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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 12: the negro as a soldier. (search)
-a leader of Maroons. Meanwhile, I used to try to make some capital for the Northern troops, in their estimate, by pointing out that it was a disinterested thing in these men from the free States, to come down there and fight, that the slaves might be free. But they were apt keenly to reply, that many of the white soldiers disavowed this object, and said that that was not the object of the war, nor even likely to be its end. Some of them even repeated Mr. Seward's unfortunate words to Mr. Adams, which some general had been heard to quote. So, on the whole, I took nothing by the motion, as was apt to be the case with those who spoke a good word for our Government, in those vacillating and half proslavery days. At any rate, this ungenerous discouragement had this good effect, that it touched their pride; they would deserve justice, even if they did not obtain it. This pride was afterwards severely tested during the disgraceful period when the party of repudiation in Congress t
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Index. (search)
Index. Adams, C. F., Hon., 25. Aiken, William, Gov., 170. Allston, Adam, Corp., 93. Andrew, J. A., Gov, 3, 71, 224, 225, 289. Bates, Edward, Hon., 290. Beach, H. A., Lt., 271, 272. Bearregard, W. T., Gen., 22, 57. Beecher, II. W., Rev., 256. Bell, Louis, Col., 236. Bennett, W. T., Gen., 265, 269. Bezzard, James, 83. Bigelow, L. F., Lt., 2. Billings, L., Lt.-Col., 269. Bingham, J. M., Lt., 176, 270. Brannan, J. M., Gen., 98. Brisbane, W. H., 40. Bronson, William, Sergt., 273. Brown, A. B., Lt., 272. Brown, John, 4, 22, 41, 60. Brown, John (colored), 274. Brown, York, 275. Bryant, J. E., Capt., 230, 231. Budd, Lt., 68. Burnside, A. E., Gen., 33,34. Butler, B. F., Gen., 1. Calhoun, J. C., Capt., 151, Chamberlin, G. B., Lt., 185, 270. Chamberlin, Mrs., 242. Cheever, G. B., Rev., 293. Child, A., Lt. 271, 272. Clark, Capt., 70, 76, 92. Clifton, Capt., 90, 91. Clinton, J. B., Lt., 170. Corwin, B. R., Maj., 115, 122. Crandall, W. B., Surg., 269. Cr
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 51 (search)
er government. There was in the latter part of 1864 a growing feeling in the Federal States against the action of Great Britain, which, though the latter began to pay more attention to its neutral obligations (owing to the strong protests of Mr. Adams, Federal minister at the Court of St. James), still allowed these cruisers to escape to sea; and several ironclad rams, built by John Laird & Co., were preparing for sea, at Liverpool. These rams would, no doubt, have escaped but for the earnethe course of construction, and the Federal Government had, apparently, realized at last the importance of having a powerful Navy, by which alone it could maintain its position among the nations of the earth. Mr. Seward's earnest letters and Mr. Adams' strong protests may have had some influence upon the British Government in deciding them to carry out the terms of their Foreign Enlistment Act, but there was a stronger argument in the heavy ships and guns that the Federals were building so r
e, and free from committals by treaties. This idea has support from the course of the administration in regard to the obtainment of arms and munitions of war, and the procurement of a navy. When the Confederate commission presented itself in London it was received by the British Minister for Foreign Affairs, and interviews were held between them. But Mr. Yancey, as we have seen, was powerless. He had nothing to propose or to treat about. So when the minister of the United States, Mr. C. F. Adams, on the 12th of June, 1861, expressed the great dissatisfaction of his government, coupled with a threat to retaliate, if such interviews continued, the British Minister, having ascertained that it was the policy of the Confederate government to use the commercial dependence of England to obtain compulsory recognition, and to make no treaties conferring advantages in trade or commerce, cut short further official intercourse. Not until November, 1861, were Messrs. Mason, Slidell, Mann,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 5: Lowell (search)
iscretion. Your twenty languages is a good many. Cordially yours, J. R. Lowell. It is a curious fact that while the delineation of Parker in the Fable for critics is perhaps the best ever given, yet he and Lowell never quite sympathized. What I called noble frankness in Parker's series of obituary sermons, was based upon the general habit which had prevailed up to that time of making such things absolutely colorless except for flattery; so that Parker's fine address on John Quincy Adams came as an absolute surprise, which his Historic Americans continued. My phrase twenty languages was an understatement of those in which Parker had at least dabbled. On the other hand, Parker always maintained that Lowell was not thoroughly in earnest and had no enemies, which seemed to me equally one-sided with Lowell's criticisms upon himself. I had always supposed that the two appointments of Lowell as foreign minister proceeded from the influence of his classmate and fellowtownsman,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, I. A Cambridge boyhood (search)
