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s of my sisters, and of my own school-days. The first that struck me was that of the venerable and venerated Bishop Moore, on the monument erected by his church; then, that of his daughter, the admirable Miss Christian; then the monument to Colonel Ambler, erected by his children. Mrs. Ambler lies by him. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman Johnson, Judge and Mrs. Cabell, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickham, surrounded by their children, who were the companions of my youth; also, their lovely grand-daughter, Mrs. W. Mrs. Ambler lies by him. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman Johnson, Judge and Mrs. Cabell, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickham, surrounded by their children, who were the companions of my youth; also, their lovely grand-daughter, Mrs. W. H F. Lee, who passed away last winter, at an early age, while her husband was prisoner of war. Near them is the grave of the Hon. Benjamin Watkins Leigh; of Judge and Mrs. Stanard, and of their gifted son; of dear Mrs. Henningham Lyons and her son James, from whose untimely end she never recovered; of our sweet friend, Mrs. Lucy Green. Then there is the handsome monument of Mrs. Abraham Warwick and the grave of her son, dear Clarence, who died so nobly at Gaines's Mill in 1862. His grave seem
According to this opinion, which passed for more than forty years as good law, not only was baptism no bar to Slavery, but negro slaves might be held in England just as well as in the Conies. The two lawyers by whom this opinion was given rose afterward, one of them to be chief justice of England, and both to be chancellors. Yorke, sitting in the latter capacity, with the title of Lord Hardwicke (in 1749), had recently recognized the doctrine of that opinion as sound law. (Pearce v. Lisle, Ambler, 76.) He objects to Lord Holt's doctrine of freedom, secured by setting foot on English soil, that no reason could be found why slaves should not be equally free when they set foot in Jamaica, or any other English plantation. All our colonies are subject to the laws of England, although as to some purposes they have laws of their own I His argument is that, if Slavery be contrary to English law, no local enactments in the Colonies could give it any validity. To avoid overturning Slavery in
ttempts to secure automatic and simultaneous action, throughout the cars of a train, by power derived from a single impulse or operation. Room cannot be spared for their systematic description, but the following patents may be consulted: — Bessemer (English)1841Hodge1860 Hancock (English)1841Dwelley1865 Nasmyth (English)1839Davidson1860 Petit1840Marsh1864 Birch1840Virdin1859 Carr (English)1841Wilcox1856 Walber1852De Bergues1868 Fuller1859Chatelier1868 Sickels1857Lee1868 Cuney1855Ambler1862 Goodale1865Branch1858 Peddle1867McCrone1865 Car-buf′fer. (Railway.) A fender between cars. In the English practice, the ends of the car-frames carry elastic cushions, or buffer-heads with springs. In our practice the spring is usually behind the drawbar. See buffer. Car-bump′er. An elastic arrangement to lessen the jerk incident to the contact of colliding cars as the rate of speed is slackened. See buffer. Car′bu-retor. An apparatus through which
757ParkerApr. 11, 1854. 10,763HarrisonApr. 11, 1854. 10,875CoonMay. 9, 1854. 10,879HodgkinsMay. 9, 1854. 10,975SingerMay. 30, 1854. 10,994Stevens et al.May. 30, 1854. 11,161HuntJune 27, 1854. (Reissue.)278SingerOct. 3, 1854. 11,884AmblerNov. 7, 1854. 12,011WeedNov. 28, 1854. 12,336WilderJan. 30, 1855. 12,389HornFeb. 13, 1855. 12,902DurginMay 22, 1855. 12,969SingerMay 29, 1855. 13,201StedmanJuly. 3, 1855. 13,630CowperthwaiteOct. 9, 1855. 13,687SingerOct. 9, 1855. 13,768Si, 1871. 152,829ColesJuly 7, 1874. 6. Needles. 17,272GarveyMay 12, 1857. 24,892SingerJuly 26, 1859. 27,409HornMar. 6, 1860. 29,448WillcoxJuly 31, 1860. 29,648DrakeAug. 14, 1860. 31,757WillcoxMar. 19, 1861. 34,571GroverMar. 4, 1862. 37,996AmblerMar. 24, 1863. 38,282BrownApr. 28, 1863. 55,927StannardJune 26, 1866. 67,536HarrisAug. 6, 1867. 79,983IsbellJuly 14, 1869. 88,665Parham et al.Apr. 16, 1869. 91,684StackpoleJune 22, 1869. 93,460MacaulayAug. 10, 1869. 94,384BlanchardAug. 31,
ive the attention to this committee that its importance demanded. He was excused, and Mr. Baldwin, of Augusta, was appointed in his place. Mr. Clemens also asked to be excused from saving, on the ground of physical disability. The request was granted, and Mr. Jackson, of Wood, was appointed instead. The President announced the Committee on Elections as follows: Messrs. Haymond of Marion, Goggin of Bedford, Brown of Preston, Chambliss of Greensville and Sussex, Caperion of Monroe, Ambler of Louisa, Gray of Rockbridge, Hunton of Prince William, Campbell of Washington, Treadway of Pittsylvania, Hall of Lancaster, Sheffey of Smythe, and Patrick of Kanawha. The President submitted a package of election returns, which were referred to the appropriate committee. Resolutions. Mr. Sutheruin offered a resolution, which was adopted, admitting editors and reporters of newspapers generally, throughout the State, to seats in the Hall, under the direction of the President.
