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The Daily Dispatch: April 13, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
Examinations postponed. --The Mayor on yesterday continued the following cases — James Turner, for assaulting Jno. L. Carry; Henry, slave of J. R. Anderson, for stealing a silver watch and chain from Henry Burruss, a free negro, Geo. T. Martin, and Chas. Heinline, for railing a disturbance in John Stainmits's house, and F. Boshen, for assaulting Jacob Beir.
ery honorable means, to avoid. As long as Major Anderson remained in Fort Moultrie, in accordance wf the compact between the two Governments, Major Anderson seized, occupied and possessed Fort Sumterld have been justified in doing, and which Maj. Anderson did not then possess the means of returninully the former state of things and place Maj.Anderson once more in Fort Moultrie. We all know how of Charleston have been actually supplying Major Anderson and his officers with provisions, exhibitieir heads, the Confederate Government gave Major Anderson an opportunity for a peaceable evacuation had been sent to prevent, a fact of which Major Anderson may have been ignorant, but which was nonert, the Confederate Government proposed to Major Anderson not to bombard Fort Sumter, if Major AnderMajor Anderson would state the time at which, as indicated by him, he would evacuate, and agree that, in the mes made to avoid the effusion of blood. If Major Anderson really expected to be "starved out in a fe
ood Firing of the Batteries — The Preparations the Day Before — Description of Fort Sumpter--Major Anderson, &c. The war has commenced. Yesterday morning, at 4½ o'clock, the batteries of the ConfBeauregard. Montgomery April 11, 1861. Gen. Beauregard, Charleston:--Telegraph reply of Anderson. L. P. Walker. [no. 8.]Gen. Beauregard to the Secretary of War. Charleston April 11, 1861. To L. P. Walker: --Major Anderson replied:"I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication demanding the evacuation of this fort, and to say in reply thereto that it is ashot, and if you do not batter us to pieces, we will be starved out in a few days." Answer. Major Anderson" G. T. Beauregard. [no. 9.]the Secretary of War to Gen. Beauregard. Montgomery Apr Gen. Beauregard, Charleston: --We do not desire needlessly to bombard Fort Sumter. If Major Anderson will state the time at which, as indicated by him, he will evacuate, and agree that, in the
d dispatches disclose the fact, that Mr. Fox, who had been allowed to visit Major Anderson on the pledge that his purpose was pacific, employed his opportunity to dev. Fort Moultrie is, in military phrase, commanded by Fort Sumter. Who Major Anderson is — his Career. The New York Leader has a biographical sketch of the port Sumter, which is interesting at this moment. We copy a passage: "Major Anderson is now about fifty-six years old, and was born in Kentucky, entering the Mir of 1841, and his present rank of Major only reaching him last year. "Major Anderson has also performed a large amount of the staff duty incident to the serviceiving brevet majority 'for gallant and meritorious conduct in that action.' Major Anderson has also received from the Government many evidences of its trust and confit the West Point Military Academy. The labors of that commission (in which Major Anderson performed his part) have already been laid before Congress. "In physiq