this movement, Montcalm sent Molang, an active partisan, to waylay the English detachment. While marching through the forest (August, 1758), in three divisions, within a mile of Fort Anne, the left, led by Putnam, fell into an ambuscade of Indians, who attacked the English furiously, uttering horrid yells. Putnam and his men fought bravely. His fusee at length missed fire with the muzzle at the breast