Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Frank Anderson or search for Frank Anderson in all documents.

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ednesday, Feb. 12, 1862. The House met at 12 o'clock M. No clergyman present. The Senate bill to protect loyal citizens whose property may be sold by officers under a legal process, was reported by the Clerk and ordered to be committed. The Clerk read a communication from the Governor, enclosing the semi annual report of Brevet- Major F. H. Smith, Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, to the Board of Visitors. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Anderson, of Botetourt, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to reorganize the 17th and 28th brigades Virginia militia. Mr. Newton, from the Committee on Finance, made an adverse report to the claim of Francis Sutler, Sheriff of Campbell count. Mr. Lynn endeavored to call up the bill to release the securities of Thomas K. Davis; but the House refused to consider the bill. On motion of Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, the bill amending section 2d of chapter 22d of the C
The Roanoke fight,additional particulars.description of the fight.bravery of General Anderson.&c., &c., &c. [Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Norfolk, February 12, 1862. We glean theregiment. The enemy opened a heavy volley of infantry, and all retreated in confusion. Col. Anderson, in the midst of the fight, rode up to Col. Shaw, and asked for reinforcements; but Col. Shad that it was useless to contest with such overwhelming numbers. On receiveing this answer, Col. Anderson sat down for a moment and cried bitterly; then taking his sword, he broke it in pieces, got s horse, and rode off. He is supposed to have been taken prisoner. All agree in awarding to Col. Anderson the highest bravery. C. Jennings Wise, of your city, was among the bravest of the fieldhe enemy's balls, which killed him. It will ever be a pleasure to record the bravery of Col. Anderson and Capt. Wise--Nobly and well did they breast the shock of the encounter, despite the fury
rth Carolina and Virginia, the water is as placid as a lake and easily navigated. It has been fortified by the rebels, who have established an entrenched camp in the centre, and erected five forts to defend it at important points. The rebel Garrison on Roanoke Island. General officers. Major-General Hill, commanding. Brigadier-General Henry A Wise. Troops — Wise Legion. Light artillery battery, Capt. Romer First regiment, Col. E. S. Ewell. Second regiment, Col. Frank Anderson. Third regiment, Col. J. L. Davis. Infantry battalion, Lieutenant-Colone Globs Infantry battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Patton. Infantry battalion, Major Duffield, Infantry battalion, Major Hansborough. Georgia regiment, Col. McMillan. North Carolina regiment, Col.--In all about 3,000 troops. The fortifications are supported by a small naval force, under Com. W. F. Lynch. the names of the rebel steam gun-boats are the Fanny, captured from the Union, Curlew, Sea Bird,