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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Fire, sword, and the halter. (search)
l John McCausland, with his cavalry brigade, was ordered to keep in front of Hunter, and delay and harass him as much as possible, a task which he performed with signal ability, skill, and bravery. Hunter having sent General Duffie, with the brigade under his command, into the county of Nelson, east of the Blue Ridge and south of Rockfish Gap, I was ordered in pursuit and to protect Lynchburg, which was almost defenseless, from surprise by this cavalry detachment. The people of Nelson and Amherst counties, never having had the enemy before in their midst, were greatly excited and alarmed, and brought to me the wildest reports of the enemy's doings, and the most exaggerated accounts of his strength. Such information embarrassed me so much from its apparently authentic and yet often contradictory character that I decided to reach Lynchburg as soon as possible, and by a route that would enable me to save from destruction the bridges on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, one of the l
ed Republic, exhibiting to an admiring world the results which have been achieved for man's freedom and elevation in this western hemisphere. In ordinary times, a correct taste would suggest that, upon occasions like the present, all subjects of political concern, however measured by moderation, and seasoned with philosophy and historic truth, should be left for discussion to some appropriate forum, and those only considered which are more in sympathy with the objects of the societies of Amherst; but when the glorious edifice which protects and shelters all is threatened with the fate of the Ephesian dome, the patriotic scholar, before he sits down to his favorite banquet, will raise his voice and nerve his arm, to aid in extinguishing the flames, that he may preserve to posterity institutions without which all the learning of the schools would be but mockery, and give place to violence, and ignorance, and barbarism. This is emphatically a utilitarian and practical age, and when t
utenant-Governor. Thomas Russell, Esq., of Boston, moved to amend the motion, that a committee of two from each congressional district be appointed to report nominations for the other officers to the convention. He said, We have come here to lock arms with Holt and Dickinson and Butler and Frothingham and Greene, and we have got to do it in some practical way. This amendment was carried, and a committee appointed, which subsequently reported, for Lieutenant-Governor, Edward Dickinson, of Amherst; for Secretary of State, Richard Frothingham, of Charlestown; for Treasurer, Henry K. Oliver, of Salem; for Auditor, Levi Reed, of Abington; and for Attorney-General, Dwight Foster, of Worcester. Mr. Dickinson had been, in former years, a Whig; in later years, he was what was called a Conservative. He never had joined the Republican party. Mr. Frothingham had always been a Democrat, of the straightest sect; and was, at this time, one of the editors of the Boston Post. Mr. Oliver, Mr. Ree
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 9: Hampshire County. (search)
ted, to pay one hundred dollars bounty to each volunteer who shall enlist for three years in the military service and be mustered in to the credit of the town. Voted, That it is the wish of the citizens that volunteers enlisting from Amherst associate with the volunteers from Hadley, Hatfield, Leverett, Pelham, Sunderland, and Granby, in forming a company. August 25th, Voted to pay a bounty of one hundred dollars to each volunteer who enlists in the nine-months service, and is credited to Amherst, provided that the whole number required for this town shall be enlisted before the first day of September. Voted, that the first names on the enlisting rolls shall have the first preference to go into the army. This vote was passed after the enlisting committee had reported that more than sixty men had offered themselves, and that the volunteers would far exceed the number required. October 11th, The selectmen were authorized to make an arrangement with any other city or town for our s
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XIV: return to Cambridge (search)
kinson died. Her acquaintance with Colonel Higginson began in 1862, when she wrote to him enclosing some poems and asking his opinion of her verse. While he was in camp in South Carolina she wrote again to ask if he would be her preceptor. Henceforth her letters, in extraordinary script, were signed your scholar. One summer he made his unseen correspondent a long-delayed visit which he has described in the volume called Carlyle's Laugh. He wrote in his diary after her death:— To Amherst to the funeral of that rare and strange creature Emily Dickinson. .. . E. D.'s face a wondrous restoration of youth—she is 54 and looked 30, not a gray hair or wrinkle, and perfect peace on the beautiful brow. There was a little bunch of violets at the neck and one pink cypripedium; the sister, Vinnie, put in two heliotropes by her hand to take to Judge Lord [an old family friend]. I read a poem by Emily Bronte. How large a portion of the people who have most interested me have passed awa
