Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Robert Anderson or search for Robert Anderson in all documents.

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sequences? If you mean to hold Fort Moultrie, I implore you to let the first shot come from the enemy. Burn that precept into your hearts, if you despise all else that I have written. But I would abandon it now, if demanded, putting it just as Anderson left it.--But no, it must be held, desperate as is the tenure, or we shall be called cowards. Fools may so call you — no wise man will. "It must end in a war," says one, "and we'd as well bring it on at once." It never will end in a war, if then-of-war, in attempting to enter our harbor, is brought to by the balls from our redoubts? What hinders her from turning tall, and going again to sea with her reinforcements? Will we not have opened war with the United States? And will not Major Anderson be empowered and compelled, as an officer of the United States Government, to open fire on Fort Moultrie?--And will he not do it? And can he not entirely dismantle her in 48 hours. Having completed his work, what will hinder the said man-of-
k a peaceful solution of the questions at issue between the North and the South. Entertaining this conviction, I refrained even from sending reinforcements to Maj. Anderson who commanded the forts in Charleston harbor, until an absolute necessity for doing so should make itself apparent, lest it might unjustly be regarded as a men Carolina. No necessity for these reinforcements seemed to exist. I was assured by distinguished and upright gentlemen of South Carolina that no attack upon Major Anderson was intended, but that, on the contrary, it was the desire of the State authorities, as much as it was my own, to avoid the fatal consequences which must even Orr, "commissioners" from South Carolina, and the accompanying documents and copies of my answer thereto, dated 31st December. In further explanation of Major Anderson's removal from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, it is proper to state that, after my answer to the South Carolina "commissioners," the War Department received a
Implements of War. --A large force is now employed at the Tredegar Works, in this city, in the construction of gun carriages. We are informed that Messrs. Anderson &Co. have been casting some brass field-pieces for the State of Georgia.
uitable apology for any disturbance of which he might have been the author, was discharged from detention, on motion of Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county. Mr. Staats wore a blue cockade, and applauded vociferously when the intelligence was received of the Star of the West having been fired into by the parties now in Fort Moultrie. The resolutions of Mr. Robertson, after further debate, were finally referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Robertson, Yerby, Bass, Christian, Anderson, Magrader of Albemarle, Smith of Taylor, Witten and Newton, with power to sit immediately. On motion of Mr. Kemper, the House then proceeded to the consideration of the Convention bill; the first section of which was variously amended and debated. Further debate on the Convention bill was postponed, to allow the reading of a report from the select committee. Mr. Robertson, the chairman, presented the following series of resolutions as the result of the deliberations of the commit
sea!Fort Sumter Silent.Correspondence between MajorAnderson and Gov. Pickens. approach of the Star of dence between the Governor of South Carolina and Maj. Anderson--a bearer of dispatches sent to Washington, &c.,Charleston late last night, with dispatches from Maj. Anderson to the President. He goes to Washington for ins The following is the communication he bore from Maj. Anderson: Letter from Major Anderson to GovernorPickeMajor Anderson to GovernorPickens. To His Excellency the Governor of South Carolina:Sir: Two of your batteries fired this morning on anance on my part, I am, Respectfully, yours, Robert Anderson, Major U. S. A. Reply of Gov. Pickens. "Gov. Pickens sent a letter to Major Anderson, in reply. After stating the position South Carolina holds tgn to her will. F. W. Pickens." Reply of Maj. Anderson. To His Excellency Gov. Pickens:Sir: I havTalbot, who is directed to make the journey. "Robt. Anderson." "Gov. Pickens immediately gave the
ge only informed the Senate of what it had known days before, and threw all the responsibility on the Senate. He defended South Carolina, denied that any attempt was to be made on the District of Columbia, and ridiculed the idea of turning Washington into a camp. He denied the right of executing the laws by military force, and asked if judicial proceedings were to be superceded by drumhead law? Fort Sumter had been garrisoned contrary to the plighted faith of the Government, and while Major Anderson had only used his discretionary power, the movement was an act of hostility.--He denied the right of the government to garrison the forts in a harbor when the State objected. The constitutionality of secession was argued at length. The great object of Congress, he said, should be to effect a peaceable separation, so that the Government might be reconstructed at some future day. He ridiculed the idea of a constitutional monarchy, and concluded by saying that if the North did not want pe
No sword to Major Anderson. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 9 --The Assembly today tabled a resolution giving a sword to Maj. Anderson. The resolution had formerly passed in the Senate. No sword to Major Anderson. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 9 --The Assembly today tabled a resolution giving a sword to Maj. Anderson. The resolution had formerly passed in the Senate.
The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Recollections of European Aristocracy. (search)
for 1861. --The undersigned offers his services to the public as a Hirer of Negroes for the ensuing year. His increased experience enables him confidently to promise those who engage his services, that their business will be attended to in the most satisfactory manner, and prompt returns made quarterly. References.--N. P. & T. C. Howard, Lee & Pleasants, L. R. Spiliman, John H. Guy. Attorneys at Law, Alvey & Lipscomb, Porter, Harris & Horner, Merchants, Dr. Thomas Poliard Rev. Philip B. Price, Richmond; Col. B Anderson. N. W. Miller, Dr. John Morris Dr. G. W. Harris, C. E. Pope. Jno. S. Swilt, Postmaster, John Woodson, Thos. J. Perkins, Goochland Co., Va.; J L. Crittenden, W. S. Embry, J. Joseph Downman, Fauquier Co., Va.,; Geo. Hamilton, Culpeper Co., Va W Lunsford. S. W. Skinker, James Forbes, Stafford Co., Va.; Douglas H. Gordon Fredericksburg. Va.; Col. M. M. Payne. U. S. A., Washington, D. C. Lucien Lewis. Office under Metropolitan Fall, Richmond, Va de 15--1m