Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Joseph R. Anderson or search for Joseph R. Anderson in all documents.

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of the governor and his Council meets with much harsh criticism by the inconsiderate, but it is evident that, even should the attack ultimately be made, so far as preparations are concerned, South Carolina has obtained more by the delay than Major Anderson. The military are anxious for the fight to commence, as having come to Charleston to fight they are indisposed to go home without smelling powder. They are most impatient at the delay, and the stormy and unpleasant weather has rendered tuite formidable, and it is intended to keep up a fire on Sumter from these three forts for twenty-four hours before an attempt is made to assault the stronghold of Uncle Sam. The impression is that a breach can be made in the walls, and that Major Anderson's limited garrison will be so worn out by the severe labors of working the guns incessantly for so long a time, that the storming party on rafts will be able to accomplish the escalade without much difficulty or loss of life. Fort Moult
er the act of Assembly, passed January 21st, 1860, as refers to the sale of public arms to Joseph R. Anderson & Co., under an agreement made the 23d day of August, 1860, between the said Commissioners and the said Joseph R. Anderson & Co.; and approving the action of the said Commissioners in the premises, made the following report which was received: Resolved, That the sale of old muskets by the Executive to Messrs. Joseph R. Anderson & Co. is approved, and the Governor is hereby authorized and directed to deliver them to the said Joseph R. Anderson & Co., as they shall make requisitionJoseph R. Anderson & Co., as they shall make requisition for them, excepting the reservation of ten thousand muskets as stipulated in their contract: Provided, however, That for any muskets delivered in advance of estimates for work done, to said Joseph R.Joseph R. Anderson & Co., as voluntarily proposed by them, they shall be required to deposit with the Treasurer as security an amount of State bonds rated at par, equal to the value of the muskets so issued in
resolution in allusion to an alleged contemplated attack on the Forts in Virginia and the Federal Capitol, were laid on the table. In the House, a number of local bills were reported; among them, Senate bill increasing the capital stock of the York River Railroad Company. Bills were passed for correcting erroneous assessments of lands, and for amending the charter of the Danville Railroad Company. The Military Committee reported a resolution approving the sale of State muskets to J. R. Anderson & Co. Resolutions were offered for changing the General Election law; and for erecting a fort or other suitable military defences, at the city of Wheeling. Communications were sent in by the Governor from the States of New Jersey and Maine. Sundry bills were advanced to their engrossment. The bill concerning the sale of the James River and Kanawha Canal to the French Company will no doubt be considered during the present week, members of both Houses showing, by their votes, an evident