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The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1861., [Electronic resource] 31 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jonathan T. Anderson or search for Jonathan T. Anderson in all documents.

Your search returned 16 results in 4 document sections:

The sending of this harmful messenger to Major Anderson was followed by a deafening explosion, whis rising so defiantly out of the sea. Major Anderson received the shot and shell in silence. Aes, the balls had not started a single bolt. Anderson had concentrated his fire upon the Floating Buns in Stevens' Battery temporarily disabled, Anderson's fire having injured the doors of the embrasortification one of the most formidable of Maj. Anderson's terrible opponents. The effect of its De war, in the shape of a 32-pound ball, which Anderson had fired at Moultrie, and which lodged in th The brilliant and patriotic conduct of Maj. Anderson speaks for itself, and silences the attacksays: When Sumter was in flames, and Major Anderson could only fire his guns at long intervals of a single battery from Sumter. Five of Major Anderson's men are slightly wounded. Jasper, f the fort at 4 o'clock P. M. Whilst Maj. Anderson was saluting his flag, previous to retirin[2 more...]
Important will case. --At the recent term of the Circuit Court of Roanoke county, Va., a will case of considerable importance was decided. The Salem Register says: This was an important and highly interesting suit, in which the will of Chileon O. White, deceased, was contested by the Rev. Andrew McDowell and others. Mr. McDowell is from the county of Hanover and married a sister of C. O. White. The amount of property involved is between forty and fifty thousand dollars. The counsel in favor of the will were Messrs. Edmundson and Blair, Watts and Allen, J. B. I. Logan and Colonel Winfield, of Bedford. Those for the contestants, C. G. Griswold, of Richmond, Col. Jno. T. Anderson, of Botetourt, and F. J. Ribble, of Roanoke. After able arguments on both sides, the jury borough in a verdict establishing the will.
to be almost impassable on Baltimore street, from Calvert to Holliday street. There was a general impression that Fort Sumter would have to yield under the severe fire of the batteries opposing it, but the wish was uttered from every one that Major Anderson and his garrison might escape unharmed. The telegram which brought the news that the Federal fleet was outside the bar at Charleston, created the idea in some that relief would be afforded to Sumter, though most people were sanguine that it nd sneaking excuse to cover other and more important issues. It is unworthy of any high-toned Administration. It is only in tended to mislead the people from the real issue. It should be remembered that General Beauregard offered to leave Major Anderson unmolested if he would do the same to him.--But he refused. Thus it is seen that Mr. Lincoln was the aggressor, and it is now openly confessed that all the recent preparations were to the very end now staring us in the face — civil war and f
The fleet near Charleston. It is a significant fact that the immense fleet sent by Lincoln to reinforce Fort Sumter, did not dare to approach the scene of action, but left the gallant Anderson to his fate. So much for the inordinate boasting of the Black Republicans about their fleet and its "six thousand fighting men." We are heartily sorry that they did not venture on the fulfillment of their gasconading threats, but left a Southern officer to do all the fighting that has yet been done on their side. Not that we doubt the courage of Northern men, but before this war is ended it will be seen that one man fighting for his home is more than a match for two fighting against it.