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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The struggle for Atlanta. (search)
lotte, the post commandant, I rode around and inspected the ground and made such disposition of the troops as, in my judgment, was necessary to hold the place until daylight. I then learned from Colonel Tourtellotte that the garrison embraced the 4th Minnesota infantry, 450 men, Major J. C. Edson commanding; 93d Illinois infantry, 290 men, Major Fisher commanding; seven companies 18th Wisconsin infantry, 150 men, Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson commanding; 12th Wisconsin battery, six guns, Lieutenant Amsden commanding — furnishing a force of 890 men, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Tourtellotte, 4th Minnesota Volunteer infantry. I took with me, of Rowett's brigade of this division, eight companies 39th Iowa infantry, 280 men, Lieutenant-Colonel James Redfield commanding; nine companies 7th Illinois infantry, 291 men, Lieutenant-Colonel Hector Perrin commanding; eight companies 50th Illinois infantry, 267 men, Lieut.-Colonel Wm. Hanna commanding; two companies 57th Illinois infantry
t with a loss of 33 killed and 14 wounded. The quartermaster was killed, and, of a regimental band which accompanied General Blunt, not a man escaped, the enemy giving no quarter. Report Adj.-Gen. Wis., 1865, p. 621. The 1st Cavalry, also, lost 17 killed, 38 wounded, and 8 missing, in an affair at L'Anguille Ferry, Ark., August 3, 1862, the Chaplain of the First being among the killed. The principal losses of the 12th Battery occurred ill the heroic defense of Allatoona Pass, Lieutenant Amsden, who commanded the battery in this fight, falling mortally wounded. The Twelfth was the only artillery present at that memorable engagement. The 8th Infantry, or Eagle regiment, became widely known by the live Amierican eagle which it cairried through the war, perched conspicuously on a staff beside the colors. The principal losses of this regiment were: At Corinth, 14 killed, 74 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 7 missing; and, at Nashville, 7 killed and 55 wounded.