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Your search returned 176 results in 36 document sections:
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America . (search)
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Centennial Contributions (search)
Centennial Contributions
The Alcott centennial
Read at the Second Church, Copley Square, Boston, Wednesday, November 29, 1899.
A hundred years ago A. Bronson Alcott was born, and thirty-three years later his daughter Louisa was born, happily on the same day of the year, as if for this very purpose,--that you might testify your appreciation of the good work they did in this world, at one and the same moment.
It was a fortunate coincidence, which we like to think of to-day, as it unA. Bronson Alcott was born, and thirty-three years later his daughter Louisa was born, happily on the same day of the year, as if for this very purpose,--that you might testify your appreciation of the good work they did in this world, at one and the same moment.
It was a fortunate coincidence, which we like to think of to-day, as it undoubtedly gave pleasure to Bronson Alcott and his wife sixty-seven years ago.
How genuine were Mr. Alcott and his daughter, Louisa!
All else, says the sage, is superficial and perishable, save love and truth only.
It is through the love and truth that was in these two that we still feel their influence as if they were living to-day.
How well I recollect Mr. Alcott's first visit to my father's house at Medford, when I was a boy!
I had the same impression of him then that the consideration
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Index (search)
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 3 : the man begins his ministry. (search)
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Index. (search)
Adams, Charles Francis, 372. Adams, John Quincy, 54, 250-251.
Adams, Nehemiah, 278 Adams, William, 292.
Alcott, A. Bronson, go, 91, 134. American Anti-Slavery Society, 174, 311, 340, 373, 387. Andover Seminary, 19o. Andrew, John A., 381, 389.
Annexation of Texas, 335. Anti-Slavery Standard, 299. Atchison, David, 338, 374.
Attucks, Crispus, 227.
Bacon, Leonard W., 162.
Bartlett, Ezekiel, 18, 20.
Beecher, Lyman, Iio, III, 16I, 189, 190, 269.
Benson, George, 194, 263.
Benson, George W., 168, 178, 234, 260, 281.
Benson, Henry E., 212, 263.
Benton, Thomas H., 105-106, 252, 253, Bird, Frank W., 361.
Birney, James G., 203, 298, 320.
Bond, Judge, 382.
Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, 217, 233, 240.
Bourne, Rev. George, i08, 203. Bowditch, Henry I., 233, 349, 389.
Bright, John, 390, 391.
Brooks, Preston S., 359.
Brown, John, 365-368.
Buffum, Arnold, 139, 177.
Burleigh, Charles C., 221, 223, 235.
Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 152, 154, 204.
Calhoun, John C., 246,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 1 : Margaret Fuller Ossoli — Introductory. (search)
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 6 : school-teaching in Boston and Providence . (1837 -1838 .) (search)
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, chapter 7 (search)