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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 5: events in Charleston and Charleston harbor in December, 1860.--the conspirators encouraged by the Government policy. (search)
eral's office, or to the Secretary of War. Anderson's Ms. Letter-book. They discovered in Andersof the State. Adjutant-General Cooper to Major Anderson, December 14, 1860: Anderson's Ms. Letter-and in Kentucky and Tennessee) was sent to Major Anderson with verbal instructions from his Governme the Richmond Enquirer, January 12, 1861. Anderson found it necessary for him to assume grave re command, and two or three other officers. Anderson's first care was to remove the women and chillock the same evening, December 26, 1860. Major Anderson wrote to the Adjutant-General from his snuis report. Anderson's Ms. Letter-book. Anderson calmly replied by telegraph:--The telegram isd, in courteous but peremptory phrase, for Major Anderson's immediate withdrawal from Sumter, and rehe forts, and especially to Sumter ; and that Anderson had violated that agreement by thus re-enforcans were frustrated by the timely movement of Anderson. The conspirators in Charleston and Washin[50 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
ded and refused, 160. When intelligence of Anderson's occupation of Fort Sumter went abroad, it cession. Floyd urgently demanded an order for Anderson's return to Fort Moultrie, alleging that the re, when, on the following day, they heard of Anderson and his gallant little band being in Fort Sumy assured him that until the circumstances of Anderson's movements were explained in a manner to relnce; and by refusing to disavow the act of Major Anderson, have converted his violation of orders insequence of the reception of a letter from Major Anderson, stating that he regarded himself secure its from communication with his Government, Major Anderson could not know whether his appeals for re-e Star of the West was exposed to danger. Major Anderson was ignorant of her character and object, d Tyre. The retribution was terrible! Major Anderson accepted the insult to his country's flag commissioners, to make a formal demand on Major Anderson for the immediate surrender of Fort Sumter[11 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 7: Secession Conventions in six States. (search)
Forts Jefferson and Taylor were too strong for any force Florida might send against them, so he prudently confined his efforts to the harbor of Pensacola. He issued orders, immediately after the passage of the Ordinance of Secession, for the seizure of these forts and the Navy Yard, and disloyal men were in them ready to assist in the work. Fortunately, the command of the forts was in the hands of Lieutenant A. J. Slemmer, a young, brave, and patriotic officer from Pennsylvania, who, like Anderson, could not be moved by the threats or persuasions of the enemies of his country. Governor Perry had already been to New York and Philadelphia, and purchased one thousand Maynard rifles and five thousand Minie muskets for the use of the State. Adam J. Slemmer. Fort Pickens is on Santa Rosa Island, and commands the entrance to the harbor. Nearly opposite, but a little farther seaward, on a low sand-spit, is Fort McRee. Across from Fort Pickens, on the main, is Fort Barrancas, built by
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
on that occasion resounded with the ring of the true metal of loyalty and positiveness of character, which he displayed throughout the war that ensued. He counseled forbearance, and kindness, and a conciliatory spirit; proposed the repeal of the Personal Liberty Act of that State, if it was in contravention of any law of Congress; and denounced the till wicked doings of the conspirators and their servants. Two days afterward, the Legislature, by resolutions, approved of the conduct of Major Anderson in Charleston harbor, and of Governor Hicks, in Maryland. In another series of resolutions, passed on the 24th, it severely rebuked the conduct of the South Carolinians; declared that the Constitution gave the Government full power to maintain its authority, and Andrew G. Curtin. pledged the faith and power of Pennsylvania to the support of all such measures as might be required to put down insurrection, saying:--All plots, conspiracies, and warlike preparations against the United St
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
f his seat in the National Senate, See page 51. was spoken of as a fitting head of the new nation. The policy advocated by Rhett and his class, and the Mercury, their organ, had been that of violence from the beginning. From the hour when Anderson entered Sumter, See page 129. they had counseled its seizure. In the Convention at Montgomery, Rhett urged that policy with vehemence, and tried to infuse his own spirit of violence into that assembly. He was met by calm and steady oppositirawford, Martin, Curry, and De Clouet. Judiciary.--Messrs. Clayton, Withers, Hale, T. R. Cobb, and Harris. Naval Affairs.--Messrs. Conrad, Chesnut, Smith, Wright, and Owens. Military Affairs.--Messrs. Bartow, Miles, Sparrow, Keenan, and Anderson. Postal Affairs.--Chilton, Hill, Boyce, Harrison, and Curry. Mr. Brooke, of Mississippi, was made Chairman of the Committee on Patents and Copyrights — an almost <*>seless office. All the laws of the United States, not incompatible with th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
