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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition 132 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 134 results in 9 document sections:

Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 51: reconstruction under Johnson's policy.—the fourteenth amendment to the constitution.—defeat of equal suffrage for the District of Columbia, and for Colorado, Nebraska, and Tennessee.—fundamental conditions.— proposed trial of Jefferson Davis.—the neutrality acts. —Stockton's claim as a senator.—tributes to public men. —consolidation of the statutes.—excessive labor.— address on Johnson's Policy.—his mother's death.—his marriage.—1865-1866. (search)
e mother of one child, a daughter of eight years. They had met in a friendly way for several years at Mr. Hooper's house in Washington, and for some months those who observed them closely had thought a nearer relation probable. Rumors of the new connection were rife late in August, and it was finally acknowledged in September, when Sumner communicated it in notes. Warm congratulations came to him from a wide circle,—from companions of his youth, Howe, Longfellow, Greene, Phillips, Lieber, Agassiz, Palfrey, Whittier, the Waterstons, the Lodges, the Wadsworths, Mrs. R. B. Forbes, and Mrs. Charles Francis Adams; from later associates of his public life, Chief-Justice Chase, Hamilton Fish, Governor Morgan, and Mrs. President Lincoln; from friends across the ocean who had kept up a constant interest in his welfare and followed closely his career, the Duchess of Sutherland, the Argylls, the Cranworths, Robert Ingham, the Count of Paris, and the Laugels. From Washington, the diplomatic co
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 2: 1827-1828: Aet. 20-21. (search)
ose it here, wishing you most heartily courage, health, success, and, above all, contentment . . . . Upon this follows the answer to Louis's request for details about the Society of Public Utility. It shows the intimate exchange of thought between father and son on educational subjects, but it is of too local an interest for reproduction here. The Easter vacation was devoted to a short journey, some account of which will be found in the next letter. The traveling party consisted of Agassiz, Braun, and Schimper, with two other students, who did not, however, remain with them during the whole trip. To his father. Munich, May 15, 1828. . . . Pleasant as my Easter journey was, I will give you but a brief account of it, for my enjoyment was so connected with my special studies that the details would only be tiresome to you. You know who were my traveling companions, so I have only to tell you of our adventures, assuredly not those of knights errant or troubadours. Could t
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 3: 1828-1829: Aet. 21-22. (search)
om he hoped to prepare a delightful surprise, Agassiz had actually been engaged for months on the frved. Some extracts from the home letters of Agassiz's friend Braun, which are in place here, thro, unless the professor oversleeps himself, or Agassiz happens to have grown to his bed, an event whwe do as we like, including breakfast. Under Agassiz's new style of housekeeping the coffee is mad written on the circulation of the blood. As Agassiz dissects a great many animals, especially fis but little known. He has twelve listeners. Agassiz is also to give us lectures occasionally on Smany years. Mr. Dinkel afterward accompanied Agassiz, as his artist, on repeated journeys, being cours to the same objects. Mr. Dinkel says of Agassiz's student life at this time: Extract from home letters, learning from the next one that Agassiz's private collections were assuming rather fospecimens, and answer as soon as possible. Agassiz was now hurrying forward both his preparation[7 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 11: 1842-1843: Aet. 35-36. (search)
ter precision than before. The rows of stakes planted in a straight line across the glacier by Agassiz and Escher de la Linth, in the previous September, now described a crescent with the curve turned toward the terminus of the glacier, showing, contrary to the expectation of Agassiz, that the centre moved faster than the sides. The correspondence of the curve in the stratification with that lt. The study of the stratification of the snow was a marked feature of the season's work, and Agassiz believed, as will be seen by a later letter, that he had established this fact of glacial strucde of formation of the crevasses also especially occupied the observers. On the 7th of August, Agassiz had an opportunity of watching this phenomenon in its initiation. Attracted to a certain spot t of the campaign was the topographical survey of the glacier, recorded in the map published in Agassiz's second work on the glacier. At about this time there begin to be occasional references in
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 16: 1850-1852: Aet. 43-45. (search)
o more than between the Assyrian and Egyptian civilization. And as to negroes, there is, perhaps, a still greater difference between those of Senegal, of Guinea, and the Caffres and Hottentots, when compared with the Gallahs and Mandingoes. But where is the time to be taken for the necessary investigations involved in these inquiries? Pray write to me soon what you say to all this, and believe me always your true friend, L. Agassiz. In the spring of 1852, while still in Charleston, Agassiz heard that the Prix Cuvier, now given for the first time, was awarded to him for the Poissons Fossiles. This gratified him the more because the work had been so directly bequeathed to him by Cuvier himself. To his mother, through whom he received the news in advance of the official papers, it also gave great pleasure. Your fossil fishes, she says, which have cost you so much anxiety, so much toil, so many sacrifices, have now been estimated at their true value by the most eminent judges.