recall some aspects of it with hearty dislike, and am glad that it was my happy lot to have come no nearer. The evil was, however, tempered by a great deal of wholesome athletic activity, which Mr. Wells encouraged: there was perpetual playing of ball and of fascinating running games; and we were very likely to have an extra half-holiday when skating or coasting was good. There was no real cruelty in the discipline of the school,--though I have sometimes seen this attributed to it, as in Adams's Life of Richard Dana, --but Mr. Wells carried always a rattan in his hand, and it descended frequently on back and arm. Being very fond of study and learning easily, I usually escaped the rod; but I can see now that its very presence was somewhat degrading to boyish nature. Mr. Wells taught us absolutely nothing but Latin and Greek, yet these he inculcated most faithfully, and I have heretofore described, in an essay On an old Latin text book, the joy I took in them. I well remember that
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 4 (search)
es equaling --O day of glory!--those of my classmate, Francis Edward Parker, who was easily first; and to have a passage read to the class for praise, even anonymously, was beyond all other laurels, though the satisfaction might be marred occasionally by the knowledge that my elder sister had greatly helped in that particular sentence. When it is considered that Channing's method reared most of the well-known writers whom New England was then producing,that it was he who trained Emerson, C. F. Adams, Hedge, A. P. Peabody, Felton, Hillard, Winthrop, Holmes, Sumner, Motley, Phillips, Bowen, Lovering, Torrey, Dana, Lowell, Thoreau, Hale, Thomas Hill, Child, Fitzedward Hall, Lane, and Norton,--it will be seen that the classic portion of our literature came largely into existence under him. He fulfilled the aspiration attributed to Increase Mather when he wished to become president of Harvard College: to mould not merely the teaching, but the teachers,--non lapides dolare, sed architecto
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
Index. Abbott, J. G., 128. Abolitionists, the, 139. About, Edmond, 313. Adam, 139, 800. Adams, C. F., 21, 52, 53, 137. Adams, Hannah, 6. Agassiz, Alexander, 283. Albion, the, 189. Alcott, A. B., 117, 147, 158, 169, 173, 175, 181, 191. Alexander the Great, 126. Alford, Henry, 110. Alger, W. R., 105. Allston, Washington, 45. American Reforms, largely of secular origin, 116. Anderson, Mary, 287. Andrew, J. A., 106, 243, 246, 247, 248. Andrews and Stoddard, 21. Andrews, Jane, 129. Andromeda, 89. Aper, a Roman orator, 361. Aristophanes, 301. Arnold, Matthew, 272, 282, 283. Aspinwall, Augustus, 125. Atchison, D. R., 213. Athletic exercises, influence of, 59. Atlantic Circle of Authors, the, 168, 187. Atlantic Club, the, 172, 176. Austin, Mrs., Sarah, 359. Autobiography, Obstacles to, x. Autolycus, in Winter's tale, quoted, 64. Avis, John, 234. Bachi, Pietro, 17, 55. Bacon, Sir, Francis, 58. Baker, Lovell, 164. Baldwin, J
Index. Adams, C. F., 7 Adams, John, opinion of American independence, 11-12; as a writer, 73 Adams, Samuel, 73-74, 209 After the Burial, Lowell 172 Agassiz, Fiftieth birthday of, Longfellow 156 Age of reason, Paine 75 Ages, the, Bryant 104 Alcott, Bronson, 118, 119, 139-140 Aldrich, T. B., 256-57 Alhambra, the, Irving 91 Allen, J. L., 247 American Anthology, Stedman 256 American characteristics, 8-5 American colonies, literature in the 17th century, 25-42; journalism, 60-62; education, 62-63; science, 63-64; bibliography of the literature, 269-270 American colonists, predominantly English, 12-25; motives for emigration, 16; moulded by pioneer life, 17-23; in 1760, 59-60 American idea, 206-207 American life since the Civil War, 234 et seq. American literature, the term, 6 American Mercury, 61 American scholar, the, Emerson 123 Ames, Fisher, 88 Among my books, Lowell 170 Andrew Rykman's Prayer, Whittier 161 Annabel Lee, P
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 3: Whittier the politician (search)
al ordeal of 1848 which resulted in the downfall of the old Whig party in Massachusetts, and the substitution of what was then called the Coalition of the Free Soil and Democratic parties, placing Charles Sumner in the United States Senate, practically for life — this interested Whittier profoundly. I remember well that though he never made a speech in that contest, I always heard his political instinct and foresight fully recognised by my elder brothers, who regarded the other leaders — C. F. Adams, R. H. Dana, J. G. Palfrey — as too academic or unpractical for success. I, taking some personal part in the contest, as a novice, and speaking at Free Soil meetings which Whittier attended, remember that he watched me very closely, criticising and, when he could, commending; indeed, usually overrating the little efforts of young speakers, as non-speakers are apt to do. Thus he wrote me after my very first effort, when I emerged with difficulty from the formidable ordeal of following the<