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The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 16 0 Browse Search
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Post-Office affairs --Virginia Appointments.--Richard C. Shacklett postmaster at Piedmont Station, Fauquier co., vice George W. Shacklett; resigned. Albert G. Gooch postmaster at Oronoco, Amherst co., Va., vice Preston Tomlinson, resigned. R. S. Roach, postmaster at Cherry Run Depot, Morgan co., vice Thomas B. Roach, resigned. Henry Harris postmaster at Wise, Jackson co., Va., vice James P. Harris, resigned. David R. Nunneiee postmaster at Riceville, Pittsylvania co. vice M. W. Anderson.
From Washington. [Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Washington, Jan. 11, 1861. Brimstone is again in the ascendant Never there are not wanting some few signs of adjustment. Anderson has written to the President that he does not want reinforcements, and it is believed at the War Department that the troops on the Brooklyn and the Star of the West will be recalled. Yesterday was the most exciting day we have had. A Wall street canard was sent on here to the effect that McGowan, the Captain of the Star of the West, had telegraphed the owners in New York that the steamer was safe in Charleston harbor. Great was the joy of the Abolitionists. Southern men were greatly depressed and mortified. Moreover, it was believed that the Richmond Grays had gone to Harper's Ferry. It was said that Governor Letcher had telegraphed Gen'l. Scott to that effect, and that the latter had answered that the Virginia troops should not pass through the District, and had even given order
nciliatory speeches had been made by Northern men, and the Northern public was fast rallying under the banner of anti-coercion, when the announcement of this policy changed the whole aspect of things. Next came the unfortunate affair of Maj Anderson. The instructions of the Secretary of War did not authorize him to change his position — for he wrote to the Secretary of War and said he could change his position if he had authority to do so. I had pledged my honor to South Carolina--and althear it, I think the President said so, too.--South Carolina with 20 men could have gone to Fort Sumter any moonlight night and taken it. But there was an insurmountable barrier — they had pledged their honor that it should not be. [Applause.] Maj. Anderson, for what reason God only knows, saw fit to change his position. South Carolina, said you have violated your pledge. I said, gentlemen, I have not. All I can do is to resign my commission into the hands of the President. I did so, gentleme
Proceedings at Charleston. Charleston, Jan. 12. --Yesterday afternoon there was great excitement to learn why the Carolina Secretaries of War and State visited Fort Sumter under a flag of truce, where they remained two hours. A pretty reliable source says the department will know to-morrow.--The visit, however, is known to have been not of a hostile character. Some say dissatisfaction exists among Maj. Anderson's men; others say that a surrender is contemplated and that he will evacuate. Some people here are of opinion that negotiations with the Government at Washington are going on for a peaceful surrender and a cessation of the warlike attitude now assumed. Good authority give credit to the statement. The steamer Excell came in to-day with news that the Brooklyn was off the bar. This is reliable. She was seen this morning. Col. Haynes on the part of South Carolina and Lieut. Hall from Fort Sumpter, left for Washington to-day with proposals and for in
From Washington. Washington, Jan. 12. --The Secretary of the Treasury will not enter upon his office till early next week, having previously to arrange some business in New York. There was a Cabinet meeting last night till a late hour on the dispatches brought by Lieut. Talbot from Maj. Anderson. There is no reason to believe that anything further will be yielded to South Carolina. It is believed that the bill introduced in the Legislature of Missouri, prohibiting the Mayor or sheriff of St. Louis from using a military force to suppress riot, looked to the seizure of the public property, and hence troops have been ordered thither. The Senate galleries and avenues leading to the chamber are densely crowded to hear Senator Seward. [Second Dispatch.] Washington, Jan. 13. --Gen. Scott is still engaged in making preparations to guard against any possible breach of the peace in this city, in consequence of the present political agitation. Effective mil
An abolition meeting broken up in Rochester. Rochester, Jan. 11, 1861. --Rev. Mr. May, Susan B. Anthony, and others of that stripe attempted to hold a meeting here to-night. It was broken up by citizens, and resolutions in favor of the Union were passed and cheers given for General Scott and Major Anderson. A flag bearing the inscription, "No compromise with slavery," was not allowed to be suspended across Buffalo street. The authorities prevented a general riot.
The Canada Fugitive slave case. Toronto, C. W., Jan. 11, 1861. --The fugitive slave Anderson was returned to Brantford, C. W., yesterday, to await the action of the Court of Appeals, which will probably not take place until summer.