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The Daily Dispatch: November 4, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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old to day at 131½@132¼, mostly at 131½@132. Silver is in demand at 125@128. Old demand no have gone up to 127½@128. Foreige exchange has not been active, most of the drawers of sterling asked 145½@146 for 60 day bills, but this was above the views of buyers. We quote: Bills at 60 days on London 14½@14½ for documentary;143½@141½ for commercial; 14½@145½ for bankers' with some asking 146; do, at short sight 145 ½@146¼ Paris at 60 days 3,96@8,85; do. at short sight sight 3,85@ 3,82;½; Antwerp. 3,92@3,87½; Swiss 3,87½@3,85; Hamburg 47½ @48½ Amsterdam 54½@55½, Frankfort 55½@56; Bremen 103@ 105; Prussian thalers 96@98. The stock market was a little unsettled, and some descriptions made a decided turn downward, but there was a stronger market late in the afternoon. The total receipts to-day at the sub-treasury were $232,717 35; total payments $881,237 84; leaving a balance on hand in specie and demand notes of $5,365,001 40. The receipts for duties to-day a
Ran away. --A negro man named Reuben, aged 33 years. He is a mulatto, with full face, large, bushy whiskers, a little gray, pleasant countenance stout built, and about 5 feet 8 inches high. He was bought from a Mr. Quinland, of Staunton, Va., some twelve years since; is a tailor by trade, and very intelligent. I will give a reward of one hundred and fifty dollars if confined in any jail out of the State. [no 4--1t*] G. V. Antwerp.