ed to be just. While the country was ringing with plaudits for Major Anderson, because of his gallant and useful conduct at Fort Sumter, and , and act as the interpreter of the wish of millions by nominating Anderson for the rank of lieutenant-colonel by brevet, for his wise and herncil, to demand its surrender to the authorities of the State. Major Anderson refused to give it up, and referred the matter to the PresidentAttorney-General of the State, in company with Lieutenant Hall, of Anderson's command, to Washington City, to present the same demand to the NHe informed them that it was not deemed necessary to re-enforce Major Anderson at that time; but told them, explicitly, that should the safetyresident would yield to the demand of South Carolina, and order Major Anderson back from Sumter to Moultrie. It was decided at once that an eern cities and announce that the President had decided to maintain Anderson in Sumter at all hazards. 4 Fire some powder, said Stanton; all
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 12: the inauguration of President Lincoln, and the Ideas and policy of the Government. (search)
hat Mr. Fox, who had been allowed to visit Major Anderson, on the pledge that his purpose was pacifier was received at the War Department from Major Anderson, dated the 28th, of February, 1861. in whs volume. and he concurred in opinion with Major Anderson. No sufficient force was then at the contthey be raised and taken to the ground before Anderson's supplies would be exhausted. In a militaryibility and the necessity of strengthening Major Anderson, by sending him provisions and men, the Prident. Pickens sent the following note to Major Anderson:-- I have permitted Mr. Fox and Captaingentleman of honor. and ascertained that Major Anderson had provisions sufficient for his command f April; Lieutenant Norman J. Hall, one of Anderson's trusty men, furnished Mr. Fox with a memorao the President that any attempt to succor Major Anderson must be made before the middle of April. he Government, he would immediately direct Major Anderson to evacuate Sumter. Had the Virginia poli[2 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 13: the siege and evacuation of Fort Sumter. (search)
ton, 312. trying position of Major Anderson Anderson expected to leave Fort Sumter his appeals torps. He carried a number of messages from Major Anderson to Governor Pickens. On one occasion the to abandon this fort very early next week. Anderson's Ms. Letter-book. Again, on the 6th, he wrotseat of government, with an earnest plea from Anderson for instructions, when a note from BeauregardThese authorities had better information than Anderson. Scouts had discovered, during the previous statements of Major (afterward Major-General) Anderson. Believing what had been said to him to be trhis commission and joined the insurgents. Major Anderson performed gallant service in the war with of welcoming spectators. Off Sandy Hook, Major Anderson had written a brief dispatch to the Secretqui tactus. This sword was presented to Major Anderson at the Brevoort House, New York, by W. C. The President of the United States gave Major Anderson a more substantial evidence of appreciatio[67 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 14: the great Uprising of the people. (search)
ve, with courage firm and faith sublime, That it will float until the eternal morning Pales, in its glories, all the lights of Time! The Sabbath day on which Anderson and his men went out of Fort Sumter was a day of wild excitement throughout the Union. Loyalists and disloyalists were equally stirred by the event — the former late Vice-President Breckenridge; Senator John J. Crittenden; James Guthrie, Chairman of the committee on resolutions in the. Peace Convention at Washington; Major Anderson; Joseph Holt, late Secretary of War; General Harney, and several others of less note. and, indeed, of the great Valley of the Mississippi below the Ohio. Itsusand persons were in attendance during the afternoon. Four stands were erected at points equidistant around Union Square; and the soiled and tattered flag that Anderson had brought away from Fort Sumter, was mounted on a fragment of its staff, and placed in the hands of the statue of Washington. The meeting was organized by the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
cuted, but no serious attack was ever attempted afterward. See statement of Surgeon Delavan Bloodgood, in the Companion to the Rebellion Record, Document 4. Mr. Bloodgood was in service on the Mohawk at that time. Let us now consider the siege of Fort Pickens. From the 18th of January, on which day Colonel Chase, the commander of the insurgents near Pensacola, demanded the surrender of Fort Pickens, and was refused, See page 172. Lieutenant Slemmer and his little garrison, like Anderson and his men in Fort Sumter, worked faithfully, in the midst of hourly perils, to strengthen the fort. Like the dwellers in Fort Sumter, they were compelled to be non-resistant while seeing formidable preparations for their destruction. The country, meanwhile, was in a state of feverish anxiety, and loyal men at the seat of Government, like Judge Holt, the Secretary of War, and General Scott, strongly urged the propriety of re-enforcing and supplying that fort. The President was averse to