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XVI: the crowning years (search)
XVI: the crowning years In 1889, Colonel Higginson began what proved to be a four years task of editing, with Mrs. Mabel Loomis Todd of Amherst, Emily Dickinson's poems and letters. Of this work he wrote Mrs. Todd:— I can't tell you how much I am enjoying the poems. There are many new to me which take my breath away. A year later he wrote to her:— You are the only person who can feel as I do about this extraordinary thing we have done in recording this rare genius. I feel as if we had climbed to a cloud, pulled it away, and revealed a new star behind it . . . . Such things as I find in her letters! The Madonnas I see are those that pass the House to their work, carrying Saviours with them. Is not that one of the take-your-breath-away thoughts? There is much that I never could print, as where she writes, Of our greatest acts we are ignorant. You were not aware that you saved my life. What a unique existence was hers! Four years later, he wrote:— I <
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 4: College Life.—September, 1826, to September, 1830.—age, 15-19. (search)
ost perpendicular ascent to the summit. This part we made great exertions to ascend, now catching hold of the loose rocks and now of the trees, and every moment fearing lest we should tumble over the precipice. Our situation was indeed very precarious. The least slip would have been sufficient to place our lives in imminent jeopardy, and expose us to almost certain destruction. After a hard struggle and many desponding thoughts, we at last arrived at the top, where Frost and a couple of Amherst students had already been some time. Here we passed a considerable time in looking upon the surrounding country. The prospect was most beautiful, embracing a view of the Connecticut, winding its way through the most delightful fields, without a fence on the road or in the fields; but all presenting the appearance of one extensive field. Our descent from the mountain was not so unfortunate as our ascent. There was a road, consisting, part of the way, of steps, which made it very easy. O
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
hich angels are ascending and descending, while weary Humanity, on pillows of stone, slumbers heavily at its feet. Prof. William S. Tyler wrote, in 1886, of Sumner's visit to Amherst:— Having heard the fame of the young Boston orator, the people came together with great expectations; and they were not disappointed. Mr. Sumner's stately eloquence and his lofty moral and political sentiments were greatly admired, and called for the rounds of applause such as were not often given by Amherst audiences. The evening after the delivery of the oration he spent at my house, and his private conversation was as fascinating as his public eloquence. This visit to Amherst left an unusually deep impression. The orator and the college had from that day a heartfelt mutual liking. In 1850 he gave me his cordial co-operation in my effort to raise money in Boston for our library building, and himself made a valuable donation of books to its shelves. Sumner's notice of Professor Tyler's
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises, chapter 20 (search)
e so glad to see you, but think it an apparitional pleasure, not to be fulfilled. I am uncertain of Boston. I had promised to visit my physician for a few days in May, but father objects because he is in the habit of me. Is it more far to Amherst? You will find a minute host, but a spacious welcome .. If I still entreat you to teach me, are you much displeased? I will be patient, constant, never reject your knife, and should my slowness goad you, you knew before myself that Exg the Power, not knowing at the time that Kingdom and Glory were included. You noticed my dwelling alone. To an emigrant, country is idle except it be his own. You speak kindly of seeing me; could it please your convenience to come so far as Amherst, I should be very glad, but I do not cross my father's ground to any house or town. Of our greatest acts we are ignorant. You were not aware that you saved my life. To thank you in person has been since then one of my few requests. . .. Y
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 3: early childhood. (search)
hester and Nashua have absorbed many of the little streams of traffic which used to flow towards the county town. It is a curious evidence of the stationary character of the place, that the village paper, which had fifteen hundred subscribers when Horace Greeley was three years old, and learned to read from it, has fifteen hundred subscribers, and no more, at this moment. It bears the same name it did then, is published by the same person, and adheres to the same party. The township of Amherst contains about eight square miles of some-what better land than the land of New England generally is. Wheat cannot be grown on it to advantage, but it yields fair returns of rye, oats, potatoes, Indian corn, and young men: the last-named of which commodities forms the chief article of export. The farmers have to contend against hills, rocks, stones innumerable, sand, marsh, and long winters; but a hundred years of tillage have subdued these obstacles in part, and the people generally enjoy
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