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er the first section, and insert twenty-five new sections as a substitute. On motion of Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, the original bill was amended so as to provide that persons paying three hundred dollars should be exempted during the time for which they were drafted, unless the enrolment should be exhausted. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, moved to amend so as to repeal the commutation provision. On the second, the debate was renewed by Mr. Schenck, Mr. Chandler, and Mr. Davis, of New-York, Mr. Anderson, of Kentucky, and Mr. W. J. Allen, of Illinois. The House, on the third, resumed the consideration of the bill, and Mr. Myers, and Mr. Williams, of Pennsylvania, addressed the House in its favor, and Mr. Stiles of that State opposed it. Mr. Holman's amendment to strike out of the original bill the commutation clause was rejected — yeas, twenty-six; nays, seventy-three. Mr. Baldwin, of Michigan, moved to amend the bill by striking out the maximum of four hundred dollars instead of three h
necessary, and to use Featherston's brigade (Anderson's division) if he. should require it. The Anderson'sPerry's5th Florida 11 Anderson'sPerry's8th nderson'sPerry'sDonaldsonville Artillery,156 Anderson'sFeatherston's19th Mississippi 66 Anderson'son'sFeatherston's2d Mississippi Battalion134 Anderson'sFeatherston's12th Mississippi 55 Anderson's1 Anderson'sWright's2d Georgia Battalion1 1 Anderson'sWillcox's11th Alabama358 Anderson'sMahone'sAnderson'sMahone's6th Virginia 11 Anderson'sMahone's41st Virginia246 Anderson'sMahone's61st Virginia 11    1687103 xas 55 Hood'sAnderson's7th Georgia 66 Hood'sAnderson's8th Georgia123 Hood'sAnderson's9th Georgia Anderson's2d North Carolina41721 D. H. Hill'sAnderson's4th North Carolina42125 D. H. Hill'sAndersojor-General R. H. Anderson. headquarters Anderson's division, near Fredericksburg, Va., Januarypectfully, Your most obedient servant, R. H. Anderson, Major-General, commanding Division. [25 m
s deep for some three hundred miles of the way. We suffered very much during the greater part of the march, but as we neared the Texas border the days became more pleasant, but the nights were still cold and stormy. We arrived at Fort Bliss February twenty-fifth, and were all beginning to congratulate ourselves on having a good garrison for the summer, when the news of the secession reached us. At first we thought nothing of it; but the attack and surrender of Fort Sumter by the gallant Major Anderson convinced the most sceptical that things were taking a very serious turn. Shortly after the above events, we got orders from General Twiggs, the commander of the department of Texas, to evacuate the state, and turn over all the forts and stores to commissioners appointed by the state: we prepared to follow these instructions, but were delayed in consequence of wagons to carry our baggage through; but finally we got started on the thirty-first of March, 1861, with Colonel Reeves and two
864, in an editorial on the Richmond Campaigns, as follows: Hooker, one hundred and twenty-three thousand fighting men present for duty; Lee, forty-nine thousand seven hundred men. At this time I do not purpose expressing an opinion respecting the accuracy of the estimates of the Tribune, but it is due the little Army I had the honor to command, that I should state that the force opposed to us in front of Suffolk was very heavy, nearly twice my own, for many days, and in the hands of some of the ablest rebel West Pointers; viz., Longstreet, Hill, Hood, Pickett, Garnett, Anderson, French, &c. The operations about Suffolk, ending May fourth, were suddenly eclipsed in the night of general gloom and painful anxiety which attended General Hooker's disaster at Chancellorsville. Attention was not again awakened upon that field, and the campaign will be imperfectly understood by the public while the official reports remain unpublished. Sincerely yours, John J. Peck, Major-General.