lson, Orrick, Osburn, Patrick, Pendleton, Porter, Pugh, Rives, Saunders, Sharp, Sitlington, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Taylor, Waller, White, Wickham, Willey, Wilson, and Woods.--77. nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Ambler, Armstrong, Blakey, Boissean, Borst, Bouldin, Bruce, Cecil, Chambliss, Chapman, Conn, R. H. Cox, Fisher, Flournoy, Forbes, Garland, Graham, Gregory, Goggin, Jno Goode. T. F. Goode, Hale, C. Hall, L. S. Hall, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, M. eston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Saunders, Robert E. Scott Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Alex. H. H. Stuart, Chapman J. Stuart, Taylor, Tredway, Waller, white, Wickham, Willey, and Woods--95. nays.--Messrs. Ambler, Blakey, Boissean, Borst, Cecil, Chambliss, Chapman, Conn, R. H. Cox, Fisher, Graham, Gregory, John Goode, Jr. , Thos. F. Goode, Cyrus Hall, L. S. Hall, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kilby, Kindred, Leake, Montague, Morris, Morton,
round us, to secure any Union in which the rights of Virginia to re-assume all the powers she delegated to the Federal Government, and to declare her independence; and then to call into a Convention all the slaveholding States to determine what shall be the new construction necessary for their rights and protection in a Confederacy of slave States alone, or of the slave States and such free States as are willing to come into a Union, under this new construction, with the slave States. Mr. Ambler, of Louisa, rose to a point of order. The resolution of the gentleman from Chesterfield was an instruction to the Committee. He would ask if the amendment was also an instruction. The President said it was, and was therefore in order. Mr. Leake then addressed the Convention at considerable length in support of his amendment; but the time occupied in copying the document rendered it impossible for the reporter to take notes of his remarks. We understood him to maintain that Virg
olicy of secession, but admitted the right of a State to secede, and was equally opposed to coercion by the General Government. Mr. Brent spoke about two hours, interweaving with his remarks copious extracts from books and newspapers. Mr. Ambler, of Louisa, said he had hoped to avoid the necessity of explaining his views, but had wanted to see the Convention take a prompt and decided stand, without so much speaking. He had listened with utter surprise to the course which argument had acted, and produced an ambiguous proposition, requiring an interpretation. The speaker went on to urge Western members to come up to the aid of those who stood around the same family altar, pointing them to the sacrifices which Eastern Virginians had made for the maintenance of the Union. Lincoln's Inaugural was subjected to a severe excoriation. Without concluding his remarks, Mr. Ambler gave way to a suggestion for adjournment, and. On motion of Mr. Harvie, the Convention adjourned.
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival of Ex-President Buchanan at home (search)
The Convention. Mr. Wysor, of Pulaski, yesterday submitted a proposition in the form of an ordinance, for dissolving all political relations between Virginia and the other States. Referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Early, of Franklin, made a personal explanation, and produced copies of letters which had passed between himself and Mr. Goode, of Bedford, resulting in an amicable settlement of their little misunderstanding. Mr. Brent, of Alexandria, made a speech on the Union side of the question. He opposed the policy of secession, but admitted the right; his view being that Virginia would be much better taken care of under the Federal Government than in the Southern Confederacy. He did not fully endorse Lincoln's Inaugural, for he opposed coercion; but did not look upon it as a warlike document. He goes for a Border State Conference. Mr. Ambler commenced a speech on the Southern side, and will conclude to-day.
ng question to be on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Amelia to the amendment offered by the gentleman from Goochland, to the resolution of instructions offered on Tuesday last by the gentleman from Chesterfield; and on that question Mr. Ambler, of Louisa, was entitled to the floor. Partial report from the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Conrad, of Frederick, from the Committee on Federal Relations, asked and obtained leave to make a partial report. The Committee, he saully vindicated himself from the charges, and pronounced them slanderous and untrue. order of the day. The Convention proceeded to the consideration of the pending resolutions of instruction to the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Ambler, of Louisa, said the condition of his voice precluded the possibility of making a prolonged speech. He therefore merely desired to correct an impression which might have been made upon some minds, that his remarks on Friday were intended as a