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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 13, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. R. Anderson or search for J. R. Anderson in all documents.
Your search returned 6 results in 4 document sections:
City Council.
--A regular monthly meeting of the Council was held yesterday.
Present--Messrs. Saunders, Anderson, Denton. Griffin, Scott, Graitan, Crutchfield, Burr, Hill, Haskins, Richardson.
Absent — Glazebrook, Roddey, Talbott, and Greaner.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Col. Haskins, from the Commissioners of Streets, reported in favor of giving William Ready the contract for indexing and numbering the streets, in accordance with the plan of the Cit ed to C. B. Lipscomb to erect a temporary staging over Dock street, for unloading coal vessels.
On motion of Col. Haskins, the sum of $325 was appropriated for reducing and putting Leigh street in order, between 9th and 10th streets.
Mr. Anderson asked and obtained leave of absence.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on Police, reported, and asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the petition of John A. Cunningham and others, praying the passage of an ordinance to prev
Mayor's Court.
--A number of persons were arraigned before the Mayor yesterday for trivial offences, and speedily disposed of.--George Powder, a Henrico free negro, for having improper papers, was blown up, and then discharged.--Hannah Donahoe, for beating Ann Kearns, was discharged.
because Ann failed to come to time.--John McCormack, for getting boozy, was reprimanded.--Elijah, slave to J. R. Anderson, for trespassing on the premises of Mrs. Gary, was put through a course of sprouts.--William Coots, for becoming oblivious and taking lodgings in Pink alley, was held to security.
The Daily Dispatch: November 13, 1860., [Electronic resource], A Yankee Belligerent in China (search)