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The Daily Dispatch: May 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], Capture of Yankees by Gen. Forrest . (search)
Fifty dollars reward
--Will be paid for the apprehension of my negro man Anderson, who ranaway in the city of Richmond on the 12th inst. Anderson is about 20 years old, black; well formed, and about 5 feet 7 inches high.
Has no scars or marks on him. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Hill, Dickinson & Co. Alex Peirch. [mh 17--ts]
Fifty dollars reward
--Will be paid for the apprehension of my negro man Anderson, who ranaway in the city of Richmond on the 12th inst. Anderson is about 20 years old, black; well formed, and about 5 feet 7 inches high.
Has no scars or marks on him. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Hill, Dickinson & Co. Alex Peirch. [mh 17--ts]
[from our Own Correspondent.] Battle Field, Near Spotsylvania C. H., May 16, 1864.
Since Thursday last there has been no general engagement.
On Saturday night the enemy withdrew from the front on our left, and moved their troops over to the Telegraph road, seizing the Massaponax, and massing a considerable force on our front.
During the day yesterday Gen Anderson swung his forces around on our right, (the enemy's left,) and found the enemy "clean gone."--This required new dispositions on our part, which were accordingly made.
In making this advance for the purpose of reconnaissance Gen. A.'s forces recaptured thirteen caissons and twenty-one gun carriages.
These were the caissons and the gun carriages which were taken from Johnson's division on Thursday last.
The enemy, it is supposed, hauled the guns away in wagons, and left the caisson and carriages for want of horses to take them off.
To-day I rode over the battle-field in front of Fields's front and found a la
The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource], [from our own Correspondent.] (search)