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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Recollections of the Twiggs surrender. (search)
ldom seen a more distressed man. He said, When I get to Virginia I think the world will have one soldier less. I shall resign and go to planting corn. Colonel Charles Anderson, U. S. V., who is referred to above, and who talked with General Lee on the same day, thus gives the substance of his parting words (see Texas before and my sword, and, if need be, with my life. I know you think and feel very differently, but I can't help it. These are my principles, and I must follow them. Colonel Anderson, in the course of a high tribute to General Lee's character, gives General Scott as his authority for the statement that the command of the United States forUnion men were in danger, and Northerners sent their families away. Some who were outspoken were imprisoned and barely escaped with their lives; among them, Charles Anderson, brother of Robert Anderson. On the 26th of February a dozen men of the State troops were stationed on guard over the offices of the disbursing officers,
nd, fired a few shells among them, scattering the rebels in all directions. A number of them ran out of a house, near which their horses were picketed, and rode off as fast as they could. A boat's crew was then sent on shore in charge of acting master's mate J. L. Plunkett. On their way they saw some women and children busily leaving the houses. On entering, the building was found to be deserted, but there were traces of recent occupation by cavalry.--N. Y. Herald, December 23. Charles Anderson, brother of General Robert Anderson, addressed a large audience at Cooper Institute, New York, this evening. The cause of the rebellion he attributed to the check received by men in their greedy pursuit of political power. The Southern papers of this date are filled with articles expressive of delight at the prospect of a war between England and the United States, in reference to the seizure of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. In the Confederate Congress, an act was passed, entitli
s across the line to the rebels was prohibited; that every person detected in the attempt would be put at hard labor in Fort Norfolk, and the property seized and sold for the benefit of the poor. Also, that in order they should resume their place in the Union, with the full enjoyment of all their rights as citizens of the United States, an election would be immediately ordered, enabling them to return a member to represent them in the next House of Representatives. The schooner Medora, of Baltimore, Md., laden with borax, medical stores, military uniforms, shoes, blankets, ammunition, etc., supposed to be intended for the rebel army, was captured by a company of Union troops under the command of Captain Kearney, while lying at anchor near Hackett's Point, Md. A fight took place near Lebanon, Tenn., between the Ninety-third Ohio infantry, Colonel Charles Anderson, acting as the guard of a forage train, and a force of rebels, resulting in the retreat of the latter.--(Doc. 64.)
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Stone's River, Tenn. (search)
xander P. Dysart; 79th Ill., Col. Sheridan P. Read (k), Maj. Allen Buckner; 29th Ind., Lieut.-Col. David M. Dunn (c), Maj. Joseph P. Collins; 30th Ind. Col. Joseph B. Dodge, Lieut.-Col. Orrin D. Hurd; 77th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Peter B. Housum (k), Capt. Thomas E. Rose. Brigade loss: k, 99; w, 384; m, 376 = 859. Third (late Fourth) Brigade, Col. Philemon P. Baldwin: 6th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Hagerman Tripp; 5th Ky., Lieut.-Col. William W. Berry (w); 1st Ohio, Maj. Joab A. Stafford; 93d Ohio, Col. Charles Anderson (w). Brigade loss: k, 59; w, 244; mn, 209 = 512. Artillery: 5th Ind. (3d Brigade), Capt. Peter Simonson; A, 1st Ohio (1st Brigade), Lieut. Edmund B. Belding; E, 1st Ohio (2d Brigade), Capt. Warren P. Edgarton (c). Artillery loss embraced in the brigades to which attached. Cavalry: G, H, I, and K, 3d Ind., Maj. Robert Klein. Loss: k, 4; w, 6; m, 15 = 25. Third (late Eleventh) division, Brig.-Gen. Philip H. Sheridan. Escort: L, 2d Ky. Cav., Lieut. Joseph T. Forman. First (la
r. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, George Maulsby, Surgeon. Captain J. Alden, Commanding U. S. Steamer Brooklyn. Report of casualties on the U. S. S. Lackawanna. United States steam-sloop Lackawanna, Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864. sir: I have the honor to report the following list of casualties which have occurred in the action of this day, while passing the forts, and occupying Mobile Bay: Killed — James Williams, Master-at-Arms; John Troy, Captain Forecastle; Charles Anderson, ordinary seaman; Richard Ashley, colored boy, Wounded--Lieutenant Stephen A. McCarty, splinter-wound of ankle, slight; Ensign Clarence Rathbone, splinter-wound of knee, slight; Charles Hayden, yeoman, fracture of right leg, serious; John Burns, seaman, splinter-wound of arm and back, severe; James Ward, Quarter-Gunner, splinter-wound of back, slight; Frederick Stewart, officers' cook, shell-wound of head, severe; Edward Harris, seaman, splinter-wound of head, slight; John Bengsten,
