Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 29, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Joseph R. Anderson or search for Joseph R. Anderson in all documents.

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line. The Committee then adjourned to Friday, to give him an opportunity to do so. Who Major Anderson is — his Barber. The New York Leader has a biographical sketch of the present commander at Fort Sumter. We copy a passage: "Major Anderson is now about fifty-six years old, and was born in Kentucky, entering the Military Academy from that State, and graduating with distinction, on until the October of 1841, and his present rank of Major only reaching him last year. "Major Anderson has also performed a large amount of the staff duty incident to the service a few years sincel Rey, and receiving brevet majority 'for gallant and meritorious conduct in that action.' Major Anderson has also received from the Government many evidences of its trust and confidence other than of instruction at the West Point Military Academy. The labors of that commission, in which Major Anderson performed his part, have already been laid before Congress. "In physique, the Major is
as Virginians have ever been and ever will be in times of peril — impelled by honor, by duty and by patriotism to action. He then invited the persons present to give utterance to such sentiments as may be called for by the occasion. Mr. David J. Burr nominated as Vice Presidents the following gentlemen, and they were chosen by acclamation: R. B. Haxall, James Dunlop, Abram Warwick, R. G. Morriss, Wm. Palmer, Jas. A. Cowardin, Robt. A. Paine, Ambrose Carlton, Jos. R. Anderson, R. O. Haskins, Thos. H. Ellis, John Jones, Lewis Webb, Chas. W. Purcell, John A. Belvin. Mr. John Purcell nominated as Secretaries the following gentlemen, and they were elected: R. Milton Cary, John H. Montague, John Thompson Brown, John H. Claiborne, J. Adair Pleasants. Mr. George W. Randolph offered a resolution, which was adopted, for the appointment of a committee of twenty-five, to prepare and report business for the action of the meeting. the Chairman