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 17: 1852-1855: Aet. 45-48. (search)
e had become the Superintendent shortly after Agassiz arrived in this country. Agassiz himself wasnot by hundreds, and the greater part of what Agassiz could make by his lectures outside of Cambridcian and nurse. Under such watchful tending, Agassiz could hardly fail to mend if cure were humanl to have charge. The offer was tempting, but Agassiz was in love (the word is not too strong) withs, and especially to Arnold Escher. . . . Agassiz's increasing and at last wholly unmanageable em of poetry and literature and philosophy as Agassiz had talked to them of nature. Those were goleir happy privilege. In the winter of 1855 Agassiz endeavored to resume his public lectures as a tours which were not only a great fatigue to Agassiz, but an interruption also to all consecutive e partly matured before they were confided to Agassiz himself. When the domestic conspirators revety was a great advantage in this respect, and Agassiz had the cooperation not only of his brother-i[9 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 20: 1863-1864: Aet. 56-57. (search)
he Negro race. affection for Harvard College. interest in her general progress. correspondence with Emerson concerning Harvard. glacial phenomena in Maine. Agassiz's letters give little idea of the deep interest he felt in the war between North and South, and its probable issue with reference to the general policy of the natlation between the black and white races. Although any judgment upon the accuracy of its conclusions would now be premature, the following correspondence between Agassiz and Dr. S. G. Howe is nevertheless worth considering, as showing how the problem presented itself to the philanthropist and the naturalist from their different stand-points. From Dr. S. G. Howe. Portsmouth, August 3, 1863. my dear Agassiz,—You will learn by a glance at the inclosed circular the object of the commission of which I am a member. The more I consider the subject to be examined and reported upon, the more I am impressed by its vastness; the more I see that its proper tr
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 21: 1865-1868: Aet. 58-61. (search)
em and friendship, always yours, Martius. Agassiz arrived in Cambridge toward the end of Augusthted hearers be given to the illustrious Professor Agassiz, for the fullness of his instruction, fofriend, L. Agassiz. This year closed for Agassiz with a heavy sorrow. His mother's health hads date belongs a short correspondence between Agassiz and Oswald Heer. Heer's work on the Fossil Fictures which this erudite work called up. Agassiz to Oswald Heer. Cambridge, May 12, 1868. cerely yours, Oswald Heer. Shortly after Agassiz's recovery, in July, 1868, he was invited by more. This journey was of great interest to Agassiz, and its scientific value was heightened by a following pleasant letter from Longfellow to Agassiz. Although it has no special bearing upon whadents. Rome, December 31, 1868. my dear Agassiz,—I fully intended to write you from Switzerlaether cannot furnish the like. Why, there is Agassiz,—he counts for three. One of my pleasantes[6 more...]<
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 22: 1868-1871: Aet. 61-64. (search)
Professor Deshayes. restored health. Hassler voyage proposed. acceptance. scientific preparation for the voyage. Agassiz returned to Cambridge to find the Museum on an improved footing financially. The Legislature had given seventy-five thoion and arrangement of the new collections. In acknowledging this gift of the Legislature in his Museum Report for 1868 Agassiz says:— While I rejoice in the prospect of this new building, as affording the means for a complete exhibition of the o far as cost secures permanence and solidity, for they are to contain the most instructive documents of Omnipotence. Agassiz gave the winter of 1869 to identifying, classifying, and distributing the new collections. A few weeks in the spring we together. Every day and hour brought some new interest, and excess of material seemed the only difficulty. This was Agassiz's last cruise in the Bibb, on whose hospitable deck he had been a welcome guest from the first year of his arrival in th