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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 5 (search)
sions, toward Gettysburg; his Third Division (Anderson's) at Fayetteville. General Longstreet, withf the town, and between four and five o'clock Anderson's division, of A. P. Hill's corps, came up ann the left, his left resting on the seminary, Anderson's division on the right, and Heth's division,he morning, as Wilcox's, the right brigade of Anderson's division, was extending its line to the rigsitions, a detachment of Wilcox's brigade, of Anderson's division, which then formed the extreme rige on the right, Robertson's on the left, with Anderson's and Benning's brigades in support. Some twate fighting and thus far held their ground. Anderson, on the Confederate side, has been brought up Trobriand, but is repulsed with severe loss, Anderson himself being desperately wounded. The arriv Cemetery Ridge. This is Wilcox's brigade of Anderson's division, which, after having assisted in dd various brigades from Pender's, Heth's, and Anderson's divisions of Hill's corps. It was directe