Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. R. Anderson or search for J. R. Anderson in all documents.

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Powerful locomotive. --A valuable addition has just been made to the rolling stock of one of our railroads by the arrival of a heavy draft engine, formerly employed on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. It was brought to this city on Monday evening by the freight train, over the Central route, and is now at the company's shops, for the purpose of repairs. It is a ten-wheeled engine, with-truck in front. We learn that it will take the place of the locomotive "J. R. Anderson," now running on the short track which connects the Petersburg and Fredericksburg railroads.
From Kentucky. Gen. Anderson's Successor — who is he?--Accidental Death of Col. Lyon--Ogilvie Byren Young — Skirmish near Green Riv&c., &c. Bowling Green, (Ky.,) Oct. 13, 1861. That General Anderson has been superseded in the command of the Department of KentucGeneral McCook. The New York Herald, of the 4th instant, noticing Anderson's removal, says that "owing to some alleged differences which have arisen upon points of military etiquette between General Anderson and General Mitchell, is appears that General McCook, of Ohio, has recently new commander be appointed to the Department of Kentucky. Gen. Anderson is said to be in bad health, and the proposition of Gen. McCook received the approbation of both Gen. Anderson and Gen. Mitchell. The result has been the appointment of Gen. McCook to the Department of K at this arrangement. Prominent Kentuckians regard the sending of Anderson to this State as having been intended merely as a softening wedge
Escape of Hon. Thos. P. Porter, &c. Nashville, Oct. 18. --The Hon. Thomas P. Porter, the late President of the Kentucky Senate and Lieutenant Governor of the State, was in this city on yesterday, having escaped from Lincolndom. "Sumter" Anderson left Louisville on the 11th inst., for Washington. Thomas L. Crittenden has gone to Henderson to assume command of the Federal troops in that section. Gen. B. F. (Picayune) Butler has assumed the command of the Department of New England, and his headquarters are to be at Boston.