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France, gratified their eager hopes. To England it promised cheap cotton and free trade with the South. To France it appeared to open the way for colonial ambitions which Napoleon III so soon set on foot on an imperial scale. Before Charles Francis Adams, whom President Lincoln appointed as the new minister to England, arrived in London and obtained an interview with Lord John Russell, Mr. Seward had already received several items of disagreeable news. One was that, prior to his arrival,itish minister had not yet seen, but whom he had caused to be informed that he was not unwilling to see unofficially. Under the irritation produced by this hasty and equivocal action of the British government, Mr. Seward wrote a despatch to Mr. Adams under date of May 21, which, had it been sent in the form of the original draft, would scarcely have failed to lead to war between the two nations. While it justly set forth with emphasis and courage what the government of the United States wo
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 30: foreign Relations.—Unjust discrimination against us.—Diplomatic correspondence. (search)
r Mr. Seward's promptingssometimes with evasion, but more often with the absurd assumption that our organized government, large and efficient army, and united population were rebels, not belligerents. The Honorable James T. Mason had been unavailingly trying to procure from Europe the acknowledgment of our rights as belligerents before the nations of the world, and had been from time to time met with diplomatic evasions. The astute and watchful ambassador from the United States, Charles Francis Adams, had thus far forestalled every effort to this end by presenting Mr. Seward's exparte statements of the causes, conduct, and prospect of an early termination of the war. Mr. Seward predicted the war would end in thirty days. The English overestimated the readiness of the United States for war, and knew that the affair of the Trent had left on their minds toward Great Britain a bitter sense of injury. The only measure by which Mr. Seward governed his presentation of the condition an
s, Jan. 22. Wendell Phillips addressed the Twentyeighth Congregational Society in Boston this afternoon on the Political Lessons of the hour. He declared himself to be a disunion man, and was glad to see South Carolina and other southern slave States had practically initiated a disunion movement. He hoped that all the slave States would leave the Union, and not stand upon the order of their going, but go at once. He denounced the compromise spirit manifested by Mr. Seward and Charles Francis Adams with much severity of language; and there was an occasional stamping of feet and hissing, but no outbreak. Mr. Phillips was escorted home by a few policemen, and a great crowd pushing about him.--Springfield Republican. A Union meeting was held to-night at Trenton, N. J., Thomas J. Stryker, Cashier of the Trenton Bank, in the chair. The Committee on Resolutions reported, deploring the state of the country; recommending, as a means of settling differences, the adoption by the
y. He is the very best man we could send abroad to show foreign nations that the Southerner is a different type altogether from the Yankee--that he scorns like the latter to lie, to evade or dissemble, to fawn, or play the bully and the braggart; that the despicable traits of avarice, meanness, cant, and vulgarity which enter into the universal idea of a Yankee, were left behind us when we seceded from the Lincoln Government. We are glad to be able to contrast such a gentleman with Charles Francis Adams, the Puritan representative of freedom at the Court of St. James, and he knows little of British character who is disposed to set a slight value upon the advantages derived from the personal character of a representative in this matter. We believe that at no distant day Mr. Mason will have the pleasure of signing a treaty of amity, on behalf of the Confederate States, with one of the oldest and greatest dynasties of Europe, and thus cement those relations of commerce upon which our
ton, Confederate Judge. The oath to the Vice-President-elect, Alexander H Stephens, was then administered by the President of the Senate, after which the President and Vice-President were escorted to their respective homes by the committee of arrangements.--(Doc. 58.) The anniversary of the birthday of Washington was celebrated to-day at a public breakfast at Freemasons' Tavern, in London, England. The Bishop of Ohio presided, and two hundred ladies and gentlemen were present. Hon. C. F. Adams, United States Minister, in proposing a toast to the memory of Washington, referred to the crisis in America. The United States, he said, are engaged in throwing off the burden of a malign power. The assault on the Federal Government carries with it an aggressive principle. It involved the acknowledgment of a proscriptive right of some men to rule over their fellows. We must then fully reestablish our fundamental doctrines at every hazard. It will doubtless cost us a severe effort
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Cold Harbor. June 1st, 1864. (search)
