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the following dispatch from Guinea's Station: Headquarters, 10 o'clock A. M., May 5th, 1863. To His Excellency President Davis: At the close of the battle of Chancellorsville, on Sunday, the enemy was reported advancing from Fredericksburg in our rear.--Gen. McLaws was sent back to arrest his progress, and repulsed him handsomely that afternoon. Learning that this force consisted of the corps under Gen. Sedgwick, I determined to attack it, and marched back yesterday with Gen Anderson, and uniting with McLaws and Early in the afternoon succeeded, by the blessing of Heaven, in driving Gen. Sedgwick over the river. We have reoccupied Fredericksburg, and no enemy remains South of the Rappahannock in its vicinity. (Signed,) R. E. Lee, General. Of the details of these brilliant victories we have not yet been advised, but the public will not be kept long in suspense. A letter has been received by a relative of General Jackson, stating that the left arm of t
The Daily Dispatch: May 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], Capture of Yankees by Gen. Forrest. (search)
Fifty dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension of my negro man Anderson, who ranaway in the city of Richmond on the 12th inst. Anderson is about 20 years old, black; well formed, and about 5 feet 7 inches high. Has no scars or marks on him. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Hill, Dickinson & Co. Alex Peirch. [mh 17--ts] Fifty dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension of my negro man Anderson, who ranaway in the city of Richmond on the 12th inst. Anderson is about 20 years old, black; well formed, and about 5 feet 7 inches high. Has no scars or marks on him. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Hill, Dickinson & Co. Alex Peirch. [mh 17--ts]
the swelling, angry mass. Grant strove hard to hold us to other parts of the field, and prevent this concentration of force, and for that purpose he engaged Anderson on our left, and Early, who had been sent to the extreme right. He made three separate assaults against the former, but was repulsed each time with frightful loand then against both. Wilcox was brought up and placed on Gordon's left, and Wofford and Humphreys, of Kershaws's division, and Jenkins's brigade, of Fields's, Anderson's corps, were sent to the assistance of Rodes. Additional batteries were sent in the same direction. Heth went to the right, and all of Anderson's old divisionAnderson's old division but Wright followed him. And thus the whirling, remorseless maelstrom drew everything into its angry vortex. The enemy exhibited a courage and resolution worthy of a better cause; Grant seemed to have breathed into his troops somewhat of his own spirit and indomitable energy. But if the Federals fought well, the Confederates fo
[from our Own Correspondent.] Battle Field, Near Spotsylvania C. H., May 16, 1864. Since Thursday last there has been no general engagement. On Saturday night the enemy withdrew from the front on our left, and moved their troops over to the Telegraph road, seizing the Massaponax, and massing a considerable force on our front. During the day yesterday Gen Anderson swung his forces around on our right, (the enemy's left,) and found the enemy "clean gone."--This required new dispositions on our part, which were accordingly made. In making this advance for the purpose of reconnaissance Gen. A.'s forces recaptured thirteen caissons and twenty-one gun carriages. These were the caissons and the gun carriages which were taken from Johnson's division on Thursday last. The enemy, it is supposed, hauled the guns away in wagons, and left the caisson and carriages for want of horses to take them off. To-day I rode over the battle-field in front of Fields's front and found a la
ho say that when our men commenced giving back the enemy were already on the run, and our boys were within a very few yards of their batteries. Our loss is put at about three hundred and fifty in this engagement. During this same evening Gen Anderson sent a force across the river at the Telegraph Road bridge, but this force meeting a superior force of the enemy was compelled to return this side. Our loss however, was slight. Yesterday evening Mahone, who was commanding Anderson's divAnderson's division assented Laidley's brigade of the enemy, who had crossed at Oxford Mills, capturing some sixty prisoners, among them an via of Gen L's. About the same time the enemy attempted to make a lodgment for his sharpshooters in front of Rodes a division, but Rodes's skirmishers quickly drove them off. To day there has been nothing done save slight skirmishing. I still incline to the opinion that Grant is too much worsted to make an immediate fight, and the fact that he is entrenching an
ion, of Breckenridge's command, immediately drove the enemy out with severe loss. Repeated attacks were made upon Gen Anderson's position, chiefly against his right, under Gen. Kershaw. They were met with great steadiness, and repulsed in everyaturday the mention of the heavy fighting on Kershaw's front failed to convey a correct idea of the part taken by Law's, Anderson's, and Gregg's brigades, of Field's division, in repelling the repeated and determined assaults of the enemy in Friday'sw's troops supported and assisted these brigades, and their aid was invaluable, but the attack was directed against Law, Anderson, and Gregg. In the close of our report on Saturday an allusion was made to heavy firing late on Friday evening, andCausland, to be Brigadier Generals. The following officers have been appointed to the following temporary rank: R H Anderson and Jubal A Early to be Lieutenant Generals; Wm Mahone and L. D Ramseur Major Generals; W. R Cox, T. H Toon, W. G Lewis,
sault in force on our breastworks from morning to sunset. Most obstinate on Gen Anderson, our left, at sunset. Repulsed with tremendous loss Thursday, May 12-- Enemy attacked our left and were repulsed, and charged by Mahone, commanding Anderson's division. Wednesday, May 25--Grant destroys Central railroad, and swingMay 31.--Enemy still moving towards the York railroad Wednesday, June 1.--Anderson and Hoke's divisions drove the enemy to their entrenchments Breckinridge and Mntre, A P Hill's corps, with Heth's and Breckinridge's divisions. Right wing, Anderson's corps, (Longstreet's) with Hoke's, Field's, Clingman's, Kershaw's divisions Attack at daylight on Anderson and Breckinridge; front on Early Yankees repulsed everywhere with frightful slaughter; our loss less than in any other great battle then Tolsotemay Creek, with swamp in front. Tuesday, June 7--Yankees still moving to on right, in front of Hill and Anderson. Flag of trace for burying the dead.
a road, and moved all his pontoons to Ely's Ford. It was now that he attempted his so called flanking operations for the first time, and he did it solely because he could make no progress by moving straight forward. It was necessity, not strategy, that dictated his movements. On the 8th he swung his right around his left, and advanced to Spotsylvania Court- House by a side movement, hoping to get there before Lee; but he had been anticipated, for he had scarcely taken possession before Gen Anderson attacked him, and drove him out with prodigious slaughter. On the 9th, by moving around our left with a heavy force, he contrived to get possession of the road between Shady Grove Church and Spotsylvania C. H., and from this position he was driven on the 10th by General Early. The operations of Grant, thus far, had been attended with losses unparalleled in the history of this war. On the 9th of May, previously to the military operations of that day, the official paper in Washington
tevenson. From 28th Virginia regiment, per Rev Peter Tinsley, Chaplain. From Gen Pegram's Brigade, per Joseph Maye, E q Mayer. From Fauquier Artillery, Capt Marshall, per Jno W Cable. From the "Stonewall" Brigade, composed of the 2d, 4th, 5th, 27th and 33d Virginia regiments. From 1st Virginia battalion of infantry and dismounted cavalry, per Capt Lynham. From 1st company Richmond Howitzers, Cabell's battalion, per Sergeant R W Wyatt. From Wolfolk's and Taylor's batteries, of Huger's battalion, per Sergeant Wyatt. From the 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 59th Georgia regiments, of Gen Anderson's Brigade, per Mayer John Hockenball, Com. From the companies of Capts Richmond, Utterbach and Wyatt, of Poague's artillery battalion, per Sergeant Barnett. The Committee earnestly request contribution in money and supples to meet the pressing demands upon them. Contributions should be sent to Roger Martin, Superintendent, or to Wm P Chairman of the Army Committee.