mate; G. F. Allison, quarter-master's cook; John Smith and George Walsh, quartermasters; Nicholas Fierny, Robert Haddon, and J. H. Ellis, firemen; John McDonald, Michael Noe, Patrick Kelly, and Mike Drilly, coal-heavers; Wiley Bloom, A. Mills, J. Hastings, A. Lewis, George Hall, W. Austin, T. Wiggins, W. Wyatt, W. Hampton, J. Jenkins, W. Hart, and J. Harrison, sailors; H. Pearson, cook,--total, twenty-seven. I certify that the above is a correct abstract from the list furnished by Major-General Anderson, commanding Confederate forces in Florida. Edelemire Mayer, Major Seventh Regiment U. S. S. F., A. A. A. G. headquarters District of Florida, Jacksonville, June 13, 1864. Report of Acting Ensign Sanborn. United States steamer Philadelphia, Port Royal harbor, S. C., September 3, 1864. Sir: It becomes my painful and unpleasant duty to report to you the particulars of the loss of the United States steamer Columbine, under my command, in the St. John's River, on May twenty-t
ad first passed through his rubber blanket, which was rolled up on his saddle. An ambulance was promptly sent out, which met the body of Doctor Weiser, being brought in on a horse. The first battalion of cavalry--Captains Taylor, Wilson, and Anderson's companies — was promptly ordered to the scene of Doctor Weiser's death, where the scouts were skirmishing with the Indians. They found the ground so broken that they dismounted and sent their horses back to camp. Major Bradley, with Captainsmmit range just to the right of the mound, and flanking the right of the Indians, swept around to the southward and pursued the Indians into and through the ridges and ravines on the east of the range, while Major Bradley and Captains Taylor and Anderson pressed them hotly on the west side. Captain Wilson, of the cavalry, crossed to the right of the mound, and pursued some Indians that separated from the main body and retreated more directly eastward. The Indians were thus pursued three or f
visions. The commands of Generals McLaws and Anderson, with the exception of Wilcox's brigade, whichis position during Sunday and Monday, whilst Anderson and McLaws were detached to drive back Generaclose in my command so as to connect with General Anderson's right — holding my right at the turnpike of the afternoon I received orders from General Anderson to move my brigade across and to the left in the morning of the sixth, by order of General Anderson, I detached two regiments, posted one on May 27, 1863. To Major T. S. Mills, A. A. G., Anderson's Division, First Corps, A. N. Va.: Major: enemy on his right. He was joined by Major-General Anderson. About this time the enemy threatenedhone's,Anderson's,134 Eighth Florida,Perry's,Anderson's,113647 Second Florida,Perry's,Anderson's,3Anderson's, 55 Sixteenth Mississippi,Posey's,Anderson's,175976 Twelfth Mississippi,Posey's,Andersoerson's,22628 Twenty-second Georgia,Wright's,Anderson's,57075 Third Georgia,Wright's,Anderson's,11[94 more...]
A. M., Sept. 10, 1863. Major-General Buckner, Anderson's: General: I enclose orders issued last nhe direct road, from your present position at Anderson's, along which General Hindman has passed. rdered forward with his remaining division to Anderson's, so as to cover Hindman's rear during the on seven miles of this point. Polk is left at Anderson's to cover your rear. General Bragg orders yely in command of division), Kershaw, Patton, Anderson, Gracie, McNair (severely wounded), and Colon, the first two brigades passed Kershaw's and Anderson's brigades, which had suffered severely in thliquely to the left. The advance of Brigadier-General Anderson on our extreme right was a gallant a: Deas', Manigault's, Johnson's, Gregg's, and Anderson's, with McNair's brigade in rear of Johnson'smove forward. Previous to the advance of General Anderson, I had sent to General Buckner to requestck, owing to the advance of Generals Deas and Anderson, and others on my right; they apprehending, i[10 more...]
corps, protecting his right flank. The reserve cavalry, consisting of the new regiments, viz.: Anderson troop, First Middle Tennessee, Second East Tennessee cavalry, and four companies of the Third Ing, during which time we had driven the enemy two miles beyond Lavergne. The Third Indiana and Anderson troop behaved gallantly, charging the enemy twice, and bringing them to hand-and-hand encounterem rapidly across Overall's Creek, and within one-half mile of the enemy's line of battle. The Anderson cavalry behaved most gallantly this day, pushing at full charge upon the enemy for six miles; ue men desperately wounded. With the loss of these two most gallant officers, the spirit of the Anderson troop, which gave such full promise, seems to have died out, and I have not been able to get and to Franklin; Brigadier-General D. S. Stanley, with the First and Second Tennessee cavalry and Anderson troop, taking the Nolensville pike. The First brigade, Colonel Minty commanding, under my char
ners, and for a portion of that time was equal in intensity to the bombardment of the eighteenth. Upon the arrival of the boat in the neighborhood of the place appointed, the firing ceased, and the exchange was regularly effected, we delivering one hundred and five and receiving thirty-nine wounded prisoners. No reference having been made in the agreement to the negro prisoners of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts regiment, none of them were included in the exchange, a report of which by Colonel Anderson and Major Middleton, the officers appointed to conduct it, has already been furnished. The fire of the enemy on this morning, especially from one of the more advanced land batteries, armed with Parrott guns, did serious damage to Battery Wagner. The remaining ten-inch columbiad was dismounted from the sea-face of the battery, and the magazines so much exposed that it became necessary to remove the ammunition; and General Taliaferro, who had previously relieved General Hagood in the co