The opposing forces at Cold Harbor. June 1st, 1864. The Union Army, Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant. Army of the Potomac, Major-General George G. Meade. Provost Guard, Brig.-Gen. Marsena R. Patrick: Cand D, 1st Mass. Cav., Capt. Charles F. Adams, Jr.; 80th N. Y. (20th Militia), Col. Theodore B. Gates; 3d Pa. Cav., Lieut.-Col. Edward S. Jones; 68th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Robert E. Winslow; 114th Pa., Col. Charles H. T. Collis. Volunteer Engineer Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry. W. Benham: 50th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Ira Spaulding. Battalion U. S. Engineers, Capt. George H. Mendell. Guards and Orderlies, Oneida (N. Y.) Cav., Capt. Daniel P. Mann. Second Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. Winfield S. Hancock. Escort: M, 1st Vt. Cav., Capt. John H. Hazelton. first division, Brig.-Gen. Francis C. Barlow. First Brigade, Col. Nelson A. Miles: 26th Mich., Capt. James A. Lothian; 2d N. Y. Art'y, Col. Joseph N. G. Whistler; 61st N. Y., Lieut.-Col. K. Oscar Broady; 81st Pa., Capt. Lawrence Mercer; 140th P
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate cruisers. (search)
g the fall and winter of 1861-62. The American Minister, Mr. Charles Francis Adams, twice called the attention of the Foreign Office to her [See p. 600.] Notwithstanding the very urgent representations of Mr. Adams, accompanied by depositions which left no doubt as to the charactent, and she set out on her voyage to Lisbon. At the instance of Mr. Adams, the Niagara, under Commodore Thomas T. Craven, proceeded to Liveates consul at Liverpool, were aroused, and near the end of March Mr. Adams brought the subject to the notice of the Foreign Office, at the s of Bravay. Early in June the first of the rams was launched. Mr. Adams had for some time been observing their progress, and on the 11th On the 29th of August the second ram was launched. It had been Mr. Adams's belief at the beginning that in so clear a case it would only btended for the Confederates. It was in reply to this letter that Mr. Adams sent the dispatch containing his famous ultimatum: It would be su
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 12.92 (search)
, up to March 15th, 1872, was $19,782,917.60, all but about six millions of it being charged to the account of the Alabama and Shenandoah. On May 8th, 1871, the Treaty of Washington was concluded, in accordance with which a Tribunal of Arbitration was appointed, which assembled at Geneva. It consisted of Count Frederick Sclopis, named by the King of Italy; Mr. Jacob Staempfli, named by the President of the Swiss Confederation; Viscount d'itajuba, named by the Emperor of Brazil; Mr. Charles Francis Adams, named by the President of the United States; and Sir Alexander Cockburn, named by the Queen of Great Britain. The Counsel of Great Britain was Sir Roundell Palmer (afterward Lord Selborne). The United States was represented by William M. Evarts, Caleb Cushing, and Morrison B. Waite. Claims were made by the United States for indirect and national losses, as well as for the actual private losses represented by nearly twenty millions on ships and cargoes. The Tribunal decided th
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Appomattox campaign. (search)
Rifles, Maj. Paul Chadbourne, Col. John Fisk; 6th Ohio, Capt. Matthew H. Cryer, Capt. Frank C. Loveland; 13th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Stephen R. Clark. Army of the James, Maj.-Gen. Edward O. C. Ord. Headquarters Guard: D, 3d Pa. Art'y, Capt. Edwin A. Evans; I, 3d Pa. Art'y, Capt. Osbourn Wattson. Engineers: 1st N. Y., Col. James F. Hall. Pontoniers: I, 3d Mass. Art'y, Capt. John Pickering, Jr. Unattached Cavalry: I, L, and M, 4th Mass., Col. Francis Washburn; 5th Mass. (colored), Col. Charles F. Adams, Jr.; 7th N. Y. (1st Mounted Rifles), Col. Edwin V. Sumner. defenses of Bermuda hundred, Maj.-Gen. George L. Hartsuff. infantry division, Brig.-Gen. Edward Ferrero. First Brigade, Brevet Brig.-Gen. Gilbert H. McKibbin: 41st N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Detleo von Einsiedel; 103d N. Y., Capt. William Redlick; 2d Pa., H. Art'y, Maj. Benjamin F. Winger; 104th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Theophilus Kephart. Second Brigade, Col. George C. Kibbe: 6th N. Y. H. Art'y, Lieut.-Col. Stephen Baker; 10th N. Y. H.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 1: the political Conventions in 1860. (search)
g Washington's first term as President of the United States, and became more and more a concrete political dogma. It was because of the prevalence of this dangerous and unpatriotic sentiment in his native State, which was spreading in the Slave-labor States, that Washington gave to his countrymen that magnificent plea for Union--his Farewell Address. According to John Randolph of Roanoke, the Grand Arsenal of Richmond, Virginia, was built with an eye to putting down the Administration of Mr. Adams (the immediate successor of Washington in the office of President) with the bayonet, if it could not be accomplished by other means. --Speech of Randolph in the Iouse of Representatives, January, 1817. and, under the culture of disloyal and ambitious men, after gradual development and long ripening, assumed the form and substance of a rebellion of a few arrogant land and slave holders against popular government. It was the rebellion of an Oligarchy against the people, with whom the sovere