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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition 209 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 8 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 4 0 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 4 2 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition. You can also browse the collection for Alexander Agassiz or search for Alexander Agassiz in all documents.

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uages or the unity of one, burdened as it must be with the change of version. I have accepted what seemed to me the least of these difficulties. Besides the assistance of my immediate family, including the revision of the text by my son Alexander Agassiz, I have been indebted to my friends Dr. and Mrs. Hagen and to the late Professor Guyot for advice on special points. As will be seen from the list of illustrations, I have also to thank Mrs. John W. Elliot for her valuable aid in that parin Mr. Auguste Mayor, of Neuchatel, continued the same affectionate service. Without their aid I could not have completed the narrative as it now stands. The friend last named also selected from the glacier of the Aar, at the request of Alexander Agassiz, the boulder which now marks his father's grave. With unwearied patience Mr. Mayor passed hours of toilsome search among the blocks of the moraine near the site of the old Hotel des Neuchatelois, and chose at last a stone so monumental in
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 4: 1829-1830: Aet. 22-23. (search)
to his brother just before taking his degree, Agassiz says: I am now determined to pursue medicine seeing my Louis a medical graduate! . . . Agassiz was recalled from Vienna in less than two mo. . . . To this quiet pretty parsonage Madame Agassiz became much attached. Her tranquil life id itself under her touch from the distaff. Agassiz was detained by his publishing arrangements aly character. The connection between him and Agassiz, most honorable to both parties, lasted for was then only interrupted by the departure of Agassiz for America. During this whole period Mr. Dig of the break in their intercourse caused by Agassiz's removal to America: For a long time I felt leave Munich now, I must separate myself from Agassiz and Schimper, which would be neither agreeablclosely together for our whole life to come. Agassiz is to stay till the end of the month; during Goethe the whole day. A brief account of Agassiz's university life, dictated by himself, may f[3 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 16: 1850-1852: Aet. 43-45. (search)
seum of Comparative Zoology, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, after the death of his father. It forms a quarto vod keys. This expedition was also of great importance to Agassiz's collections, and to the embryo museum in Cambridge. It s kind of comparative study. . . In the summer of 1851 Agassiz was invited to a professorship at the Medical College in C a naturalist, and there, in the midst of their specimens, Agassiz and his band of workers might constantly be found. His sts work by the state of his health, was a very happy one to Agassiz. As mentioned in the above letter his wife and daughters que country place in the neighborhood of Charleston. Here Agassiz had been received almost as one of the family on his firstsocial intercourse, free from all gene or formality. Here Agassiz and his family spent many happy days during their southernng topic was that of the origin of the human race. It was Agassiz's declared belief that man had sprung not from a common st
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 18: 1855-1860: Aet. 48-53. (search)
m before his death, and since that time have been carried out by his son, Alexander Agassiz. The synoptic room, and in great part the systematic and faunal collectiard. This is worth noting, because the title was chosen and insisted upon by Agassiz himself in opposition to many who would have had it called after him. To such ted, was promptly subscribed, chiefly by citizens of Boston and Cambridge, and Agassiz himself gave all the collections he had brought together during the last four ffered the plan as their contribution. The former had long been familiar with Agassiz's views respecting the internal arrangements of the building. The main featurground allotted to the south wing. This event, so full of significance for Agassiz, took place a few days before he sailed for Europe, having determined to devotpart, in absolute retirement, at Montagny, near the foot of the Jura, where Madame Agassiz was then residing with her daughter. The days were chiefly spent in an old
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 19: 1860-1863: Aet. 53-56. (search)
the war between North and South. interest of Agassiz in the preservation of the Union. commenceme return to Cambridge at the end of September, Agassiz found the Museum building well advanced. It ittance was free. It was a great pleasure to Agassiz thus to renew and strengthen his connection wch we could not part. In the Laboratory with Agassiz, by S. H. Scudder. But if Agassiz, in ordAgassiz, in order to develop independence and accuracy of observation, threw his students on their own resources any. It may be added here as an evidence of Agassiz's faith in the institutions of the United Staout this time the Copley Medal was awarded to Agassiz, a distinction which was the subject of cordiruly scientific spirit. . . . From Owen to Agassiz. British Museum, Aug. 30, 1862. my dear AAgassiz,—I have received, and since its reception have devoted most of my spare moments to the study previous letter from Sir Roderick Murchison, Agassiz tried from time to time to give his English f[1 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 22: 1868-1871: Aet. 61-64. (search)
