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Browsing named entities in James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for S. R. Anderson or search for S. R. Anderson in all documents.

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oats, leaving many dead and wounded on the field, while the Confederate loss was but 8 killed and 32 wounded, a few of the latter belonging to the Tennessee brigade. General Whiting said: I take occasion to make my acknowledgments to Brigadier-General Anderson of Tennessee, who, arriving on the field at a critical moment to the support of General Hood, and placing two of his regiments in the fire of the enemy, courteously waived the command, although senior to us all. Soon after this affair General Anderson was relieved at his own request, and on the 23d, Col. Robert Hatton of the Seventh Tennessee was made brigadier-general. Lieut.--Col. John F. Goodner was promoted to the command of of the Seventh, Maj. John K. Howard was made lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. John A. Fite was made major. At 12:30 o'clock on the morning of May 31st, Whiting's, Hood's and Pettigrew's brigades were placed near the fork of the Nine-mile and New Bridge roads, Hatton's and Hampton's in reserve near
with distinguished ability until the end came and the banners of the Confederacy were furled forever. At the evacuation of Richmond he commanded the division of Anderson's corps, comprising the brigades of Wallace, Moody, Ransom and Wise, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina and Virginia troops; was engaged in severe fighting preceding and during the retreat, and after the battle of Sailor's Creek was ordered by General Lee to collect all the scattered forces of Anderson's and Ewell's commands. In 1866 he resumed his favorite occupation, that of a teacher, and served as professor of engineering, mechanics and natural philosophy in the Western militaryhe brigade of Gen. S. R. Anderson was ordered to report to General Loring in northwest Virginia. He served in the Cheat Mountain campaign, and was sent with General Anderson's command to join Gen. Stonewall Jackson at Winchester, Va., in December, 1861. His regiment was part of the force with which Jackson marched against Bath,