ie had given an impulse to the cause of independence, in an early stage of the revolutionary struggle, so the reduction of Fort Sumter gave us the prestige of victory in the very inception of the present contest, and was attended with an éclat which inspired confidence and gave an accelerated impulse to our holy cause. It conferred name and fame, too, on Beauregard and Ripley, inspiring confidence in them as our leaders, and it proved the grave of the reputation of the renegade Kentuckian, Anderson, who soiled the honors of a gallant defence by persistent treason to his native State and section. Addressing himself, then, to the matrons and maidens of the Palmetto State, the orator referred in graceful terms to the debt which our city owed them for this auspicious event. He alluded to the inaction of the government in the construction of naval defences, and showed how the suggestion and example of one patriotic lady had stirred in the bosoms of the daughters of South-Carolina the p
Dr. J. C. Herndon, the polite surgeon on General Lee's staff, the following statement, which may be relied upon as correct: M'law's division. Barksdale's and Cobb's brigades,111 Semmes's brigade,1 Kershaw's brigade,250 Straggling cases,6 Anderson's division. Wilcox's brigade,9 Mahone's brigade,5 Ransom's division. Cook's brigade,295 A. P. Hill's division, about600 Early's and Taliaferro's commands, about300 D. H. Hill's command,10 Washington artillery,23   Total,1619 Picket's stated (although the position of each brigade cannot, for want of time be given) that the confederate divisions, starting from the left of the line and proceeding toward the right, were posted as follows: On the extreme left, the division of Gen. Anderson; next to it, the division of Gen. Ransom; next to it, that of Gen. McLaws; next to it, that of Gen. Pickett; and next to it, the division of Gen. Hood. Proceeding now to Gen. Jackson's corps, the ground between Gen. Hood's right and the rail
ies, and for distinguished gallantry and cool courage on the field. I am also under many obligations to Lieutenant Robert Mungen, Brigade Quartermaster, and Lieutenant Frank Riddell, Brigade Commissary, for the able manner in which they discharged their duties. Chaplain Lozier of the Thirty-seventh Indiana, rendered valuable service by his labor for the comfort of the men, and in taking care of the wounded. His bravery and kindness were conspicuous throughout. I am informed that Surgeon Anderson, Thirty-seventh Indiana, Brigade Surgeon, performed his duties in a highly satisfactory manner. Privates Nicholas J. Vail, Nineteenth Illinois, and W. J. Vance, Twenty-first Ohio, acted as orderlies, and deserve honorable mention. They are both worthy of promotion to the rank of lieutenants. I also recommend for promotion, Sergeant H. A. Miller, A. R. Weaver, F. Mechling, and Corporal W. Hughes, Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania volunteers, and Sergeant P. A. Weaver, Seventy-fourth Ohi
Doc. 64.-fight near Lebanon, Tennessee. Report of Colonel Charles Anderson. headquarters Ninety-Third regiment O. V. I., Dec. 6. Captain William Morgan, A. A.G., Fourth Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Department of Cumberland: sir: In obedience to the order of Col. Buckley, commanding Fourteenth brigade, delivered this afternoon, and devolving upon me the defence of the forage-train, I halted my command at about three o'clock, parallel and close to the rear. Whilsd have probably lost us our entire train; and it seems to me now, that this attack, at this time and place, was preconcerted, together with various feints elsewhere, to accomplish that special object. Vanity or undue partiality to my own regiment may mislead me in this opinion. If so, I can only offer the apology that the error is as natural as it is frank. All of which is respectfully submitted. By order of Colonel Charles Anderson. D. P. Thruston, Adjutant Ninety-third Regiment O. V.I.
d elapsed, the artillery was banging away and fired one hundred and seven shots of shell and ball into the town, which lay at his mercy — almost under his feet — and, the only wonder is, that the town was not battered down. Thirty-six shots took effect on buildings, to wit: Mrs. Mulholland's, on the opposite side of the hill, six shots; A. M. Brown's, three shots; Elias Graham's tavern, three shots; C. F. Rowal's, one shot; S. Haycraft's Riddle House, occupied by G. Gunter, four shots; Dr. Anderson's third story, one shot, killing two men; James D. Cully's frame, two shots; Mrs. Leadan's, two shots; Eagle House, seven shots, killing two men; Mr. George L. Miles's house, three shots; Masonic Hall, one shot; Baptist church, one shot, being a shell, went through a king-post, letting down a girder, and exploding in the attic. The Catholic church, one shot. Nearly all the shot perforated the walls and went through the buildings, many other balls falling in gardens, yards, and streets.