, and passed two years in this country. Thus Agassiz's hands were doubly strengthened. Beside havto see the amount of work done or directed by Agassiz during this convalescent summer of 1870. The following letters, in answer to letters from Agassiz which cannot be found, show how earnestly, in. The next is in answer to a letter from Agassiz to the veteran naturalist, Professor Sedgwickere unattainable, the affectionate reply gave Agassiz keen pleasure. From Professor Adam Sedgwicriend, Adam Sedgwick. In November, 1870, Agassiz was able to return to Cambridge and the Museuou take? If not, who shall go? . . . From Agassiz to Professor Peirce. Cambridge, February 20,naturalists, as finally made up, consisted of Agassiz himself, Count de Pourtales, Dr. Franz Steind, but enough may be told to show something of Agassiz's own share in it. A journal of scientific and personal experience, kept by Mrs. Agassiz under his direction, was nearly ready for publication a[8 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 23: 1871-1872: Aet. 64-65. (search)
, to be sure, but very various in character. Agassiz was no less interested than other naturalist necessary repairs enforced a pause, of which Agassiz took advantage for dredging and for studying o form two shore parties, one of which, under Agassiz's direction, the reader may follow. The landElizabeth Islands and at San Magdalena. Here Agassiz had an opportunity of examining the haunts an. These were weeks of exquisite delight to Agassiz. The vessel often skirted the shore so closerized by the smoothed, rounded surfaces which Agassiz had observed along his whole route in the Strlonged to an earlier general ice-period. But Agassiz became satisfied, as he advanced, that the twwho were to return to Glacier Bay. This time Agassiz divided his force so that they could act indese of little comparative value. For himself, Agassiz reserved the study of the bay, the ancient be were numerous and admirably well preserved. Agassiz examined with especial care one colossal late[15 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 24: 1872: Aet. 65. (search)
om the little nooks and inlets of the beach. Agassiz found two new jelly-fishes, and christened thterfall foams from reservoirs of snow above. Agassiz observed two old glacier beds on the western ned an unresisting prisoner. Geologically, Agassiz found Connor's Cove of especial interest. Itthe same conclusion. On the third of April Agassiz left with regret this region of ocean and moung brought a disappointment. From this point Agassiz had hoped to continue the voyage by the insidlmost as much to his own regret as to that of Agassiz, not to attempt the further passage. Keepingof the little place was cheerful and pretty. Agassiz had but two or three hours for a look at the of the finest harbors on the Pacific coast. Agassiz was fortunate in finding, through the kindnes region was so interesting that it determined Agassiz to go by land from Talcahuana to Valparaiso, nandez, and then proceed to Valparaiso, where Agassiz was to join her a fortnight later. Although [8 more...]
Index. A. Aar, glacier, 299, 317, 319, 349, 357, 364; last visit to, 396; boulder-monument from, 783. Abert, Colonel, 423. Academy, The Little, 54, 67, 94, 154. Ackermann, 100. Actiniae, 440. Adelstaetten, 86. Agassiz, Alexander, 558, 628. Agassiz, Auguste, 3, 5, 8, 16, 24, 148. Agassiz, Cecile Braun, 230; talent as an artist, 230. Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary, 477. Agassiz, Louis, 1; as a teacher, 7; popular reading, 66; becomes pastor at Concise, 134; death, 280. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, birthplace, 1; first aquarium, 2; early education, 2; love of natural history, 3; boyish studies and amusements, 4; taste for handicraft; its after use, 4, 5; adventure with his brother on the ice, 5; goes to Bienne, 6; college of Bienne, 6, 7; vacations, 8; own sketch of plans of study at fourteen, 12; school and college note-books, 13,14; distaste for commercial life, 14; goes to Lausanne, 15; to the medical school at Zurich, 15; copies books on natural history, 16
impossible to give the reader an idea of the wealth in the volume. Boston Transcript. Seaside studies in natural History. By Elizabeth C. Agassiz and Alexander Agassiz. With one hundred and eighty-five Illustrations. 8vo, $3.00. This beautiful volume is an admirable companion for the seaside resident or tourist, especially for all who are capable of pleasure from looking at or studying the life of the sea. Professor Alexander Agassiz gives the results of his own extended observations and profound researches, relating to the structure, habits, growth, development from the embryo, and other characteristics of New England polyps, jelly-fishes or medusae, and star-fishes, illustrating his descriptions with numerous artistic figures; and Mrs. Agassiz adds to the volume the charm of her graceful pen. Seaside Studies in Natural History is a work for the learned as well as unlearned, fitted to give all delight and instruction. Professor James D. Dana, In American Journal of sc